Entering a Company From Another World!?

245 Sometimes, unexpectedly and easily, anxiety is resolved.

At first, it was a dance practice that I thought we were going to practice with the testers.

"What can amateurs do?"

With the thankful words of the supervisor who cut me off, I decided to beg the instructors again to teach me dance.

Instructor Fusio supervised the south, where he was the worst dancer, while instructor Kio was in Amelia, where he was the best dancer.

And under certain circumstances, I'm going to have a supervisor.

Now, if you ask me what about the remaining three, Tate will take care of them.

She could dance on both the male and female sides, and it seemed to her that she taught the supervisor to dance.

In the sense of teaching dance, she is the most suitable one.

There is no one in this party who thinks it will be okay for such an assignment, or who thinks it will be easy because there are three of us.

Rather, there are men who are alert to what kind of sparta is coming.

And finally, dance practice started.

Hundreds of hearings are as good as they seem.

At first I was nervous about what kind of failure I would make....

I seem to enjoy this time more than I thought.

Next move, right foot forward.


Because music moves naturally, my red hair sways on my side, thinking that a light step is like this.

And the body temperature felt over the cloth of the wobbly hair owner.

While keeping it close and feeling its softness with its warmth, my body follows the sharp voice while feeling the unique sweetness of women.

In the middle of the dance hall, in line with the elegant music, I will take the first steps I learned so that I can turn my hand around the conductor's waist and lead her.

It's pretty good.

She smiles and waits for my lead to pass the move.

"Because it's good to teach."

"Fu, then I won't give instructions for the next song. Lead the way."

I thought I'd be thrilled by the superintendent's graceful smile, which I could see very close.

"Do as I say."

The early-bell of the heart is in the back.

Nature and my mouth speak such words, and I increase my rhythm with songs that have become a little upbeat from quiet songs.

How many songs are there in this song?

In the afternoon, I began to adapt to the confused dance and the steps I had taken many times, so that I could make my own trials and mistakes.

The first tension I had left the moment I thought it would be easier than fighting.

The spare thought easily mastered the dance steps so that the sponge sucked water.

I was surprised at my unexpected talent for dancing.

This is how I spent my dance practice with the superintendent after the superintendent gave me my pass score earlier than I thought.

"Eh, let me out right."

Next, on the left.

"Hmm, I don't know why. That's why I have to deal with my selfish opponents first!!

Kakaka, don't you like the skeletons I adjusted? I've prepared a pretty beautiful skeleton. "

"It's hard to understand the beautiful skeleton!!

In addition, I've given you a physical attack reflex technique so you don't have to step on your feet.

"Isn't that why!? When I stepped on my foot just now, my feet hurt."

Painless lessons don't make sense.

Nearby, dance partners have a strange sight of skeletons in tuxedo, with instructor Fusio overseeing it.

"Hahahahaha!! What a nice dance!!

"Yes!! I'm having fun too!

Teachers Amelia and Kio dance a little intensely as soon as the tune turns into upbeat, and the look seems quite pleasant.

"Yes, right, right, then left."


"I feel like I'm late, so I'll step on my feet again. Do you want to be disappointed by your daughters? Please concentrate."


Contrary to this bright atmosphere, Kaido is instructed to dance by Tate, a maid of clothes, with Spartan instruction.

The hall, where Ms. Tate led the dance and controlled the movement, was desperately trying to keep up with her movements.

"I can't afford to make extra remarks, I hate men who make extra remarks while dancing."

"I'm sorry."

The supervisor seemed to be looking forward to seeing such a situation with a slight gap, and caution was taken quickly.

What concerns me is not the three sets that are somehow going well, but the other one.

Are you worried?

"... yeah"

"What, don't worry. Tate is good at saying that. Leave it to him."

The Superintendent, who understands such a concern, has a bitter smile on his face and helps me discreetly with my mistakes in movement.

"You care about other things, but you care about yourself for that. Fix it."

"That much?

What worries me is the combination of Kitami and Katsushi.

Kitami showed a little jealousy at Katsu, who reacted as a man to a transformed figure like Cinderella in the south.

Troubles between men and women get worse if left alone.

I've seen such past cases several times, and I feel a little anxious.

I'm sure they'll be fine, but I'm still worried we'll have to prevent them.

Probably because it is about Kitami, there is no hindrance to practice, but I saw a small lump born this time and thought that it would resonate in the future cooperation.

The supervisor, who saw through the worry, told me to trust the people I had prepared and to concentrate on myself.

"It's not bad. It can be positive that such actions can be taken backwards. But you're still immature. It doesn't work perfectly. The recoil is your burden."

The conversation between me and the director, which would confuse me with the music, was like a secret meeting between a man and a woman of nobility.

"Normally, there is no problem. However, now you are attracting enough attention in the Demon King army to call it an anomaly. The more attention is paid to humans, the more the brave are counted. And the emotions that are directed at them, whether they be good or bad."

And the contents of the meeting are not just sweet, but also bitter.

The Superintendent is taking advantage of this intimate time to let me and my party members know where to stand.

The apparent reason for this training.

There is no mistake in training us to be executive candidates.

Training to provide knowledge and skills for this purpose.

But every time a supervisor or instructor moves, it's not just for face-to-face reasons.

The reason behind it also existed firmly.

Being a teacher in a training setting allows you to set up a place to talk to specific people without anyone knowing about it.

Without such cumbersome procedures, you might think it would be better to meet in a special room without anyone knowing, but it is often understood that you are doing something instead of leaking information.

Also, the employees in the former room are members prepared by the supervisor, but not all of them can be trusted.

Even if the wash is done, there are many ways to lurk through the wash.

I don't know where my eyes and ears are.

If the leader of the Demon King Army is persuading us of the dangers of our position in such an environment, the opposite is likely to happen to us.

It's just that you're blinded, but you should avoid more risks than you need to.

This is known not only to me but also to the party members.

It was the role of the supervisors to do such a thing during the training.

And in that danger, it's dangerous to circle around.

"At the top, we are careful about our relationship with Japan. It's clear to everyone that you're the key."

That's why I'm here.

It seems that the New Year affects me more than I imagined.

From one direction, I could be a golden tree or a bomb that would wield destruction.

I can't help but be careful how I treat it, which can be both medicine and poison.

Or it's not strange for someone who thinks you're disturbing me.

"I don't like it when you're in that position."

I put Kurli and the spinning superintendent in my arms, and as the dance continues, I listen to the superintendent's explanation.

"We have our eyes shining, but it's not always perfect. Watch your back."

I feel like my treatment is progressing in an incredible direction.

It may be good to improve your position in the sense that you are born as a salaryman.

However, as a human being, there is a cold sweat that enemies are forming without the knowledge of the surrounding area.

While doing so, the song ends and the dance ends slowly.

I also had dinner here because I had a mannering session at the stand-up party with the dance.

How many hours have you been dancing?

I'm not physically tired, but my nerves are diminishing as I have this conversation.

I will make progress.


Still, I think we should try. I replied as usual, but I didn't get the positive word from the usual superintendent that we should.

I thought I'd add a few words to see if I could do more than I've ever done before.

"It may sound strange to me, but you need to relax a little."

"What about it?"

But the word that came out of the superintendent was a word of relaxation.

I personally intend to be sufficiently relaxed.

The public and the private are separated, taking a break, taking their own time.

Recently, it has been healed by Suela, Memoria, and Himiku.

And I'm going for a drink with the instructors.

I am aware that I am breathing more than average.

I wonder if I can relax, but I'm going to tell the superintendent that I'm resting.

But in good time, the next song was streamed, and she pulled her arm and made the flow until she danced slowly.

"Unconscious. Well, I guess so. I don't mind trying hard and being uplifted. But sometimes you have to rely on it."

And the superintendent's expression was calm.

The Superintendent, who used to look at me as worthy of saying it because of you, continued.

"Because you can do it, you're extending your scope too much. The ratio between the range left to others and the range I compensate for is too skewed. Even the Demon King cannot do everything in his power. You take care of your people, but trying to do everything yourself is like saying you don't trust them."

It's a word that tells you whether you're aware of it, but I know you're not denying my behavior.

I was leading, but now I'm dancing with the Superintendent's lead.

He's with me.

"Are you with me?

There is a boss who tells me about his experience.

"Oh, I used to think I had to do everything alone."

But it's rare that they talk about failure.

"I couldn't do anything, that's why I stopped relying on others to carry everything and do it myself while I was trying to do everything I could."

The superintendent talks slowly and I listen to it.

"Jiro, I know only what I can do alone. You can't do it all by yourself."

One step at a time, the superintendent's words are spinned, and the spinned words are in my ear.

Magnificent music and glorious light now seemed like decorations to the director.

Even dancing. You can dance alone, but it lacks colour. The movement is clean and may reflect the efforts of the person, but the figure looks very fragile. "

The supervisor who leads me slowly.

I was at the mercy of the movement, but I would dance along the lead to the movement of the director.

"Yes, that's fine."

The supervisor, who opened his eyes for a moment to the move, smiled and danced.

Stepping forward, sometimes holding the supervisor, walking around and dancing in costumes.

Dancing with an unprecedented sense of unity so that you can breathe together and understand what the other person is thinking tells me something.

I don't have time to think about what it is, I try to feel the other person.

So it's not practice, it's not lectures.

It's like a real social atmosphere where a song ends in an instant.

"Believe in the supporters, Jiro, that is the measure of those who stand up."

And as if the temporary encounter were over, today's lecture is just as eloquent as ever, and the supervisor is out of my hands.

I looked at her back and saw her off without knowing what to do.

One word today.

Sometimes it's easier to overcome a bad consciousness.