Entering a Company From Another World!?

Don't miss out on 265 changes.

"Senpai Senpai"

"What? Kaido"

"Nan-chan, what happened? Kitami-chan and I have been strangely close lately."

"Well, there was a lot going on."

"No, all kinds of things? It's going to be quite a date, but I just don't feel comfortable seeing Minami-chan holding a fashion magazine...."

"I'll compliment you for what you said in a small voice, but I won't be able to help you later."

Our daily routine restored calm once and for all.

Katsumoto's mental instability still needs attention, but he seems confident by experiencing a wide variety of occupations and has stabilized for now.

Along with that, it is likely that the Minami and Kitami Shrines began to care about the victory.

It's just...

"Ah, Minami-san, do you think this is good?

"Mmm, it may be cute, but is it 30,000 yen per dress... I have to buy it... this month's event, but is it a necessary expense?

"You're making a lot of money, too. But, well, that's the taller one, but that's all you'll get if you put it all together. I mean, what have you ever done with your clothes?

"I'm buying a cheap mannequin. This will never come off."

"I'm not mistaken, but as a woman, what about that?"

"I don't buy much clothes, either, Ked, it's a chot."

Instead, I recently started to see a new sight of the North Palace reading fashion magazines and giving fashion advice.

Normally, the North Shrine and the South would collide a little bit more, but lately, the sight has hardly been seen.

Amelia and the Kitami Shrine, mainly in the south, turned away from a non-feminine conversation called dungeon talks and followed the recent fashion. It's a very old conversation.

You can grab the fashion magazine that Kitami would have brought in, and look at Kitami as if it was stunned to the south.

There must have been some clothes that I thought were cute while looking at it.

Amelia points to a page and roars south again.

Win watching the scene from the kitchen.

From the day I declared that I would drop it, the south began to care about dressing up for now.

The body shape seems to be fine thanks to the daily dungeon attack, but she was completely indifferent to makeup and clothing.

As I have said many times in the past, the materials are good in the south.

It changes when you dress up.

This was proven during the dance practice in the last training.

Normally it was too sluggish and only minimally dressed.

Looks like you're trying to change that this time.

I heard that the results were steady and that they were numbered when I took him south from Kitamiya and went shopping.

It would have been correct to check the safety without touching the south where Doya's face was behind it.

Katsushi is responding to the change in victory, but I often witness it as there seems to be more contact between Kitami and the south.

"Well, that sounds fine... but what are you doing?

"Is this it? Prepare for second-year orientation. Somehow there's a lot to do."

It's good to be able to see the sight with peace of mind, but you can't just watch it.

I'm not just a social worker, I also have a good job.

After hearing how they were changing, Kaido became interested in what I was making on my computer.

And I told Kaido about the second-year students.

That means we can have a new junior in the dungeon tester.

Time really flows fast.

The ashes of the cigarette that just lit the fire quickly flowed away.

It's almost a year since the dungeon tester started.

It must be said that the days of anger passed quickly.

It's a lot less than the number of people who were there at first.

The current situation is that all the people present are familiar with each other.

Dungeon tactics are quite inefficient. In order to break the situation, it was decided to join Tester's second-year students.

The story itself seems to have been moving for a long time, but there have been some rebellions and overseas movements, and the schedule has been much delayed.

Still, I finally got here.

Hee, senpai will do it?

"It would be better to listen to him who is experiencing it. I'll get you out too."

This time, it seems like the company is putting a lot of effort into avoiding rapid retirement like a first-year student.

It seems that we are also reviewing the support system.

I just asked Suela about the outline, but she said she'd come up with something about the armoury store in the underground facility.

However, I heard from Suela that there was an opinion that too much support would reduce the accuracy of the dungeon test, or that the key reduction was in a state of searching.

In addition, we are planning to fill the gap between imagination and reality like we did for the rest of our lives by adding the survival stories of our dungeon testers.

Even here, there is nothing to complain about because there are fewer students who tend to dream, so there is nothing to complain about this paperwork or the role of the instructor on the day.

Wow! Well, it looks like the other parties are looking forward to replenishing their staff too.

Fortunately, we can secure the manpower.

Kaido himself seems to be on board, so it would be very helpful for us.

"A party without avant-garde seems to be stalled by a lot of dungeon tactics. Even with the avant-garde fire, it's been stuck lately. I'm sure you'd like to secure your strength here."

And the story of this second-year student is quite a topic of discussion within the company.

Rumor has it we have succeeded in securing a tester with considerable magical aptitude.

It's not out of the realm of rumors, but it's a credible story if Suela doesn't deny it.

"There are rumors that ten people of magical aptitude will come. Senpai's records could be broken."

"I'm not going to lose so easily, but I'll try to be honest with you if you bring me that many people. Well, I guess we should keep our temper together. If I lose to someone from behind, I can't stand up."

I can't laugh away the rumors of Kaido while there is a real example of my mother.

There's a slight possibility, and if we're looking for it, we might find it.

It would be nice to go back to the beginning and rejuvenate.

It would be nice to reduce the work burden, but I have the pride that I have built up in a short period of time.

I can't show you how pathetic I am.

"Don't you have data on who joins the company? Come on, you're gonna be working with us."

"I'm not sure yet. That's right, because of privacy, we don't have important documents around here. Some information will be disclosed if you enter the training, but the details will be available once you have officially joined the company."

That's right.


"What's going on?

The information of the second-year students shaken from Kaido is what other testers want so much from their throats.

Anyway, I was told that Kanazaki, who is partying with only a woman and Fumiaki, who is working in a combi, has the only position because of the recent smell of ramping.

The answer is the same as Kaido, but from my point of view, it was unusual for Kaido to be convinced lightly.

"No, I always thought it would be nice to have a cute kid..."

Even at the previous company, Kaido talked a lot about whether it was cute when she found out that the child who would join the company was a woman.

At that time, I was too busy with my job, and I was judging whether or not I could do it. I heard half of Kaido's stories, but I remember being dismayed by rumors of women joining the company.



"I think about it."

"So what happened?"

"If you're a good kid, it's fine."

"What happened to you?"

In such a way, Kaido talks to me with a gentle look as if he had opened his mind.

"Recently, Amiri has said the same thing, but I'm glad that Sik and Mik are going to say hello with a smile. I haven't found the answer yet, but I'm going to keep the relationship clean until it's settled between me and these girls."

Apparently, Amiri and Himiku's sisters were often together, and the mood changed in the hall.

It's dangerous what I'm saying, but I can't talk about people either, so I've finished this story.


"I didn't expect this year to come to celebrate Valentine's Day with such peace of mind!

"... I'm relieved to see that reaction."

Although I am impressed that Kaido thinks a lot of things, I quickly turn around and return to my original Kaido. I smile bitterly and smoke into my mouth.

"It's not Christmas or New Year's. Valentine's Day is just a weekday for the cattle of the Black Company!! I can spend this year as a winner!!

The great victory and the ascending kaido dance with real joy.

When the women looked at the hall of the reaction, they immediately returned to fashion magazine thinking that it would be as usual.

If you look at a nearby calendar, you can see that Valentine's Day is coming up.

"If only they knew Valentine's Day."

I don't think so, but just to be careful, when I said the meaning of putting nails in the hall, it hardened.

"... you"

"It's okay!! I'm sure you know! I've been watching TV a lot lately!

You can't tell such stories from a man, so you can't tell them.

That's why I'm saying it's okay, but it's like it's reassuring me.

"Well, as a minimum, you'll get it from the women at our party."

"That's right!!

"... if you don't forget"

"Senpai, did you say something?

"No, it's nothing. Speaking of which, Kaido, what happened to the correction of the report I gave you earlier?


"I like to think about it, but do your job."


I am delighted and enjoying such tranquillity, but this tranquility is also temporary.

I remember what Suela told me yesterday at dinner.

"I want to live in peace."

It is recovering from civil unrest, but unlike last year, it is difficult to say the status quo.

And the number of incidents that were triggered by what I thought were tablets.

Both Suela and Evia were trying to do their best, but we couldn't predict all the trouble.

General Seven also lacks a corner, starting from a different situation than last year.

There will definitely be one or two disruptions when second-year students join in such a situation.

"No, it was a big event for me to be a father first."

"Hmm? Did I say something, senpai?

"I told you it was going to be a tough year."

That's right!

The Kaido, with its instantaneous expression, smiles and agrees to blow away the anxiety afterwards.

I thought something hasty was about to start again this year, but, well, we'll figure it out.

Another side


That's what I've seen since I was a kid. [M]

The sun is strong and a single source of water is important.

Fight daily hunger.

I ran hard to fill your little brother and sister up a little. [M]

When I was a kid, I told people to give me money to go.

As I grew up, I tried my best to find a job and take care of my younger brothers for a small wage.

But the reality is cruel and harsh.

I can't take care of my brothers with the money I've earned. [M]

Though I am worried that my younger brothers will one day do nothing, I can only rely on a small sum of money from our warriors.

But finally, the day came when I was afraid.

One of my younger brothers got a fever.

I have a fever high enough to know that it is a very bad disease.

I can't go to the hospital.

All I can do is hydrate him and feed him a little.

My weakening brother had nothing more I could do. [M]

Oh, God, please help my brother.

I don't care what happens.

So help my brother.

I just have to pray.

I can only pray.

I prayed all the time except at work and when I was taking care of my brother. [M]

God, please help me.

I kept praying.

Okay, that's a wish. I heard everything. "

Was the voice hallucinating or did you go crazy again? [M]

But the voice that resonated firmly in his head remained in his ear, and his brother was wrapped in light, and when the light subsided in a few seconds, there was a younger brother who turned into a gentle sleep.

The moment I thought I was saved, the moment I found out it was a miracle.

I thanked God again. [M]

Son loved by the sun. Thou art blessed.

This was the meeting between me and God.

Another side End

One word today.

You have to be careful when replacing people.