Entering a Company From Another World!?

352 To do something, you have to start something.

The time limit is 120 hours.

After that, the minute and a second, Suela's life will continue to be in danger.

No, I'm still being exposed.

It's only time to help Suela.

The doctor's time limit for safe treatment, it was also the time limit to help me and Suela's child.


The hour passed, and the remaining time was short of forty-eight hours.

Three days of grace was exhausted, and the results obtained therein were zero.

No matter how many books, tens, hundreds, thousands.

The amount of characters I've read in my life, the amount of characters that will probably be the most in the past.

A repository named Knowledge of the Wise in Amelia.

The book itself is a substitute for the concept of knowledge embodied in an object called a book.

Compared to a book, it is correct, and there is a difference in strength between paper and iron.

That's why you won't have to worry if you flip the page while benefiting from the acceleration of the Spirit of Spacetime, Valus.

Naming space-time is not a day, but my time in my physical senses accelerates, collecting knowledge with the momentum my body gathers.


Amelia said that in my vision, Pelapella and I follow characters at the speed reading level, but from your perspective, it only seems to classify books with the momentum to leave even a residual image.

The momentum slows down.

It's time, contractor.

"... I see."


My body feels visibly slower and the recoil makes my body so heavy that it can be said to be abnormal.

At first, I was confused and anxious, but while I was doing it over and over again, the cycle was complete and I was not confused.

Amelia, please.


So I suppressed my anxiety and just asked Amelia to do the next thing.


I'm sorry, Memoria.

It was Memoria who was reading the book that welcomed me out of the Sage's library, guided by Amelia's cheerless voice.

When she realized we were back, she immediately left the book and came to me.


"Oh, and wake me up in two hours."


That's all we talk about.

It was reported that the first day was not good, and in what direction we would challenge it this time, but as time went by, the conversation decreased to reduce each other's time.

It's not good, I know that.

But neither I nor Memoria understood that and settled into this stance.

A break space in the corner of the party room.

Amelia, please.

"Thank you!

And Amelia and I drank the magic potion from Memoria.

A taste that adds a slight bitter taste to the energy drink spreads into the mouth, creating a feeling of wrinkling and accumulation at the bottom of the stomach.

Turn your face slightly and receive the next magic potion offered.

One Amelia is enough, but I have to drink a dozen at a time.

I'm going to have a pretty bad stomach situation, but this is all I need to summon Mr. Valls in a row in the Sage's library, and there's no other way to recover at once.


No matter how strong the body is with magic crests, it is not compatible with eating.

Even if it's magically filled, the feeling of drinking too much is irritating.

He forced his nausea down and slowly lay next to where Memoria was reading the book.

"Good work, rest now"

"Thank you."

To hold my hand gently, I was forced to suppress my anxiety and endured the fear that the time would shrink instantly. I was relieved to close my eyelids.

If you do not recover in two hours, it is difficult to fully use the next 22 hours.

Even so, Mr. Valls' acceleration of time has caused him a lot of fatigue.

If I hadn't rested, I would have been exhausted and down a long time ago.

At that time, I was hoping there would be room for Mr. Valls, but there was nothing there in the first place.

It seems like we can deploy it, but if we do so, it will wreak havoc on Amelia's spirit.

If that happens, the Sage's library will disappear.

In a double sense, you can't do that.

Then I'll have to do my best.


Slightly colder on the right hand, but while definitely feeling the presence of a memory, I try to sleep, but I don't fall asleep right away.

Relax with your eyes, relax, and relax in a simple bed that is lying down.

But in my head, I was reflecting on how to help Suela.

Baby Drain.

The principle is that when a child grows up to some extent and his or her body starts to stabilize, he or she begins to want magic other than nutrition.

The moment the Magic Proper is confirmed, it occurs.

Because it is said that magic can only be received from the mother through the cord, there are cases where both the mother and child are exposed to danger depending on the amount of magic of the mother.

The status quo of Suela is that she is in a dangerous state because of the high magic aptitude of the twins.


Rationally, there is a tank that holds one piece of water.

The tank is Suela, and the hose supplied with water from the outside is magical.

Water is consumed in a magical way, but recovers by being fed.

And unlike us Earthlings, the aliens, Suela, are in danger of losing their magic.

This is said to be because magic and magic are the source of life.

We, Earthlings, are presumed to be a species that has evolved to live without its magic.

Researchers at the Demon King Army thought that I and Kaido had the magic right to be remnants of it.

Magic propriety that does not use deteriorates, and polarization is said to result in high propriety to adapt to harsh environments because it is a case that is no longer available, and vice versa.

The story goes back, so unlike us who can survive in a zero-magic environment, without magic, Suela and the Demon King army begin to suffer from malnutrition and debilitation after a long period of time, even in humanoid species such as instant death and dark elves, depending on the species.


The more you think about it, the more drowsiness you feel, but this is how your body recovers to a certain extent when you rest.

The healing potion I drank after the magic potion also helped me recover from physical fatigue.

So keep thinking.

In Suela's situation, another hose is attached to the water tank, and the tip is branched.

The hose is thicker and has a higher flow rate than the supplied hose.

And there is no other way to supply it.

Naturally, in such an environment, the water is bottomed out, and even if it is refilled, all is sucked up by the hose.

In order to improve this environment, we need to increase the magic that can be supplied to Suela in a simple way.

However, since this method depends on magic appropriateness, it is not an easy method to improve.

It's a rare case like the one I went up to.

Increasing your magic savings doesn't make sense unless you increase this supply.

Create another source.

If you can use a method other than the magic crest to supply magic, the source will be two, and the increased source can adjust the magic amount here.


Does Suera's body hold up.....

Increasing the flow rate more than usual may exceed the amount of water stored in the tank.

If you use the magic crest path, the path will collapse, and if you pour a large amount into another path, you will experience more flow than you would normally enter, placing a greater burden on nature and the body.

Do you want to reinforce your body, or use another method to assist Suela's body, or use an exquisite feeling of flow.

The ideal is to form a line that can supply magic directly to the child.

I am fishing for a wise man's library to see if there is another way, but I have little knowledge of childbirth.

There is, but there is only what seems to be in the wisdom bag.

Gradually, we are fishing for all the magic books.

While thinking about that, fatigue gradually adds up to drowsiness.

Leave yourself to that slumber and drop consciousness.


And then I came back to the Sage's library with memory and tiredness.

The knowledge sought remains unchanged.

I find a shelf of knowledge of the recovery system and focus on it, but I accumulate more and more knowledge of surgery and medicine.

How to deal with injuries in the event of a fracture or bleeding, medicines like Chinese medicine for diseases and visceral system.

I will look through if there is any useful knowledge, but it is different from what I am looking for.

Put the book you've seen back on the shelf, and you'll see the title when you take the next book.

"Mine Tree Champion"

It was written in the language of another world.

I saw it and it came off.

I thought so. I tried to put it back on the shelf, but my hands stopped tightly.

The Ore Tree can connect with me and produce high purity magic.

It circulates magic and once it flows magic to the ore tree itself, increasing its purity.

If so, can't it be used as a new magic bypass?

The moment that thought came out, my hand opened the book and my eyes followed the string.

To think calmly, I myself, the ecology of the ore tree, was the only thing I had to ask when I first bought it.

A presence that combines minerals and plants.

The more time it takes, the more pure the metal it produces.

It can also be a material for the Holy Sword.

That's all I know, but the more I use it, the more mysterious it is to this tree.

My buddy is getting all wound up, connected to my body, and eventually taking in the bones of a dragon.

Perhaps that's where the solution lies, and I'm going to read the page.

And the rest of the pages were getting smaller and smaller, and I gave up thinking that it was no good.


The glance stopped in one item.

"Regarding the Magic Circulation by the Mineral Tree"

That's a lot of mineral tree history.

Among them was the genealogy of the evolution of the ore tree, which was a rare case.

This ore tree was shaped like a cane and supported the magic of its user.

Then, it is an external magic tank that accumulates more than twice the magic of the person in charge and was responsible for assisting in the battle.


That alone will not solve the problem.

I thought if the supply route crossed the magic crest, but the more I read it, the better it looked.

"... a wizard painting?

There was an illustration with a picture of the user, and the cane in his hand was wrapped around his arm like me.

There are many places in common.

Then find the wizard's comments.

The staff of the ore tree accompanied me for many years, it was the second source of magic for me, and when my magic ran out, the ore tree gave me its own magic. It was a high-purity magic dyed to suit me, and my empty body was instantly moisturized with magic. "

The second source of magic, that is, another source of magic that does not pass through the magic crest?

I would like to know more about it.

"I lost my right arm and left foot in the battle. We will not be able to put ourselves on the battlefield any longer. Then I entrust this technique to the reverse. I'm sure it will help us fight the demon king."

Halfway through, it was like the history of the owner of the ore tree, but if you persevere and keep reading, you turn to the next page to see if it finally contains knowledge about the ore tree.

"Is this a magic team? No, the engraving?

It appears to be a magical formation with mathematical diagrams.

Even if I look at it, I don't understand the contents.

I don't know how long it takes to understand.

Then the diagram skips reading and turns the page further.

The greatest weakness of our wizards is that magic bottoms out, which is an inevitable fate for no matter how powerful magic is. Then we can escape the fate by using this ore tree to create a pseudo-magic storage. "

It contains a diagram explaining how it is used and how to use it.

Engrave the magic crest on the ore tree itself, and absorb the magic in the ore tree. It can circulate its absorbed magic in its own body, produce high-purity magic, and combine it with the absorption of its own magic crest to achieve twice the amount of normal magic and no more healing. "

And finally, the words I was looking for came out.

This is it!

With conviction, suppress the excitement running into your spine.

Combined with his magic crest, the mineral tree's path is another source of magic.

If this is the case, I will try to read more details while thinking that I should prepare mine trees.

But when all the methods were finished, the last words were written as if someone else had added them.

The staff of Adsael Garmel, the great wise man, has never been produced. It may be possible to connect with a mineral tree, but the way to bring it into that state has not yet been clarified, and several researchers have challenged it. We pay tribute to what happened, and we call this wand Adsael's wand. "

That is, it is impossible to produce this wand.


"What happens to my mine?

I have it with me.

Swords and canes are different shapes, but I think their abilities are the same.

If only we could engrave this stamp and the magic crest that matches the ore tree.

"There's a chance you'll be saved."

If there is a god, I will thank you.

At that time, at that moment, you turned me around with the ore tree.

"Well, then, all we have to do is bet on it."

There was no time to lose. I didn't hesitate to draw the magic team and take notes.

One word today.

The impossible is not over without starting the first step.