Entering a Company From Another World!?

370 The dust will eventually be scratched

The night Mr Muir brought Suela's discharge gift seemed difficult.

Even though you can't even drink or sing or make a fuss, Mr. Moyle always talks with a smile and joy.

The contents of the story vary, and Suela's childhood story makes her panic.

He gave me a lot of advice to decide on the names of the twins.

"Is Mr. Moyle still awake?

"It's about your grandfather, he may still be awake, but he said it's early tomorrow, so he must have fallen asleep."

The night feels quieter than usual, as if the storm had passed.

It's been a long time since I slept in Suela's bedroom with the four of us.

Put on your bedtime clothes and the lights are still on.

I put my hand lightly on the crib handrail and spoke to Suela, who broke her hair with a comb behind her.

When asked about Muir's situation, which is why she felt quiet, Suela replies with a bitter smile.

Mr Muir's behavior was so impressive.

Suela and I look back on that.

"You're a really healthy man."

"Yes, but I heard from my mother that she was so happy when I was born."

Muir was desperately trying to tell his children that he was his great-grandfather in the voice of Neconade, but he couldn't recognize him because he hated him and his baby was a month old.

Instead, I realized that it was an unknown existence, and the children all burst into tears, but there was no sense of haste or war, and calmly summoned the little spirits to heal me.

In the new American parents, it's a trick that doesn't come true even if you stand up.

At the end of the day, you will be given a gentle sermon.

"When I looked at Mr. Moyle, I realized that I had become a parent, but I didn't think I could just feel it."

"That's right. Me too."

I couldn't understand what I was looking for from crying, whether I wanted to heal my child or change my pee.

I was going to prepare in advance, but my children will go on top of that preparation.

Mr. Moyle laughed at me and Suela as they waved at me.

"I'm convinced we're going to grow up as parents, just like our kids."

If I could change the pee somehow, I'd slap my shoulder relieved and say I grew up with a smile, I'd be sure.

"Until Grandpa told me that parents were not the final touchpoint, but rather the beginning, life with these children would be difficult, but I thought I could do something about it."

It seemed like Suela was also feeling it, finishing her hair and peeking at our children who slept in the crib together.

"Sachiela, Yukiela"

And with love, she calls her daughters names.

The name of the black-haired daughter is Satchella.

Her silver-haired daughter's name was Yukiela.

It became like a Japanese-Western compromise, but me and Suela like it.

The name brought from the kanji meaning happiness, both sachi and yuki.

The word Ella is an ancient word of the Dark Elves, meaning trees.

I want you to grow up happy.

The names of the daughters who were connected in the name of the world between the Japanese me and the alien Suela.

Just wishing for it, me and Suela gave their daughters that name.

Naturally, my hands are on her shoulders, and Suela leaves her to me.

And I was supposed to fall asleep.


It feels like tingling around the back neck.

It feels good in the dungeon.

Hostility, killing, malice, whatever you say, but what we have in common is feeling that feeling, that something bad happens.

"What's the matter?

Suddenly I get serious and ask Suela what happened to my behavior, looking around, and I can only tell her sensory things.

"No, I have a strange feeling."

There are many cases where people are denied words and behaviors such as caring or saying strange things.

However, the story is different in a world where magic, a paranormal phenomenon, thrives.


With her eyes closed, Suela quickly practiced her magic and was careful to explore the surroundings.

"I don't see any particularly suspicious magic or signs."

You took a serious look at something like my guess and told me that.

That fact seemed to lead to the answer that my feelings were due to cares, but I still can't wipe out the unpleasant feelings, so I try to find the source.

"... outside?

And somehow, I felt that it was outside, not inside the company, so I gently approached the window.

The windows in the room have a special structure that plugs in light such as sunlight, but the inside is invisible from the outside.

But you can see from the inside out against that.

Turn over the curtains and look out.

The landscape seen in front is unchanged.

There are no strange things about the surrounding lights as well as the house lights and street lights.

I thought it was really because of my concern, but I looked down at the end.

"Truck? Why are you at such a time?"

One medium-sized truck stopped on the road in front of the company entrance and five large wagons lined up in a row were also seen.

As I said before, there is still time until the date changes, but it is not strange for people who are still asleep.

I didn't hear about bringing in materials, and it's strange to do this at such a time.

It's a strange group to say it's suspicious.

I thought it was incomprehensible, and when I focused my magic on my eyes and tried to look far away, a white presence came out of the wagon car.

White means exactly what you say.

Covered with a white cloth like a robe, I can't tell from a distance whether it is a man or a woman.

Then one person and one person descend.

"Jiro? Anything wrong?

"Oh, something's wrong."

Looking out the window all the time, I thought something was wrong, invited Suela and showed her the view.

One more person, one more person, doing something around the truck.

It's not on company premises, but it looks creepy from its appearance.

"What do you think you're doing?

"I don't know. However, the company is covered in boundaries and there is no way we can break in, and I'm sure you won't have to worry, but please contact the guards."

Though I wished there was nothing, I didn't think it would be good if something happened.

It happens as Suela keeps in touch with the security department.

The truck's carrier glowed.


The emission phenomenon is familiar, and I know what happened.

"Did you close the line!?

Boundaries unfolded in a way that covers the entire company.

And the white presence removed the cloth that was covered.

"Is that... an angel!?

I can't suppress the surprise by seeing the impossible from next to next.

Why are there angels outside the company?

Why do angels come at such a time?

While the question arose as to why, the group of suspects did not wait.

It was dark and I didn't see it well, but there were three people carrying a cylindrical thing on their shoulders.

I couldn't understand what it was.

Because I've never seen the real thing before.

If the military had a familiar presence, this would have happened with excitement.

A rocket launcher for anti-tanks.

Soon after stopping, a fire sprays from behind the barrel and something pops out from the tip of the barrel.

And the jumped object flew to the front door of the company.


The object instantly realized something. I jumped aggressively to Suela and lay down on the floor.

The sound of a big explosion resonates in your ear.

"" Oyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

"... what the hell is going on?

A big shake on the building.

It's not a disaster, it's an artificial act.

Terrorism is a word in my head, but more accurate words are in my head.

Raid! Suela, get the kids. "

And a siren echoes through the room as if to affirm my words.

In addition to that loud sound, the cries of Sachiela and Yukiela grow louder.

"Memoria! Himiku!

It's not just that.

Understand that much and raise your voice to wake the three of you who are asleep.

Jiro, what was that noise?

My son-in-law, what the hell is going on?

But there's no need for that.

Memoria, Himiku, and Moyle came out of the room in a well-awakened state.

"I don't know. All I know is that someone attacked me."

I don't know the details of what's going on, and I know you shouldn't rush, but I feel anxious.

"An emergency situation occurred, an emergency situation occurred, and some of the front junction was damaged. It seems that someone broke in. Security should take immediate action and non-combatants should evacuate to the evacuation shelter. I repeat.


As if to push the rush, the emergency is communicated quickly, but with a clear voice.

I have only one idea of the existence to attack the Demon King army.

"No way."

"... I don't think so."

Memoria was surprised that her presence had invaded the company, and Moyle frowned while accepting reality.

"In the meantime, let's move to a safe place where we can't stay long."

We cannot accept those two words while fighting dangerous organizations with bare hands without equipment.

Work on the minimum necessary preparations.

"Ah, Lord."

And as I was preparing to leave the room, Himiku, who had been silent for so long, called out to me.

"What's wrong?

That face is chopped.

Your face also looks pale and frightened.

"Are you okay?

It's an emergency, but I don't feel like leaving it behind. I face Himiku while Suera and I are preparing.

Always laughing innocently.

Himiku, whose troubles hit him right away, looks like this.

Put your hands gently on your shoulders and shake your neck sideways, silently, even asking questions.

I know you say it's not okay, but I don't know what's wrong.

"Slow down, what did you feel?"

I have to hurry, but I don't think I can hurry.

Hold Himiku's hand so that he can endure the fear.

Her hands are dreadfully cold.

Your hands are shaking as you grip back.

"... onee-sama"


Breathe three deep breaths.

The tremors subsided slightly and Himiku spoke to his sister.

Nicia, my sister's here.

(12) The fact that the angel is a raider.

"We have to run! You can't win with your sister!

Holding my hand even harder, I desperately try to tell you how threatening it is.

"... okay."

I try to evacuate so as not to waste that thought.

"No! I have to tell the demons in the company!! You're gonna kill us all!

Otherwise, Himiku shook his head sideways.

"Nishia-sama, you can use the power of the Lord!

Himiku desperately tried to tell him that he couldn't fight.

"Evacuate any nearby personnel as the enemy enters the dorm and the dungeon floor immediately! I repeat, evacuate immediately!

Like pushing the back of the word, the first calm broadcast calls for evacuation with an unusual and impatient voice.

I can't wait for the situation to deteriorate instantly.

Hold a Mineral Tree that happens to come from your room in one hand and switch your mind to combat mode.

Suela, get Himik's information to Security.


"If you can get Memoria to the members of the mall, tell them."


"Mr. Moyle, it's an emergency. Do you mind if I send it to that force?

"I would not spare this life for my great-grandchildren. I'll give you my full help, son-in-law."


Do what you can with the status quo, and start with the goal of ensuring safety.

Priority is also set for ensuring safety.

Suela and the children are our top priorities.

Next, Memoria and Himiku.

I'm sorry for the last time, Mr. Moyle.

"Can you fight?

Ask Himiku about the most worrying elements.

From here on out, maybe you'll fight your own sister.

They must have a better combat ability than Himiku in the atmosphere.

The late question.

If you can't fight, that's fine.

All you need to do is get Memoria and get out of here.

"... ahh, it's okay."

But Himiku was a strong woman.

Her eyes were ready to push anxiety, kill her, close the first time, and then exhale deeply, then open the closed eyes.

"All right! I'll take the lead. Ask Moyle and Himiku to focus on Suela and the children. Memoria needs Suela's support."

That way, we can act immediately.

The only thing armed is hate and one of my mine.

Then I should take the lead in shaking it.

"How's the journey to the shelter?

"There should be emergency transfer gates on each floor, but they may be out of service to prevent enemy incursions."

"Okay. I'll head that way first. If we can't, we have to change course."

I was prepared to say that everything would go through.

I'm throwing myself at the commotion now.

One word today.

Sometimes the impact is unfortunate on the opposite shore.