Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 328: Galactic Empire

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the era of national evolution!Seeing that it was Hollov, Yan Huang was shocked, but then he showed a clear look.

No wonder Hollov had such a powerful force. It turned out to be the result of following Shu Mingxuan, so it would not be surprising.

This made Yan Huang even more confident, and he immediately welcomed Holov in.

Holov sat down and said to Yan Huang: "Presumably Captain Shu Mingxuan has explained everything to you, so I won't go around in circles. The army of the true gods will come to earth in a long time. As the Pope, you must be here. By setting an example in each matter, we can strive for greater benefits in the future."

"Everything obeys your instructions, Yan Huang is willing to work."

"That's good, I tell you, I can help you master the starry sky crown, but you must do one thing for me."

"what's up?"


When Hollov said these two words, Yan Huang was shocked.

"Where to conquer?"

"To conquer this world, start with China."

Holov looked at Yan Huang: "Why do you think Lord Shu Mingxuan would look for you? He doesn't value you. You are the Pope, but Lin Zhen can't fight him. When the army of the true gods comes, you Why do you get a higher status and greater benefits? Right now, the Holy See is going downhill. If you don’t make some big moves, then the Holy See will have no place in this world, which is not good for the actions of the True God Army. Yes, do you understand this?"

Yan Huang pondered for a moment: "But it is not easy to conquer China."

"Of course I know it's not easy, but you have no choice. The sect army sinks under the ice city and halves. At present, the prestige of Huaxia has dropped to the lowest point. Huaxia people have withdrawn from the sect and will not give Huaxia any more. There is no living soil for the religion of God."

"But there are not many people under my staff, and there are not many aircraft."

"We don't need too many people. A truly powerful warrior, one person is stronger than a million people. As far as I know, you have a group of ascetic monks."

Yan Huang was startled, but he didn't expect Holov to even know this secret.

"Yes, we have a group of ascetic monks here, but those people are truly devout believers. They are all composed of the great Shenzong in various base cities for hundreds of years. They only know that they can understand the doctrine and improve their strength. Participating in secular battles, even the star list does not have their names. Although I am the pope, I have no right to order them. Those are seniors.

"What we need now is their piety. Only believers who are truly pious to the true God can be used by us, because once they confirm the existence of the true God, they will definitely burst out powerful forces. I need you to find them and then I will teach them a lesson."

When Yan Huang heard this, he immediately understood what Hollov meant.

Holof, or Shu Mingxuan's meaning is very clear, is to let these devout believers see the existence of the true god of the starry sky, they will naturally gather together and be used by Shu Mingxuan.

Yan Huang knew very well how powerful the ascetic monks were. The religious religion had been established for nearly a thousand years, and the great Shenzong would be replaced every few decades or ten years in 30 base cities in the world.

Anyone who can serve as a great divine sect is extremely pious in the true starry sky, just like the thirty golden-robed elders of his religion.

Some of these people are dead, and some are wandering in the world, wandering among the ruins of ancient gods.

But there are about a hundred people staying in a place called Iceland.

Iceland was originally a country in the A.D. calendar, but because it was surrounded by the sea, the country was destroyed after the gods changed. It became a paradise and paradise for monsters, and even monsters in the sea were everywhere.

The ascetic monks stayed there, eating simple food every day, without entertainment or women. They fought to improve their strength while learning the doctrine of the Starry Sky God.

It can be said that they are a group of extremely paranoid people. Yan Huang established the Holy See and once wanted to invite this group of ascetic monks out of the mountain, but he did not succeed at all.

Those ascetic monks are not willing to participate in ordinary things. In Yan Huang's view, even if the Holy See is destroyed, they may not be able to invite these people out.

Perhaps the only thing that can move them is the news about the true god of the stars.

Holov’s proposal is highly likely to succeed.

Thinking of this, Yan Huang couldn't help but get excited secretly.

Among the ascetic monks, a few are even comparable to the masters of the Star Rankings. If this group of people can be sent by him, then the unification of this world may not be an impossible task.

At this time Hollov gave Yan Huang something again.

"Look here, here are all images of the true god of the stars."

Yan Huang watched one by one, and some of the video data even contained images of the starry sky destroying the planet. The images were undoubtedly true, which proved the existence of the true god.

"You can imagine that as soon as these things are taken out, the ascetic monks will gather around you without hesitation. At that time, you will have the strongest helper in the world. It is no longer a dream to conquer the world, and when the army of true gods arrives, You lead the gods to welcome, what kind of reward do you think you will get at that time?"

Shu Mingxuan controlled Holov's body, constantly seducing Yan Huang.

He didn't tell the truth with Yan Huang, what is the true god?The true god is nothing more than a strong man in the universe. The information he showed Yan Huang is an image of a sidereal warrior belonging to the empire.

But the true gods believed in by the gods on earth are just like this.

In the fourth floor of the Ancient God City, Shu Mingxuan watched all kinds of things happening on the earth every day, and knew everything well.

After failing to chase Lin Zhen in the city of the ancient gods, Shu Mingxuan felt that he could not continue to be dominated by Holov’s thinking, so he returned to the fourth floor again, transformed Holov again, and finally made Holov strong. The obsession is erased.

This time, he could finally control Holov completely.

And after he communicated with Xin Ou and Tujia who were about to come to Earth, he knew that the expeditionary force of the empire had already set off.

The imperial army is definitely going to conquer the earth, but he Shu Mingxuan is just an ordinary captain, and he has been trapped in the earth for so many years and has done nothing. When the imperial army arrives, he probably won't have any credit.

So he must show something. Shu Mingxuan's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger. He thought, if a civilized planet can be handed over to the empire army, after you and he returns, maybe he will be granted noble status.

The country where Shu Mingxuan is located is called the Tianhe Empire, which is the primary civilization of the universe. Don't underestimate this primary civilization. The territory of such a country is a galaxy.

How big is a galaxy?

This galaxy is not the solar system, but the Milky Way.

The distance of the Milky Way from here to there is more than 100,000 light-years away.

The kingdoms of the Tianhe Empire are located in the depths of the Milky Way, and are more than 50,000 light years away from the earth.

A light-year is a unit of distance. If calculated in units such as kilometers and meters on the earth, it is a true astronomical number.

In the entire galaxy, there are more than 100 billion stars like the sun, and the number of planets like the earth is even more numerous. Therefore, although the Tianhe Empire ruled the galaxy, too many places in the galaxy have not been Explore and develop.

This kind of civilized planet is the favorite of those big figures in the empire, and it can be said to be second only to resource stars.

Although he was a captain, Shu Mingxuan was only a civilian in the empire. If he could offer a literary star, his future would be brilliant.

So after asking Hollov to control his revenge thinking, he found Yan Huang the first time.

Only Yan Huang is the most suitable and most likely to succeed in doing this. After all, he is the Pope.

It has been less than a month since Xin Ou and Tuya arrived. He must make achievements before then. As long as he makes achievements, no one can kill him.

Seeing Yan Huang was already tempted, Shu Mingxuan immediately hit the iron while it was hot.

"Come on, I think you may still be a little worried about your strength, and worry that once the ascetic monks arrive, your strength is not enough to convince the crowd. I will help you solve this trouble now and give me your starry crown."

After receiving Yan Huang's starry sky crown, Shu Mingxuan put it on Yan Huang's head, and then pressed his hands on his back.

"This starry sky crown is a very good sacred artifact. Although it is a high-grade sacred artifact, it can provide people with star power endlessly. It is not easy to master the star power gems above. I will help you now. Help you to master it thoroughly and bring your strength one step closer."

Yan Huang hurriedly began to meditate, using his star power to continue trying to master the power of the starry sky crown.

He had tried for so many days before without success. After all, he was still not strong enough. Now with the help of Shu Mingxuan, in half an hour, he actually mastered the starry sky crown!

Feeling the surging star power flowing throughout his body, Yan Huang felt like he wanted to roar up to the sky.

"Haha, Yan Huang, congratulations on your great advancement. I can say with certainty that although I am basically not afraid of ordinary weeks, but after you master the starry sky crown, I can't hold on to you for a minute."

Yan Huang also nodded. He did feel that his strength had improved too much, and he even wanted to find someone to try.

Shu Mingxuan continued to take out one thing: "Come on, this thing is for you. With it, you can even compete with the masters of the Sky Star List. You don't have to worry about suppressing those ascetic monks anymore."

Yan Huang took it and saw that it was a box of flowing liquid.

However, this liquid exudes a strong light, which makes him feel extremely kind when he understands the atom of light.

"What is this? It seems that my mental power can manipulate it?"

"Hehe, this thing is amazing. It's definitely not something that you people on earth can make. This is called a mental weapon, just like the liquid metal on the earth, but this one is made by bathing in the brilliance of stars. The name is Guangsha, and it only has resonance. Only those who have the Light Atom can use it. It's just right for you. The strength is...comparable to the ultimate holy artifact!

Hearing what Shu Mingxuan said, Yan Huang couldn't speak for a long while in excitement, and bowed in front of Shu Mingxuan: "Thank you Envoy for your love, Yan Huang will definitely fulfill his mission and unify the world for the true God!"