Eternal Log
Episode 112: Events in the Colt Urban State, Part 27
"... what the hell is going on?
Mr. Darius asks me after he finishes defeating the Battle Wolf.
"Let's just leave the woods once and join the Alliance. Let me explain it with you then."
"Right. It could be dangerous to be here and...... Huh!?
Seeing it, there is blood flowing from Mr. Darius' flank.
Even though I applied physical enhancement, I guess it didn't go unharmed on the warcrafted opponent.
The wound is a little deep, holding back where Mr. Darius is injured with his hands, but the blood is flowing without stopping.
"Mr. Darius!?
"Hey! It's all right! This is Kura..."
"Don't move!
Shirley ran over to Darius to cure him before I could cure Mr. Darius.
"Kohli...... thank you, lady"
"Mr. Darius protected us, of course."
Shirley smiles at Darius, uttering words.
"Heh! You can't even fall in love with a dragon killer!
"!?... already!! Mr. Darius!!
"Hehe! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Shirley is angry with Mr. Darius as he blushes.
Me and Roy and Allie are sending me a meaningful gaze.
... For now, let's ignore it.
After Mr. Darius's treatment, we decided to leave the woods together.
You could go out with my magic if you were supposed to, but you shouldn't do it in front of too many people.
We decided to go back the way we came.
I was rushing to where Dagmal was, so I didn't know which way he was from, but this is Mr. Darius, who has a long experience as an adventurer.
Looks like he was marking a tree on his way there or finding something to stare at, so he could get through the woods without getting lost.
Years of kung fu...... no, it sounds better to say it's a difference in experience.
On the way home, unlike earlier, we were walking silently in a dark atmosphere again.
That's because along the way, I went through the first party of wiped out adventurers I found.
From what Dagmal said and did. Perhaps this other party has also been harmed.
I feel sad when I think about it.
I knew I'd be shocked to see people die in front of me.
Everyone hasn't put it into words, but I guess I was still in shock.
And also, the Golzola religion resulted in victims.
What are they thinking?
But I can't forgive more than risking people's lives.
Make sure to stop them.
"... what happened?
I guess the guild officials who were just through the woods felt something from how we were doing, they've spoken.