Eternal Log
Episode 138: Events in Pope Lars, Part 1
Why are you selling apples?
and passed through my head for a moment.
"Apples? How much?
"One silver coin!
One silver coin!?
Too expensive!
I asked for the price for once, but this is expensive!
Normally, one apple would be about one to two bronze coins.
The little cage the girl is wearing on her arm contains an apple full of cages.
Maybe it's not selling at all.
Well, it's a fraudulent price...
Will moved out and bent in front of the girl when I was thinking about it.
No way......?
You gonna fly cancer!?
Stop it!
No matter how fraudulent it is, that's not true for a pure girl...!!
If that's the case, I told you the worst fair price in the world and you have to stop me eventually.
Is everyone in the same mood when I think that way and drink and watch?
He sips and watches, just like I do.
"Lady, what's your name?
The girl is answering Will with a dazzling smile.
Will is faceless in exchange for that.
Will, don't!
I may be going to ask you your name and not let you get away with it, but I'm sure that Mayfa is just being fooled by a bad adult!!!
Will squeaks and hands on his hips.
No way!?
Aren't you going to give me a dagger......!?
"Is this enough?
When I called Will's name and tried to stop him, Will grabbed the silver coin out of his hip leather bag with one hand full of it and took it out.
"Thanks! Brother, wait a minute!
Mayfa says so, counting one, two, three and the number of silver coins.
... I doubted Will. I was stupid.
I wonder what it is.
I feel like I've done something really bad.
"Brother, there's ten apples, so there's five more, right? Yes!"
That's what Mayfa says. She returns Will five silver coins.
Will received it silently, and the apples matched it and handed it out to us.
I take it with dismay and silence.
"Oh, wow."
"Oh, thank you"
"Oh, thank you"
Looks like Roy and the others are having trouble reacting.
Ugh... I don't know what it is, but I think I'm going to have tears in my eyes.
"What, brother?
After giving us the apple, Will called out to Mayfa again.
"Ringo...... why that price? You have a reason."