Eternal Log
Episode 187: Events in Pope Lars, Part 50
Shortly before Bishop Abram pulled the trigger, a shadow ran from among the trees near Will and the others.
We were all distracted by Bishop Abram, and until then, I hadn't noticed at all, but Bishop Abram was popping the trigger in front of Will in an instant.
"Will, brother, it's dangerous!
The voices I heard at that time were voices I'd heard, but they weren't supposed to be heard here.
The sound of gunfire rang before my brain recognized who that voice was.
"Huh!? Mayfa!?"
Will also understands the situation and speaks up again the moment Bishop Abram raises his surprise voice.
At that moment Mayfa falls and the red liquid begins to spread to the ground.
And Shirley, who understands the situation, rushes over to Mayfa.
And Will was jumped by Bishop Abram, whose surprise move had stopped.
Bishop Abram, whose movements had stopped, is blown about on his left cheek, unavoidably avoiding Will's punch.
Bishop Abram stopped around the tree and sat leaning against the tree.
I ran to Bishop Abram to see how it went.
"You! You know what you did!?
I take the gun from Bishop Abram, throw up words in anger and run over to Mayfa.
Bishop, I don't know what, but it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter if you hurt people and they're great or not.
More than that, Mayfa, stay safe......