Eternal Log
Episode 189: Events in Pope Lars, Part 52
As Will screams, me and Shirley, Lulu shed their magic on the magic they keep doing their best.
But Mayfa's complexion gets better, but worse and worse.
"Oh no... how immature I am as a witch"
"Mr. Hal!! Mayfa!!
"Hal, can't you handle this?!?
Lulu moans, Shirley weeps in his eyes and Sonin screams.
As Lulu mourns, Mayfa will also have gut damage, but I guess there's some sort of poison or curse.
My complexion got a little better when I applied sacred magic to the evidence.
But then it's only temporarily gone, and it's getting worse as a result.
I've been mixing sacred and healing magic for a while now, too, but it doesn't work...
I know nothing about this, even though I have knowledge of the Eternal Log.
What am I supposed to do!!
Will figured something out from how we are. Hold Mayfa tight.
"Will... brother... honey, it's good to see you... si wi... brother..."
Mayfa also told me something like goodbye when you found out you weren't feeling better.