Eternal Log
Episode 196: Events in Pope Lars, Part 59
"Such a thing..."
"Yes, you may not believe..."
We are now explaining what has happened to Pope Lars.
There is no Will and Lulu when you say us.
The two of them are going to an orphanage to explain the situation.
At first, Lulu was stopped from going, but permission came down, not Lulu's strong intentions, and Mr. Ange headed in with his escort, the former three.
Of course, Mayfa's body rests in a building that is the main mountain of Lars religion by saying that it would be a shock if other children saw her body.
So is the body of Bishop Abram.
When I first got back here I almost made a lot of noise, but Mr. Ange and Lulu first explained to Pope Lars, and at Pope Lars' direction. Now I'm a little calm.
Still sounds like a big upset......
"It's something you don't want to believe, but you have to believe it."
In fact, whoever was keeping an eye on Mr. Ange was the five men who attacked us, but they were also telling the truth by moving on to find out that Bishop Abram's death or their own superiors were dead or no or that their sins would be slightly lighter.
"Yes, so they think Golzola is involved in this, and we're going after Golzola so that this doesn't happen in the future. So if you know anything about Golzola, I'd like to know..."
"Such a danger - no, you can't beat them unless you're like them in what I just heard..."
The archbishop utters his words and ponders them for a while.
"Dear Archbishop, we are moving under our responsibility. My father knows that. And the power we gain is what we want to use for people at times like this. It's a coincidence, but I think it's a travesty that something like this has happened."
Following me, Roy speaks the language too.
"... ok. Let's talk about what we know."