Eternal Log
Episode 260: Dungeon Challenge Pt. 2, Part 39
"Kura Yea!!!
The latte flies from above the rock shield and swings the hammer down from above the stone statue.
The opposing stone statue had the rock shield (Stone Shield) out of sight, so suddenly the reaction to the rat appeared above the blind spot was delayed and it could not be pursued.
And at the next moment, the magic barrier smashed to pieces when I wondered if the hammer of the lat had touched the magic barrier.
So you didn't think this was a good idea. The stone statue put up a cane just like I did when I tried to prevent the attack of the lat, but the attack of the lat isn't using magic manipulation to make it more powerful.
The weight of the hammer, coupled with the momentum of the hitting and dropping from above, couldn't have been dealt with with with a thin cane.
"Dgowo on"
At the next moment the dust rolls up with the explosion.
"Hal, Raat, are you..."
Shirley came beside me with a water tiger with a worrying look on his face.
As soon as my vision is blocked by dust, I think it's okay because the statue acted on nothing else even when Rat and the Stone Statue wand tried to interact...
"He'll be fine."
"... yeah!
Me and Shirley wait for the dust to clear up for a while.
Then, gradually, I saw a shadow.
"Ite, ah, seniors did it!!
A lat walked this way from the dust.
"Mr. Rat!! Are you hurt!? Are you okay!?"
"It's okay! After I hit the statue with a little hammer, the fragment flew and hit it."
"Oh well, but you'll be magical soon!
"Oh, it's okay! If I bother Mr. Shirley's hand, Senior Hal's going to piss me off!
"Oh, hey! Whatever it takes, I won't be mad at you for that!?
"No, because Senior Hal falls in love with Mr. Shirley!
"Hey, what are you talking about!?
"You're not?
"No, it's not... but shut that mouth for now!
"Sounds like a lot of fun to forget about us, huh?
When I heard the fuzz and looked back, everyone else was coming ahead of Roy and Will.