Eternal Log

Episode 264: Dungeon Challenge Pt. 2 Part 43

When I say it, we all ride to the Nodding Demon Square.

And as I did earlier, I put my hands on the Demon Square and shed my magic.

Then, just like earlier, the demon squares glowed and we were wrapped in the light.

"Is this...?

It must have been transferred somewhere by activating the Demon Square. Unlike the room we were in earlier, we stood at the end of the aisle somewhere.

"Oh, the demon squares."

And when I looked down at Shirley's words, the demon squares that were floating beneath us gradually lost their light, just like they did earlier.

"Metastatic success for now?"

"Well, we were all right, considering the demon squares disappeared."

Roy and Will exchange words.

Now that I think about it, there's been a little more interaction between these two, and I'm getting word horns, and we're getting along?

"You two are right. The rest is to say where we are..."

That's the problem. Did you go further underground or somewhere upstairs earlier......

"Aren't we going to have to go this way for now?

"Right, let's go"

I agree with Ali's words, Roy.

Everyone seems to disagree, including me, and I walk out following that word.

Then, as we moved on, we reached the point where we split straight into the road to the left.

"This place..."

When I came to the divide and looked to the left, I could see the light plugging in from there.