Eternal Log
Episode 267 Ringing Phones
"Yes hello?
I rush out the ringing phone and answer the phone.
I left without knowing who it was calling me to rush out, but who the hell is it?
I haven't heard from Ali's father much lately, and I don't know.
"Hello! Hal, is that you?!?
It was Roy's father, or King of Earth Heights, who was heard on the phone.
You're usually calm when you call, but you're apparently in a hurry today. From time to time, you know I'm the one who answers the phone because I have it.... No, there were times when I gave it to Ali because there were so many calls from Ali's father at one time.
But let's panic. Is something wrong?
"That's right. Long time no see. I'm sorry I didn't call you."
"No, that's good. I'm sure you're busy. More than that, Mr. Hal! Come to Earth Heights now! The dragon showed up!!
The words I heard were incredible. Dragon...... no way......
"Besides, it's not a one-on-one! Please! I need you here right now!
"Okay! I'll be on my way!
Me and Roy's dad hung up when we exchanged words like that.
"... Hal, what happened?
Roy looks at me with a harsh look.
I guess I had a bad feeling about some kind of phone interaction.
"Calm down and listen to me. Looks like a dragon appeared on Earth Height."