Eternal Log
Episode 282: Ground Height Offensive Warfare, Part 14
"Oh no..."
My voice leaks from nobody.
I wondered if the dragon's flames had weakened and my vision was opening, and one dragon at a time stood on either side of Dagmal's dragon.
"It certainly seemed to insult you. So let us change our minds and fight with all our might."
Dougmar exudes words to us as he spreads his hands wide and boasts of the dragon.
You recalled the dragon that Dagmal's guy was trying to make his way to the Istonian Empire and the Kingdom of Silent. That's as we thought it would be, but honestly, it was good after we defeated the whole dragon. Damn, doesn't that work out the way you want?
"Well, why don't we do everything we can to make it work? I was just free when I didn't show up."
Will utters a strong word where our air has gone bad.
"Right. I don't think he's invincible enough to say he hates dragons."
Will followed me to Roy......
You're both inspiring yourself to inspire everyone.
"The seniors are right! There's a misinformed (...) Hal seniors over here!
... lat, that's a lot to say.
"Damn, that's a lat"
Hey, Roy! Not if you're laughing!
Well, but I can see a smile on the ladies as well, turning from the dark air just now.
"Damn you!!... Well, it's these guys who get angry later."
We turned to the dragons again.