Eternal Log
Episode 288: Earth Height Offensive Warfare, Part 20
I see the sight in front of me with the feeling of cutting off the dragon in my hand.
My magical sword is eaten into the flesh without being inhibited by the hard scale of the dragon. Then, the deep slaughter continues without losing momentum by the flesh of the dragon.
The dragon is looking at me with his eyes open like he said he couldn't believe it. Meanwhile, my sword proceeded inside the dragon, finally severing the right wing from the neck of the dragon from its torso.
To this point, the dragon ended his life without raising his voice because it was too short.
"That sounds like Senior Hal!
As I knocked down the dragon and landed on the ground, the lat rushed over.
"Not yet. We still have him."
When I say that, I look to Dagmal.
Dougmar is looking at me too.... You think he's a pain in the ass.
We just stare at each other silently without talking to each other.
Dagmal, the Priest of Knowledge... I don't know what this whole thing was all about, but I'm gonna take you down here to make sure you don't do any more damage!
"You Ha!?
As Dagmal and I were staring at each other, I suddenly heard Will.