Eternal Log
Episode 290: Earth Height Offensive Warfare, Part 22
"Brother Claude!!
Rat rushes over to the man with the pitch-black armor who defeated the dragon.
"Where have you been? I was worried about you!
Looks like I know that guy and Rat after all. But the man in the pitch-black armor is demonized... no, I feel a little different when it comes to demonization, but as Karzal said, he will have the protection of the dark spirits.
I don't know what happened, but after I left Rut... you mean?
"What's the matter with you? It's me, right? It's a latte!
Rat desperately asks the man in the pitch-black armor many times, but no response from the man.
Wrong with the lat? No, I wouldn't be wrong to look at the lat at that distance just...
Second, when I realize it, I don't hear you fighting.
Looking at Roy, the dragon that was fighting Roy is back to Dagmal, and the Roys seem to be watching this one while they're on guard.
"... I don't have a name. Out of the way."
When the man in the pitch-black armor says so, push the lat away. Go to Dagmal.
"Brother Claude..."
The latte stands up in a flamboyant manner.
What's this all about? Don't those two know each other?... the influence of demonization? Still, Dagmal or something doesn't seem to be losing my memory...
"Well, you will die here."
A man in pitch-black armor approached Dagmal saying I had a lot on my mind.