Eternal Log
Lesson 319: Reunion with Roy
When I regained consciousness, I got up and looked around.
in a room with brilliant decorations.
And I was lying in bed, apparently.
This is... I'm sure I'll go help Shirley.
My head hurts.
This has happened before.
Yes. It's time to wake up and defeat the dragon.
Yes, and this time I'm gonna go help Shirley and wake up.
Huh!? Yes, Shirley, what about Shirley!?
"Hal... are you awake"
I turned to the voice and there was Roy.
The fact that Roy is here... is this Earthheit Castle after all? Did I come back here safely?
Plus, the castle's safe and Roy's safe, which means I was okay after I lost Shirley, right?
How conscious am I... and Shirley!?
"How conscious is Roy!? What about Shirley!? Everyone else!?
"Easy, Hal!
"Can you calm down!! Roy, please! Tell me!!
I grab Roy's shoulders and scream as he rocks Roy. Roy looked me in the eye silently and closed his eyes, opening them after a while.
"... ok. Let's talk one at a time and go. So just calm down."