Eternal Log
Episode 316: Our Resolutions
"... hey, right. Master Louise would be angry if he said he would fight for revenge. Because that guy was always laughing..."
Roy mouths the words when he slowly opens his eyes.
Mr. Louise's face floats behind my brain in Roy's words.
Mr. Louise was always laughing.
At first I thought it was just right, but it made me smile naturally around him, including us.
"... I think my current master is being made to do something different than his own will. I'm sure the master doesn't want to hurt or fight people for no reason... so... I'll put an end to it with this hand!
I get people who are deeply involved with me... how cruel that is...
"... Roy, if I've got my father in my hands too but he's acting like he doesn't want to, then someone who can draw that heart should stop you.... at least I don't regret it"
Yes. Will is also forced by David to demonize his father, the Emperor, and at the end of the day he has his own father in his hands.
"... hey, I didn't know you could say anything to Will like this"
"Well, let me just face this place, seniors."
That being said, Will put his fist forward.
fist together as Roy smiles as he responds to it.
Roy and Will...... these two are amazing.
"I can't lose to both of you, either. I'm not gonna beat you two, either. I'm gonna help Shirley no matter what!
When I said that, I paired my fists with mine, too.