Eternal Log
Episode 327: The Magic City of Isteria
"Is this the magic city of Isteria..."
There is a sight in front of me that I have never seen before in my country.
Sphered roofs, quadrangular cone-like objects, and then lots of people in robes. Even when I say he looks like a robe, he's not like Pope Lars. He's wearing a robe of the same color as his hair protected by four great spirits: red, green, brown or blue.
Somehow there is another heterogeneous difference from the country so far. This is surprising......
"Something totally different country...... no, sounds like you've come to a different star......"
"Right. I heard the story, but I actually saw it..."
Will and Lulu are also distraught to see the sight in front of them next door.
"Lulu, I don't know what it is. Don't get off my side."
Will's guy, I know he's saying it without thinking vegan and deep meaning, but I don't know...
Lulu seems happy with Lulu.
Until we got here, on the road, we went to the magic city of Isteria. At night, we went back to Earth Height to see how Shirley was doing and rested, and in the morning we repeatedly said that we were going from where we had gone with space magic to the magic city of Isteria.
Will cares about Lulu on the road.
"Lulu, does your leg hurt? Are you okay? '
"You've never walked much before, have you? There's been a lot of dungeon fatigue left, and if anything goes wrong with you, can you tell me?
Like I said, they showed me what they said and did that just seemed like a couple of flirts from me.
But I'm probably not saying that to Will, so Lulu's pathetic, too.
... Well, Lulu seems happy with Lulu, okay?
"Then let's just find Mr. Bian."
That's what I said and stepped into the magic city of Isteria.