Eternal Log
Episode 338: What Happened at the Spiritual Peak Folkrest, Part 3
Unexpectedly, Lulu tells me the unexpected fact.
Aura's starving? You have such beautiful air? What will happen if this aura starves?
"This was before..."
"Yes...... Spiritual Peak Folkrest is a sacred place. Blood flowed where it shouldn't have. That's more than one, too...... My thoughts were shallow. I felt like I had no problem with your power being that Bishop Abram opponent. But I didn't know Golzola was helping...... it's my fault"
Surely there was a lot of blood in that time with the assassins prepared by Bishop Abram, and with Bishop Abram, Mayfa.
But I can't believe that's happening...
"Lulu! What happens when Aura starves!?
"When the light stains the darkness, everything in the world will return to nothing"
When I ask Lulu, Mr. Bian answers instead.
"I'm Bian. What's that?
"It's a legend passed down to Lars. The teachings of Lars are done to keep the legend from happening. Hey, Lulu?
Lulu opens his mouth a little hard to say when Mr. Bian talks to Lulu.
"... yes. Lars has such a legend. Humans tend to get their minds dirty when they have greed. The filth of its heart eventually creates negative emotions and moves the world in a direction that is not good. That's when the Spirit of Darkness comes out on the surface and invites you to further darkness... The Spirit Peak Folkrest is the sanctuary of the Spirit of Light. In other words, weakening the sanctuary of the Spirit of Light weakens the power of the Spirit of Light and strengthens the power of the Spirit of Darkness."
That wasn't even in your knowledge of the Eternal Log!?... Could it have worked that way after the Eternal Log was made? After the death of my father and mother......
"... can't you do anything about that?
"Sanctuary recovers naturally if people have a sober heart, but lately there's been a lot of contention and a lot of people are caught up in negative emotions..."
Will regrets himself as the person who fought the war after listening to him.
But because Golzola was manipulating behind it... is that what Golzola aims for!?
"Well now we have to move on! Shirley's waiting for you."
I do need to hurry to help Shirley now.
We decided to move forward even as we were concerned about the newly recognized facts.