Eternal Log

Episode 382: The Last Supper Part 1

"Mostly hal."

"Roy, you drink too much!

"Shirley? At that time, Shirley and Hal..."

"Hey, Allie! Don't force Shirley to listen to me!

"Ha! It's a pleasure! I knew it had to be like this when I drink!!

"Master said you drank too much!

"Mr. Rat? Do me a favor, too!

"Sonin!? Are you drinking by mistake!? Damn, look!

"... what the hell am I!?

The banquet, which began as the last supper, has also turned into a hell of a picture once in an hour.

Advice Roy and Allie got drunk and even Mr. Adorno got drunk and me and Ratto felt like caregivers. Now I feel like I can make any kind of collaboration with Rat and Eye Contact.

Drunk Roy has become tangled liquor and Allie is telling my story to get Shirley's memory back, but I'm stopping because I feel how counterproductive it is for drunk Allie to talk. Because I don't think Shirley, the shy one, would accept hearing about his past with someone he doesn't remember.

Though I said I wanted to throw a banquet from myself, it's a big deal.

Sonin drank fruit liquor by mistake earlier and got tangled up in the latte. I just tried to detoxify the magic.... Well, it might have seemed interesting to leave you alone.

But why did I say this?

"Yes, Will, go ahead."



At the edge of the table, Lulu joyfully enters the world of just the two of us with fruit liquor on Will, like a mature couple. Those guys......

When I think of it, Sonin, who performs the antidote magic, is staring at both of them in a terrific shape. Is that bad...?

"Sonnin, I'm sorry! Here you go."

"What!? Oh, thank you."

Sonin receives it by concealing his surprise and delight when he offers it to Sonin with fruit water, because Rat just told Sonin to deal with him.

... What is this? What am I...?

Damn, whoa!!! Can you do it!!!

I drank the fruit liquor I had in front of me, put a little ice magic on the lukewarm ale and chilled it for a sip.