Eternal Log
Chapter 395 vs. David Part 4
When David shrugged so, he took out a vial of something from inside the robe with his right hand and drank it all at once.
".................. GOOOOO!!
When I wonder if Davido drinks something up at once, Davido's body changes shape like a wave and gets bigger around.
And not only that, but the chopped right shoulder regenerated as well.
What is that...?
"What is that!?
In the sight in front of me, Sonin can't seem to hide his surprises either.
"Huhuhu, mouko nuteha anata tini, kachimeha ari masen. Hondo Hakonna Mini Quis Gatani Hanari Takuna Katta Desga...... Sikata Ali Masen.... Ikimasyo!
When Davido said that, I felt terrible intimidation from Davido.
Is this, like, a change of form and an increase in ability? I thought it might have gone into a sort of runaway state, but it seems reasonable... and this could be nasty.
"... Sonin, be careful"
I told Sonin to be vigilant, but at the same time I was vigilant with my sword in place so that I wouldn't miss Davido's movements myself.