Eternal Log
Chapter 427 vs. Karzal, Part 11
Looking back, I can't move. Calzal approaches me and looks down at me.
Apparently he was after Shirley, but Calzal can't move. He changed his aim on me.
Shirley, run away while you can......
I look to Karzal so that Karzal's consciousness doesn't turn to Shirley.
"... sleep in peace"
Karzal shakes up Leviataine when he squeals so much.
Damn, am I going to die here... we're all sorry... and Shirley...
But at least I'll take this guy on the road!
I can't move. I tried to use the forbidden technique inside the Eternal Log with my last resistance.
It was then.
"Hey, what!?
The dazzling light covers one side of the perimeter.
And Karzal, surprised by the sight, raises his voice, and I look back behind the light.
Then there was the blonde woman.