Eternal Log
Episode 449: Fighting Golzola, Part 1
"" "Whoa!!!!
Gorzola's words triggered it, and me, Roy, and Will's three popped up.
We are slashed from left to right and from the top at the same time.
"It's no use!
However, it is inhibited by the black aura generated by Golzola and the sword does not reach Golzola.
"O Spirit of Light, dwelling in the world. I give this life with Thy guidance. Give me no strength in the price of that oath. (PURIFI) Be Holy Purified" The Application "!
At that time, Lulu's divine magic is unleashed, covering the area around him.
"This is..."
I've seen this sacred magic itself a few times, but this is the only range...
"Ha... ha... now I won't let you like it"
Lulu shrugged so, breathing on his shoulders.