Eternal Log
Episode 452: Fighting Golzola, Part 4
Golzola prevents the slaughter I roll by generating a pitch-black blade in the space.
"Not yet!!
Roy is slashed from behind to poke through that gap, but Golzola also generates and prevents a pitch-black blade in the space as if he had eyes behind him.
Since the start of the battle against Golzola, Claude, weakened by me, Roy, Will, Rat, and the bond made by Lulu, also squeezes his energy and hits Golzola, but Golzola prevents it all.
Additionally, Ali's water dragon, Shirley's water tiger, and Sonin join the battle by magic, but even the magic Golzola sometimes shudders and sometimes creates pitch-black walls to prevent them.
Lulu's junction doesn't seem to keep the walls protected by the pitch-black Aura at all times, but it seems to activate them for a little while.
If you keep doing this, Lulu's magic, health will be cut and Jiri lost.
What do we do...?
"What's up? Are we done here?