Eternal Log
Lesson 468: Combine your powers.
"I don't know what to do with you."
I hear voices to sound directly into my brain, and the scenery stops around me.
"Athen the Creator...?
"Sayo. The evil god Apophis Ha used to be me Ga Min Keta Shin, when I took responsibility Ga Laita.... no, late kunataga fetch lanakte hikenai '
Split... Responsibilities...?
"I ga-creation god Atentosite, when Kono is possessed, I ga-hearted Nemo hates Simiya angry Lito word Ritta negative no emotion Gaatta. Shikashi, I hakono world no god toshitesono negative no emotion ha interrupt dato sui me ga body kara separation saseta...... solega evil god apofisno identity da '
"Oh no..."
"Dakara, I, Galino, all the Teo Lord Nitos."
"If I did that...?
"I Ha Past Ni Mischief Sita. He sacrificed Sita for Ni Dokuno because of Lano's defense. I'm Hamou Mistake Eteheikenai. Soleni, I, Lord Hao, guard Lanite Ikenai."
... maybe you're talking about when you fought your father and mother?
"I ha all teno power de evil god apophys overthrow force with el. Post-Hao Lord De Road Kirihirake"
"We'll be with you."
All of a sudden, lux...... no, the spirits show up.
"No, Omae Daha..."
'No, Master Athens, we feel the same way as Master Athens. If we had done more at that time... then we would have disappeared, but the world would have been at peace, and sacrificed less, and there would never have been a catastrophe like this over time.'
"... shikashi"
"And the power of the evil god Apophis is increased by his negative energy in this world, and his timeless obsession with Golzola. With the power of God of Creation, Athens, we can't be rude and certain."
"We spirits are also coming to this place ready. Please forgive me. '
So he begins Lux, the Spirit of Light, with whom the Spirit lifts his head.
'... Wakatta. Deja, Haryo. I, Lano, Motte, the evil god Apophis, have fallen and saved the world. "
"But if I did that, everyone would..."?
"Consumer Eldarow. Shikashi, it's okay da. Humans Hahenno Zhongni Light Dark Holding Tail. Daga, human ha fan inagaramo from lano heart nial light strong kusr matter gadekill. Example e, one deja impossible demo branch aette raw kiteikerdalow. I, Hasole Sonata and the others, Mitte Schonda. Mohaya God Nadnakte Moyatte Ikerdalow '
'Yes, Master Hal, the heart you tried to save Master Shirley, the heart was shining a great light when Master Shirley tried to save Master Hal. Man has light and darkness... he stops around even when he tries to go the wrong way, he lives with support. If you could do that, you wouldn't even need us spirits. "
"... ok guys help me!!