Eternal Log
Epilogue ~ one year later ~
"Shirley, you look great!
"Oh, yeah? Ali looks great too!
Gorzola, a year after our battle with the evil god Apophis, we have regained a peaceful world.
"Thanks, Shirley! But you want to dream something! I thought you were dead then."
"Yeah, you are. But I believed you, Hal."
The moment I defeated Gorzola and wondered if it was all over, a pitch-black arrow struck everyone and seriously wounded them dying.
The evil god Apophis is back.
I looked back the moment the pitch-black arrows attacked everyone and the evil god Apophis almost released a pitch-black arrow at you, Hal.
When I realized it, I took refuge in you, Hal, and I took the arrow and lost consciousness.
"Oh - will you not be nowhere near that?
"What, that's not what I meant!?
"Just kidding! And I can't believe this is happily ever after."
"Already, Allie! But I can't believe this is happily ever after."
Today I'm Hal. You and Allie are marrying Roy.
After that battle, we both got a proposal, and then we were going to have a wedding together in the stream.
I didn't know I was going to have a wedding with a prince and a princess from one country, but Hal, as the hero who saved the whole world, and I tried to make your wedding gorgeous, too, Roy, and I quickly decided why your father was sticking up, Ali's parents, and if I realized it, even Lednin, you and the Archbishop of Lars, Cole the Guild Chief, and Adorno the Adorno workshop.
"Ali, sister, sister Shirley, she's beautiful!
"You both look beautiful!
"Thank you Sonnin, Mr. Rat!
Lart, you and Sonin were here to celebrate, too.
You both look like adults in a different costume.
"Thanks Sonin! Sonin looks good in that dress, too."
"Yeah, Sonin's cute!
That's not true.
Sonin is lit up and her face is red.
It's cute.
"Sonin, you look great! She's cute!"
"What!? Oh, yeah!? Ma, well, it's not natural because it's me!?
Sonin's face is bright red with even more illumination when Lart tells her to.
Look at that. Me and Allie laugh face-to-face.
Lat, you were depressed about Claude after that, but Sonin encouraged you to get back on your feet.
Now we're a good couple.
"You're both beautiful"
"Thank you, Lulu"
"Thank you, Lulu"
"It's really beautiful. That pure white dress looks good on you. Me too...... no! Thank you for letting us perform the ceremony for you two today!
That's what Lulu says. He bows his head.
Today's ceremony will be performed by the Archbishop of Lars, who cares and is a witch, Lulu.
"Nice to meet you! We're gonna celebrate Lulu's wedding, right? Hey, Shirley?
"Of course!"
"Hey, what are you talking about!?
"Oh, for Lulu's sake."
That's what I said, Will. You showed up from behind Lulu.
"Will, Will, what are you talking about too!? You two are the stars today!?
"Those are the words of the two protagonists. You should be thankful to receive it. So, do me a favor then. Celebrate Lulu."
Will, you bow your head to us as Lulu turns his face bright red and in a hurry.
Will, you and Lulu also realized how you felt after the fight, and proposed to Lulu.
It seems like you're serious, Will, going further than dating and seriously thinking about proposing all at once.
Lulu, of course, ok, but since she has a role as a Lars witch, she's going to have a wedding after finishing her role due to her age.
"Will, you make Lulu happy, don't you?
"Oh, I got it. Make sure you're happy."
"Will, you're really serious. Will, if you were me, you wouldn't disqualify Lulu before he finishes his witchcraft."
"Oh, I know that, too. When you're done with your role, then..."
"Will, please don't talk any more!!!!
Lulu is rushing to block your mouth, Will.
We're both going to be close.
"You're as busy as ever! Well, that's what we are.... Ali, it's beautiful."
"Mr. Roy...... thanks"
You showed up in a busy room, Roy, and as soon as you came in, you're turning it around and you're in the world with Ali.
It was easy for the two of us to enter the world of the two of us when we originally drank alcohol, but lately we got used to it because we often and suddenly enter the world of the two of us.
And it's surprising in your character, Roy.
"... Oh, he hasn't come yet?
Roy, who was in a world just for the two of us, suddenly went back to the vegetables and realized.
"Yeah. He said I had to stop by your brother's this morning..."
"Sorry!! It's late!!
That's when the person rushed into the room.
"What are you doing up to this point, Hal?
"You can't help it!? Mr. Richard... Richard, I was talking to your brother-in-law... Now that the refrigerator is almost complete and popular, we can talk about the next stage... I can't really tell you what" electricity "is. Ahhh!! If only I could use magic!!
The last person to come is you, Hal, who will be my husband. My brother called me in this morning with a finished fridge or something.
After the battle between Golzola and the evil god Apophis, the presence of magic disappeared from this world due to the disappearance of the Creator God Athens and the Spirits.
Originally, with the protection of the Spirit, we were able to use our magic with the blessing of Athens, the Creator, when we received magical attributes and received life in this world.
That's the disappearance of Athens, the Creator, and the Spirits, making magic unusable in this world.
"Damn, on a day like this. Still, don't you have something to say before the excuse?
Roy, Hal, you'll be the one to hack into your words.
"... Shirley, it's beautiful"
"Thank you, Hal."
I've been late here, Hal. It may be normal to say something to you, but Hal, you've been trying to use your knowledge of the Eternal Log to create what you need to live, replacing the magic you said 'machine' or 'electricity' to a world where this magic has been gone for the past year.
You can't be mad because you're thinking about everyone.
If I were to be angry, I would be your brother.
"Shirley...... aren't you mad?
"I'm not mad at you. I love you, Hal."
"Huh!? Shirley, I love Shirley too, I love you."
That's what I said. Hal and I will stare at each other.
"Yes, yes! What are you both thinking!? It's a ceremony now!?
"That's right, Hal! Get dressed now rather than snooze in public!!
"Shit!! Shirley, wait!!
That's what I'm saying, Hal. You run for a change.
When I left, Roy said to you, "You're the only one who snuggles in public. I don't want you to say this!," he said.
I'm also going to have a little disagreement with you on that matter, Hal.
I look up at the sky outside the window.
Blue skies, white clouds......
Thinking about that battle, I think the obvious is actually a big treasure.
This natural sight forever and ever......
"Shirley! It's time! Hal, wait over there!
I turn my gaze back out the window and head to happiness to come.
From now on, let us all be happy, not just me, and hope that happiness will last forever......