Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–
Episode 138: East Fort Attack! (Part 2)
South Gate Square at the Demon King's Army fort in the Beastman district.
We each flew off on the back of a flying dragon.
- And then.
and heard a tremendous noise from the north side.
"What!? Celica, Meña! Are you all right!?
I immediately saw the north side of the fort with a thousand eyes.
... There was a huge crater there.
There was just celica standing with her golden hair in the wind and her spine stretched out.
Only skeletons and zombie fragments are scattered inside the crater.
An undead soldier had disappeared by about two-thirds.
When Celica shines her fine sword, she protrudes into heaven.
The light emitted from the sword rose high in the sky. Stays at much higher altitudes to increase strength, then pours all the way down to the ground at once.
Dogovo...... n!
The ground swayed by a severe impact.
The undead disappears again. The rest is less than the first 10%.
- Oh, is this the Princess Knight's Range Skill [Meteoric Light Break (Starlight Strike)]?
Besides, apparently it was a light attribute attack, and it worked great on the undead.
The difficulty is that it takes a long time from activation to direct hit because it passes through the sky once?
But it's endlessly powerful.
Though the rest is approaching, Lapisia kicks it unconstitutionally.
- You look okay. What about Meña?
Meigna was fighting close to the gate, surrounded by beasts. There are many benign beasts with weapons, 800 of them.
I say as I stroke the neck of a crossing flying dragon. Fluffy touch.
"Fei Long, fly me to the North Gate!
White wings accelerate their wings vigorously. I immediately left over the North Gate.
I jumped out of the sky.
Fei Long was surprised at the rear but ignored.
Stand with your feet aligned on the ground. It was next to Meigna.
"Kaika, brother, welcome back"
"These guys are being enslaved. I'll disarm it. Keep Meigna fighting."
"" "Whoa!
Lions, tigers, pigs, horses, wolves, dogs, snakes, lizards and frog beasts, roughly 800 of them attacked, but Megna fled in a great move.
I also touched the slave print and deactivated it while losing.
Whenever I erase my slave prints, my agitation spreads to the Beasts.
"Or is your body light...?" "The order... disappeared?" "Ooh! I can move of my own free will!" "Fantastic! Thank you, brave man!
The Beasts rest their hand in battle as they thank me.
It took a long time because of the large number of people, but I managed to finish disarming it.
Fei Long descends and rendezvous with the beasts who were on his back.
Celica and Lapisia came after defeating the undead.
I looked over at them all.
"Meña will continue to discuss this with the Beasts. We're gonna storm inside."
"Ok... Anyone who disagrees with me becoming King of the Beasts will be called"
Meña lifted her jaw firmly with a knife in both hands. The dark hair shakes and the white coat wiggles in the wind.
An atmosphere of dissatisfaction rises among the benign lions and horse beasts.
Well, I'll take care of it.
I took Celica and Lapisia back to the fort.
A demon with half his body made of mud stuck a spear out of his hips.
I scream out loud as I cut off its tip.
"Demons! I'll kill anything that faces your teeth, but if you surrender, I'll only save your life!
An upset runs inside the fort.
Those who try to fight. who try to escape. He who catches those who try to escape and lets them fight. incompetence to just yell and scatter his men. Demons screaming hysterically. A crying demon child.
The inside of the fort was noisy.
We run down the hallway, climb the stairs, and go for the top floor of the fort as we relentlessly cut off those who come towards us.
In a large room on the top floor was a skeleton with six arms with the Deputy Commander Kimyra.
The skeleton is tall and the bones are thick. It seems to be an undead made by combining the bones of beasts and demons, not people.
Name: Mistus
Race: Death Adaptor Road (Warcraft Mixed Skeleton)
Occupation: Deputy Commander of the Western Forces of the Demon King's Army * * LV64
Class: Necromancer Lv69 Dead Knight Lv78
Attributes: [Light Robbery] [Death Demon]
Attack: 3200
Defense: 1900
Vitality: 4000
Mental Strength: 2400
Cross Poke: Poke with a spear as you cut into crosses.
Slash Strike: Six hands to attack.
Dead Wind Heavy Strike: Bring the wind together to instantly range and attack. Chance of stunning, panicking.
Fatal Light Break Critical Strike
Swallow Cutting: Cut off ranged attacks.
Warcraft Roar: Action deterrence for enemy groups. Chance of a state abnormality.
Negative Dead Eye: Chance to Death Count Activated.
Pretty strong. This guy's a deputy commander, too.
Inside the room, Kimaira lays down in a large cushion and closes her eyes.
The skeleton was sitting at the table drinking tea. They can drink it somehow even though it seems to zero out of the gap in the bone.
When the skeleton took his mouth off the cup, he turned his neck to Kimyra.
"It's only a matter of time before the brave come here. What are we going to do, Baron? I think you can get away with it with some space magic."
"Just mist. Just run. I was told by Master Geadorf to ask for this operation and this fort."
"You mean fight? Mr. Geadorf ordered you to take care of your life more than anything, didn't he?
"I don't have a choice. Now Master Geadorf has made the Devil's Sword for the Resurrection of the Demon King. A demon king can beat that brave man. I didn't earn that time. I don't deserve to live."
Kimyra buried her face in the cushion as she sighed.
- This guy doesn't know that Geadorf doesn't care about the Demon King Army anymore and runs into personal feelings?
I stop running down the hall and walk out slowly.
Celica leaned her neck strangely but honestly followed.
The skeleton puts the cup on the table.
"But it's Baron. It's pointless to cut the front and fight, huh? It must have lasted a second. There's no way you can beat a guy of such insane strength in the first place."
"Right. I'm done with the demon king army... only the demon king can beat that brave man"
"Naturally... did you see that earlier? You pulled the collar of a slave made of fortified holy gold with just muscle strength and cut it a thousand times, didn't you? I saw you and I decided to run away."
"You're a flirtatious guy."
"Huh, tell me you're true to the Word of the Creator"
The skeleton took another sip of tea when he opened his mouth and laughed.
Kimyra slaps the floor with the tail of a snake.
"He's weird. You just told Geadorf to modify it so he could have some tea."
"I don't know whose memories are mixed with the eagle, but it's only the eagle who lives by making tea."
"That's good to hear.... and it's time to get ready to die"
sleigh, and chimaira rising from the cushion.
The skeleton points a faceless face at Kimaira.
"I know Baron's will is stiff. I still don't want you to die here."
"What do we do where we survive? As long as you keep wanting to kill the brave, I'll be killed somewhere."
"What do you kill brave men for?
"Huh? That would be for demons, demons, and hence yourself, wouldn't it? It's also for you, Demon King, and Mr. Geadorf."
The skeleton rises up rattling bones. I kept the tea.
"Well... you were about to die. Then I guess you don't mind telling me."
"Master Geadorf is not building a demon sword to revive the Demon King"
Wrinkles lean between the eyebrows of Kimyra's grubby face.
"... what do you mean?
"That one is just working with the Demon King's Army to bring his late lover back to life. This time, the Demon King's army seems to have been used."
"Become, what!? Is that true!
"Oh, it's true. I heard you talking like that somewhere, Mr. Geadorf."
"Who would believe such a lie...? - No, Mist wasn't a liar."
Kimyra fluttered her legs and fell to the cushion. There was a pounding noise.
"So... what do you say the dead die for - no, but if the Demon King were resurrected -"
"The Demon King is worse"
"He's going to kill every man and every demon."
- Huh?
Thousands of eyes and ears made me stop by surprise.
Tell Celica and Lapisia next door.
"Wait a minute in the room there. Fight, please."
"Yes," "Okay."
We were already on the top floor, but we walked into a small room that was nearby.
Listen to the conversation between the two deputy commanders.
Inside the large commander's room, Kimaira was surprised to twist herself on the cushion.
"Hey, why!? Why did the Demon King kill all of them?"
"For revenge, let's not."
I don't know what that means.
The skeleton wraps up with four arms. The remaining two hands had shields and swords.
"I don't even know the details. It was only in the memory of someone mixed up. They just couldn't take the power gained in this world to another world. So I killed him, got him and tried to take him, and by chance, he was stabbed by a goddess. Was it really a coincidence"
- Are you saying that the power of faith gained from believers in this world becomes zero in the other world?
So you decided to increase your local power?
"Did the Demon King come from another world?
"Apparently so. And to avenge the world, they're going to devour the power of this world and empower it."
"... after all, what have we done?
"They're abandoned pawns. For the great men to achieve their purpose."
The skeleton shook its head loose. A trick like I gave up.
Murray, and Kimyra get up.
"... you kind of made me look stupid to die"
"I like that. Best not to die."
"Right, okay. Let's just say I enjoy the first and last betrayal. - Hmm? Mist is an undead made by Master Geadorf, but is it okay to defy him?
"Sure, as an undead, it's absolute obedience, because in a lot of memories you don't. Maybe freer than the rest of the undead."
"I feel too free."
Kimyra laughed with her nose and the skeleton shrugged her shoulders with six arms.
"Well, you know what? It's the same as losing to a brave man, why don't we embark on a journey together to find a place to die?"
"He's crazy. You don't want me to die? Find a place to die... or you'll have a dead eye."
"There are good guys in humans and demons. That's all."
"Is Mist a mix of people too?
"Oh, because the eagle was created to dig out Edelstein's gems. The people who lived there also seem to be mixed up. I have so many memories."
"For example?"
"... let's not put it down because it's not my memory. I'll see you when I get the chance."
The skeleton dropped his gaze and rubbed his left finger with his empty hand. There was an outfit that I thought was originally a bracelet stuck in my thick fingers.
The crest I've seen is carved.
I saw Celica's hand standing flat beside me.
Fitting into a flaky finger is an inheritance ring that shows the blood muscles of the Adelstein royal family.
It looked the same.
No, in the status column, the occupation was not mentioned and there was only LV.
- You mean King LV64?
For a moment, I thought I'd pair it with Celica.
But on the contrary, I thought it might be hard. Because I only have memories left.
I couldn't judge.
I cleverly carried a large cushion that Kimyra was falling asleep on.
Going to the side of the skeleton, I look up and frown.
"What's with all the sudden silence? Weird guy."
"Sorry, I was just thinking.... you take that cushion? I don't know..."
It was a skeleton tilting its neck in confusion, but Kimyra glanced up from the bottom with Giro.
"I don't know what you're gonna tell me about taking tea tools."
"Right. Everyone has something they want to take care of. - Let's go."
A skeleton wearing a cape and carrying a tea tool bag, and Kimyra left the room.
Kimyra screamed as she went out into the hallway.
"I tell my men! Never fight a brave man! Me and Mistus even lost! Now just think about running away!
Wow, and the fort became noisy as it twisted, and the demons began to flee through the gates on all sides.
Kimyra set foot in the direction of us.
Then the skeleton called it off.
"You shouldn't go that way. I don't feel good and I don't want to go somehow.... No, I don't want to be seen like this, do I?
The skeleton shrugged like a solitaire.
Kimyra turned back, not caring, and headed for another staircase.
After a while, the two disappeared from the top floor.
I saw Celica on the side. I am cautious and alert.
"Hey, Celica. Do you want to see your father?
"Huh? Is it all of a sudden, Kaika... well, if I don't want to see you, I'll lie, but I'd like to get my country back, if possible, and then see you again"
"Right...... good luck"
"Yes, Kaika."
Celica dropped her eyes on the hand with the ring on it and smiled as if she had reached an agreement.
- Maybe you realized something through the ring, as the skeleton noticed.
"Well, shall we go? As my voice said earlier, the battle is over. Explore the command room and go home if there's nothing."
I said, "Are you glad we didn't meet? No, I'm glad that's it."
And he searched his house for the fort, worried about it, and found blind documents, weapons and protective equipment, and demonic tools, and left the fort.
There were already no demons left in the fort.
I joined the Meignas in the north.
The men's beasts were all sleeping outside the fort. In the carpet made of the beast man, Megna stood refreshed.
That's Meña.
When Lapisia cured and awakened, she discussed it with the beasts.
As a result, the Beasts were to defend this fort. Run a transmission to the surrounding villages as well to request their cooperation.
Then I installed a fairy door so that I could rush anytime.
In front of a small room on the top floor.
The beasts of all kinds gathered and thanked each other with their mouths.
"Thank you, brave man!
"I sincerely thank you for freeing me"
"Let us vow to obey our beasts, our brave men and cat daughters!
I nod to Eagle Deep Fried.
"There are two more Demon King Army fortifications in the Beastman District. Don't be alarmed."
"" "Yes!
They smiled and dropped me off, knocking at the fairy door, and headed to defeat the Demon King's Army Magic Unit in the mountains.
Celica's level was 52 in this fight and Meigna was up to 56.
Meña learned [signs detection] of bandit skills.
And - this time, I increased my number of believers by more than 1,000 by dropping one of the forts that tormented the Beasts, and my number of believers exceeded 8,000.