Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–
Episode 178: Preparing for the coup
Three days ago, after contacting the resistance, he helped break through the siege net of the Royal Army.
That was when he won a great victory over the Royal Army.
The story then instantly spread throughout Adelstein, and dissatisfaction with the new regime began to take shape.
Protests against the government and small demonstrations.
- Well, it's because the resistance crew turned into citizens and bragged.
As a result, people began to feel strongly influenced by the activity of the resistance.
◇ ◇ ◇
Kaika Village morning.
After breakfast, Celica arrived thinking about today's date in the room.
I shake my blonde hair and come to the side.
"Kaika, the new administration in Edelstein has enforced conscription."
"That's fast. Now don't raise more and more popular discontent."
"Yeah, there's been a lot of backlash on the institutional and popular side.... I hope you stay safe..."
"Not yet, I'm fine. It's going to be fun."
Celica leans her neck worried. The blonde hair dripped.
"I'm worried."
"Trust me."
I had a crease between my eyebrows, but I snorted one.
"Okay, Kaika. - And it looks like the theatre in the Borderline Village is complete."
"Have you done it yet? That's Lionel."
"Yeah, he's a very smart kid. Still seems to make something......"
- Hmm. I guess I'm reading two or three hands ahead because I'm talking about Lionel.
I'm going to hang on to Edelstein, so let's see how it goes.
"I'm gonna show my face to the border village for a second"
"Yes, you didn't tell me, Kaika."
I left the room as I received a gentle Celica voice.
◇ ◇ ◇
The sun is hot in Kaika Harbour village on the border continent.
I was walking around the harbor.
A long, thick pier was formed to protrude into the sea, allowing large ships to moor.
The boulevard on the side of the harbor was lined with stone huts.
The township made use of the ruin-like houses that were half collapsed. Every house faces the street and opens its doors wide.
Glamorous colour hives and ascents are shaking in the wind.
Looks like a shopping district.
There was a skinny boy, Lionel, in the corner of such a store. Bright blonde hair is shaking soft in the wind.
Rionel had given detailed instructions to the employee's locals.
As I approached him, I showed him my white teeth and laughed refreshingly.
"Hi, Mr. Kaika. Well, it's starting to look a little like a town."
"Sounds like it. Is this the mall?"
"Yeah, it's a retail store for tourists. I'm thinking about building a mall in the warehouse district that accompanies the harbor for a big business meeting."
"I didn't expect you to be so serious in this short period of time. I feel like I'm in too much of a hurry."
Lionel glanced and narrowed her eyes.
"It's still far from ideal, so keep looking forward to it. We'll put in place an acceptance system before we start trading or interacting with Dollar Earth."
There was a little thorn in the way I said it, so I knew right away.
"I see. To keep the Dollar Earth merchants from seeing their feet"
"That's Kaika, she understands fast. Because when a merchant finds a weakness, it's what he tries to get in. Especially when rights are involved."
Only the son of the mayor of Dollar Earth presented a cynical opinion that he did not consider to be a child.
I remember doing you a favor.
"Yes, Lionel. I need you to do something for me."
"What is it? I'll do anything I can."
"I want you to keep everything in surplus without selling it"
"To what extent?
"Right...... something like three weeks worth of converting a port town dollar earth. Of course, think about it in the poorest meal."
Lionel puts his finger on his chin and thinks in.
"Consider a slice of bread and a cup of vegetable soup as one meal...... yes, I get it. Rice has little surplus, but we'll be able to do something about it soon because we can soba."
"That's fast. That's just rich in land and sunshine. - Just keep that in mind because the payment will be ahead of you for the time being."
"Okay, Mr. Kaika"
- Now one of the problems is cleared up.
"Well, town building, keep up the good work"
"Yes, we'll do our best to make everyone happier - come on, ladies and gentlemen, finish displaying the product"
Rionel made a nice smile and called on the employees working in each store.
"... Yes"
Back to back with a healthy Lionel voice, the employee's reply sounded dissatisfied.
- Oh?
Native people with shallow black skin worked in ethnic costume outfits, but it seemed like they were only heartfelt.
"Hmm. Doesn't seem like a good idea to make a very rapid change. Lionel, there's no point in causing the residents to be dissatisfied. So much so."
"Right. You may have been in too much of a hurry indeed. I'll be careful."
However, I was concerned that the working First Nations seemed dissatisfied.
After breaking up with Lionel, he headed to the residential island where the mayor's mansion was located.
Then, on his way to the soba fields of Aoyagi and Minoru, he met the chief with the feather decorations.
"Dear Kaika, God! The fields are going well. This crop grows very well"
"Looking good."
"But not good"
"Hmm? What's up?
A deep crease was engraved on the chief's tanned face.
"The Son of God, makes man and nature work too much. Enough to live for. More than that, nature gets angry"
"Oh... Lionel is developing too rapidly, isn't he? I stabbed the nail a little... It's just that some people are having trouble without food across the ocean. I want to help these people."
"Mm... That's Kaika, saving people all the way across the ocean. Then we obey."
"I'm sorry. But look at me so that Lionel doesn't overdo it. And don't let the natives upset you."
The chief shook his head feather ornament in a grand way and nodded.
I nodded back, too, and broke up.
Think as you cross the splendid stone bridge leading to the remote island.
- In the meantime, this will avoid the worst.
The temple of food procurement has come on.
Now we should be able to hold the stomach of the people of Edelstein as the new regime pushes the people to live in distress.
"Next up is the bottom line of force."
I looked up into the sky. A seabird resembling a seagull slipped under the blue sky.
◇ ◇ ◇
I went through the fairy door to Industria, the king's capital of the kingdom of Fabrica.
This one was only in the early morning. The sound of preparing breakfast in the tranquility.
I head through the triple walls that divide the city to the Royal Castle.
Sometimes, he shrunk in the cold wind, slipping away from the artisans walking with their collars up.
The soldiers guarding the gates of the royal palace had a great acquis.
I take the silver medal from my nostalgia - a testament to the brave.
The soldier's spine stretched.
"Good morning, brave man."
"A little early, but can I see the king?
"Yes, I thought you were probably okay. I'll show you."
"I'm sorry."
Soldiers led me into the royal castle.
Walk down the red carpeted hallway.
And he was led not to the throne, but to the king's bedroom on the third floor.
When he went inside, the king woke himself up in bed and drank his compliments of juice.
"Sounds like you got here early this morning."
"I had a business meeting today."
"Well. Does coming early in the morning seem important to you?
"We're talking about mutual gain, Your Majesty. - A previously manipulated minister ordered a large number of swords from craftsmen, didn't he? What happened to that one?
"Uhm...... new weapons for the soldiers and then sleeping in the warehouse"
"So the overstock is pushing the finances."
"Yes, but... I had to buy the purchase order with the meaning of filling in more than forcing the craftsmen to. - What's wrong with that?
I smiled and nodded.
"I'd like to take down the old weapons the soldiers used and the ones they didn't have much for, how about that?
"Mm-hmm! - Mm-hmm!
The king roared, changing his complexion by the time he was on the bed.
- Yes.
Edelstein's seizure of power is difficult for the Resistance alone.
The popular participation was also necessary.
But you can't fight without weapons. It's hard to make them fight with farm tools and bamboo.
Besides, for a small country to appeal for sovereignty, it needed a strong army with conscription to avoid being attacked by other countries. Like Switzerland, a perennial neutral country.
So even after the coup and Celica's return to the princess, we're gonna need a lot of weapons.
If you order a new weapon because of it, it will take a huge amount of money and time.
So he thought about buying it from the suffering kingdom of Fabrica by placing a meaningless mass order.
I speak with an ever-increasing smile.
"The Demon King Four Heavenly Kings defeated, and the Demon King's Army was in a state of destruction. I was wondering if we would need excessive weapons for the time being, unless we would also be at war with our neighbours. There are also flying dragons. - Wouldn't it be better to add the weapon that became a non-performing loan to the treasury than to let it rust in the warehouse like this?
The king shook his beard and roared.
"I don't think they're looking at my feet..."
"No, that's not true. We're talking about mutual gain."
Well, I make a lot of money, but even the Fabrica Kingdom can clean up bad inventory, so that's not a bad story.
That's why we can't dispose of a lot of weapons unless it's war.
But only with the face of the king.
"It's like it's the only thing that's gaining..."
"Word is, I'm not the one who ordered the bulk, that minister -"
The king shouted, blocking my words.
"Yeah, don't tell me that. I know! Come on, let's hand over all the extra weapons for 30% of the market."
"Almost! How about 15%?
The king opened his eyes.
"Do you want the price or not? 25%."
"In 18%"
"Twenty percent, then it won't go any further!
"Thank you, Your Majesty"
I profoundly mowed.
The minister had been replaced by a demon, but he didn't realize it, and trying to wage war on his neighbor just seemed like a big problem he didn't want to be poked at.
- But now we get thousands of swords for a broken price!
The king lay neatly in bed holding a cup of juice.
"I'm tired in the morning. - Is there anything else?
"No, there's more... I'll have the sword come and get it later. However, the payment will be a little later"
"Mm-hmm. I'll take care of Kaika. The Elf Village's participation has increased tax revenues, and let's see more."
"Thank you. - Okay, then."
I left the bedroom behind in a light grace.
◇ ◇ ◇
When she returned to the mansion in Kaika village, Celica greeted her.
"How was it, Kaika?
"Lionel seemed a little too hasty to create a backlash, but that's roughly fine. I could pay for another concern."
"That's good."
Celica exhaled relieved with her hands on her big chest.
I stood beside Celica and looked down.
"So, Celica, are you ready?
"What is it?
"Of course, prepare to bloom back to the princess"
Celica opened her blue eyes round and solidified.
"What's up? Scared?"
She rocked her blonde hair and nodded with a serious face.
"Yes, thank you"
"Oh, leave it to me. From here on out, Celica's activity is the most important thing."
I reached out and stroked Celica's head.
You were nervous. Celica loosened her shoulder strength and, uh, rang her throat.
- Now we're ready to recapture Edelstein.
Failure is not tolerated. Make sure you get it back.
I renewed my inner determination as I stroked Celica's beautiful hair.