Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–
Episode 225: Black Job
I defeated Lilly and preached brainwashing. I came back to the Mansion to work out an operation to exorcise the Demon King.
Then there was a giant amoebic creature, a biholder gel eye, in front of the mansion.
The villagers are not afraid of anyone. I was totally acquainted with the village.
The nucleus part of the amoeba is eyeballing, and with its big blue eyes I look at the reliever still.
"Well, isn't it a biholder gel? How did you get here?"
"You forgot to give me your waiting instructions."
Lily laughed in a dry voice.
"haha...... could have been"
When Eye goes off the road, he stretches out his transparent tentacles and starts writing something on the ground.
Too symbolic to even read me of God. I can't seem to read it unless I have more followers.
Livia peered from the side.
"Hmm. Pay 12000 nemralyn from the start of the job to date. Lily, I'll pay you."
Certainly a substance from different worlds than nemuralin, and they say it's worth as much as a ton of superb carmela baking with one ingot.
"Yeah, yeah! I'm going bankrupt! I don't store that in the world of Kako."
My eyes shake my eyeballs sideways.
I'll speak for you.
"I worked as my boss instructed, so it would be bad if I didn't pay my salary"
"Kaika, can't you handle it!?
Lily said with a crying face.
"Uh-huh. I don't know because I was dying. I need to add that."
Kokoku and Eye raised and lowered huge eyeballs.
Livia says, filling her young face with niña laughter.
"All authority over the sea has shifted to that."
"But I can't give something I don't... what can I do..."
Releal to soak up the soot. Such tricks are adorable too.
In the meantime, I pitied him, so I gave him a help boat.
"Well, you are. Anything you want to change? You pay in kind for something else."
Eye drops his gaze and makes him think.
"And. Even Eye is waiting, so why don't we cut him down instead of the regular amount?
It was a statement trying to find a place to drop it, but Eye swung his eyeballs thoroughly and refused.
And start writing symbols on the ground again.
Livia says.
I'm telling you, it's not a standby, it's a surveillance job.
"Hmm? What were you monitoring?
Then Eye pointed his tentacles at Livia.
"Were you monitoring Livia? Then why were you in this village pond?
Eye pointed northeast.
I see that direction with a thousand eyes.
There was a lake upstream of the Great River. The temple is sinking at the bottom of the lake.
"Well, there was a temple upstream of the river. There's no treasure or anything... is that the temple where Livia was sealed?
"Mm-hmm. I don't really remember..."
Answer as Lily distorts her beautiful face crying.
"Yeah, because it was that lake that sealed Mr. Livia's soul. I asked him to keep an eye on it so it wouldn't come back."
"And I forgot"
"Ugh. How could I forget something so important?"
Livia is kind of cute to grate in trouble.
but the current ran unexpectedly as I watched it.
"- No, maybe they made you forget."
"Huh? Why the hell?
"The Demon King was teaching Geadorf the Four Heavens the ritual of lies. As a result, it is Livia and Behemt who resent the Genesis God that has risen. Just Livia, to be exact. The Demon King was going to use two evil gods. I was interrupted when my soul was being watched."
"Oh, no... but if I bring you both back, your mother will be in danger"
"Right. The world could perish. Then the brave men and gods must move to stop them. - I mean, I guess the Demon King had insurance against memory erasure and stuff as a time buyer."
"Well! Are you saying that the Demon King Vernus even thought about that!
Livia puts on an arm and nods greatly.
"Mm-hmm. That's more likely. That's right, Kaika. I've noticed."
"The Demon King is probably, but Kaika, who notices that, is just fine..."
Lapisia says in a cheerful voice.
"Celica said! Kaika said it was the worst!
I think more and more with my hands on my chin.
Subtly unconvincing.
"I was insuring the Evil God resurrection. You'd be thinking about the need to buy some time. - That's crazy, you shouldn't have to."
Lille and Livia tilt their necks.
"Why not?
"Would you be buying time to be resurrected?
"No, it's not. You said evolutionary cocoons were an absolute defense. I can't take him down because I can't attack him."
"Ah! I was! Even the Holy Sword may not be possible."
"It's weird to buy time because as soon as you come out of the cocoon, you just have to destroy the world - no way"
Like I bathed in water, I looked up all the time.
"Huh? What's wrong? What is it?
"It's the same as a bug, your body stays soft for a while after you get out of the cocoon, or it could not be in good shape!
"Yay, that's certainly a good chance!
"Not now if you're going to attack me!
Lily shakes her head. The white veil rocked.
"That's Mr. Kaika. I can't believe we're getting more and more uncovered about enemy trends from a little information."
"You're a dirty man."
Somehow the two goddesses sent me a hot gaze.
I turn back to the eye as I scratch my head.
"Well, that's why. It is true that the release may be out of control, but there was also an aspect of force majeure. Wouldn't you be able to reduce it? I'll take it from the Demon King as long as I can."
Eye had blue, giant eyes, staring at me.
I nodded slowly after a while.
"Do you understand me? I'm sorry I couldn't."
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Biholdergel. I'll do my best to pay as much as I can - thank Kaika for the arbitration, too. I couldn't help myself."
"Never mind. Until I did what I deserved. - I gathered a lot more information than that. Let's have an operational meeting. Lapisia, get me Celica and Meña."
He snuggled the blue twin tail behind him and ran to the mansion.
We entered the premises to get to the mansion, too. I see cobblestones and buildings with a similar arrangement to the shrine.
Then the eye poked sticky with his tentacles.
"Hmm? What's up?
Start writing symbols.
Or what letter is this? It's not even a god letter.
Livia comes next to me and peeks in.
And then I blew it out.
Niyaniya laughs and looks up at me.
"This is a continuation of the payment in kind earlier. I want Kaika's kid, I'm telling you! It's hard to have a man!
"You were a female!
As soon as I asked, Eye's huge eyes turned red like they caught fire.
And as he covered his eyeballs with many tentacles, he slipped away ~ and left at an amazing speed.
The rest of me stood still.
The slaves, who were shouted and surprised, peered their faces out of the cabin, and from the sales office Fall rode himself out to look at this one.
The breeze mocks my forehead like a fool.
Livia is still sneering next door. Lily had a troubled grin.
Ha, and I sighed one, and I went back to the mansion.