It wasn't just the Canaries that appeared scattering particles of golden magic from the nothingness void... it was the party of the three Kyles in addition to Shirley.
"Also, are we there yet?
"That means this is..."
"Uhm. Welcome to my country"
After receiving the request officially, the Shirleys, who had finished their preparations, instantly crossed the border by canary transfer magic to a far north country.
The demonic kingdom in the north of the continent has lower temperatures than the kingdom in the south, with cool winds blowing from the mountains even in the middle of summer. And most importantly, it's the richness of its streets that catches my eye.
"I heard you have a weak relationship with other countries, so I thought it would be more like this... rural, but you don't"
"Oh, it's more of a metropolis."
Built with fine stone and wood, the tall buildings combine functional and landscaped beauty, and in the center of them lies a huge castle, like a castle fortress, with an emphasis on defense and wartime efficiency, which is also different from the rugged castles of the king and imperial capital.
"But it doesn't sound like you're just a demon, does it? You see, there are people of different races sometimes."
Ninety percent of the races present in the demonic kingdom are demon tribes that have produced horns from their heads. But Leia's right. Some are dog beasts and some are humans. If it was anything, there would be elves and dwarves. That percentage is more biased than the kingdom.
"Something about the building feels a lot different from the kingdom, and it's a little exciting to actually feel that you've come to a country you don't know at all. It wasn't even an atmosphere of slow sightseeing when we were in the empire.................. Hmm?
The three countrymen on the border of the kingdom are completely floating in front of exotic cities. From the side, it would be like a student who came on a trip.
Kyle stopped in front of a store when Shirley was also lightly attached to him to see if he should take a big look if he could afford a few stops as an elder. As far as standing signs go, it looks like a confectioner there.
"... canary baking... what?
"A concubine inspired confection, but what is it?
"Is there even such a thing!?
"Ha-ha-ha! Which, I haven't eaten in a while! Store owner! All canary dishes are cooked one at a time!
"Oh, this is Dear Canary! It's been a while."
Apparently, he's only local and knows his face. The Golden Witch, who somehow bought canary-baked confectionery in an upbeat mood, put it up to show off to Kyle and the others.
Apparently, a cup of flour in a thin dough dissolved in water is a confection filled with a wide variety of sweets such as chocolate and custard cream. On top of it is a baking mark supposedly imitating the face of the canary.
"Uhm! The flavour of a tradition I've been familiar with eating for 700 years! New confectionery is good, but sweetness in my hometown is good."
"Heh... looks delicious"
Three young people, starting with Leia, look slightly envious of the canary cheeky with their own face baked.
... Normally, adults would show enough skill to luxury youngsters. I bought it to the point where I wanted to suspect that it would go into that small, thin belly anyway. They never do what they urge, but they were there somewhere in their hearts expecting adult care.
"Huh? What are you looking at? The concubine bought all these canaries for the concubine, didn't she? If you want to eat, why don't you just buy it yourself? Take-out the owner and all canary grills with stock ingredients! Don't even give one to the other customers!
"Hey!? Tell me to buy it myself. Is that it!?
but should it be said there after all? On the contrary, I mocked Kyle by making sure he didn't get into his mouth and then with a look immersed in superiority.
"Kuhahahahahaha! Power and financial power are true luxuries used to worship the repentant faces of others! Why? There's no reason! I just want to eat it looking down in the envy of your lords. Bye!?
"Don't do things that are not very popular with your child"
Shirley also stopped an adult buy that slapped Canary's head with a sword belly and finally made him say something to his finances.
I somehow don't like being able to point the same gaze at all the other elders, so I bought a canary grill for three. I decided to go down the road to the castle again while eating.
"Even so, I can't believe it's a confectionery motif. You know, the kingdom is quite a notoriety."
"It is true that in other countries...... especially in the Empire, the Canary passes with an extremely evil witch, but from the demonic kingdom, it is a great hero during the Great War. I was wondering if there might be this kind of treatment."
Nearly a thousand years ago, the Demons were waging a massive war with a race other than their own. That was the biggest war in the history of the continent, he said, so much so that even in modern times the brave and demon kings would associate themselves with a confrontation of fate.
One of the actors who put an end to that struggle is Canary. She is the savior who saved her from the crisis of extinction, even if she had such high magic powers that she did not originally send other races, but because her longevity was a vendetta and her birth rate was low, and she was significantly depopulated by the war.
"Besides, historical heroes can often be tourist souvenir shoppers' stories. Even tourist destinations along the coast of the eastern part of the kingdom sold in boxes of confectionery made up of General Daedalus' buns, which established trade with the merchant countries."
"Heh... you're a little concerned"
"By the way, the creator of that confection can be a concubine. I want to see how you react when you spread the sweetness of the merchant country to the continent."
"Are you serious!?
"I mean, Mr. Shirley sometimes goes into a souvenir shop. I thought you weren't interested in that."
"When there are no requests near the border, and I rarely travel far away, I check souvenirs for my daughters."
"I see, I'm convinced"
Everything in sight is fresh, and conversations rarely play out without any trouble with story stories to exchange the oligarchy Shirley.
As we continued the conversation on the road, the topic became about this request.
"But this time the Thief, who's after the princess, he's pretty tight on security, and he's really coming out? The Alliance Master has all the way to Mr. Shirley, right?
"Well. There are still many mysteries surrounding my M.O., but as one of the possible means of doing so, I wonder if I can get all the talent over there. Regardless, the concubine is not allowed to do the same and is moving the back connections... one person is having trouble grasping the whereabouts of the concerned person"
"Care? What does that mean?
"To put it plainly, a man who can destroy Shirley alone in melee combat."
Kyle unexpectedly glances at Shirley as she walks through the souvenirs to Sophie's.
Dragon King Killer. A woman who breaks a giant castle in the distance with one knife. In melee combat, I believed there was no enemy, and I didn't doubt that there was an avant-garde position for her.
"The Black Holy Spear, Marion. Between martial arts and the intimate avant-garde position, the White Sword Ghost is called alongside the living legend and the spear. Much more famous than Shirley, who has no attachment to honor or martial arts medals, but at any rate, he is in the shadow of God. Even the Thief has a low priority, so I'm not particularly concerned... and here we are."
A line that reached the front of the castle gate. Canary approached the demonic soldier consolidating both sides of a tightly closed gate with ease as if visiting a friend's house.
"This is Dear Canary. His Majesty the Demon has heard the story."
"Mm-hmm. These four are the adventurers. After that, please."
"Is that it? Aren't the Alliance Masters going?
A canary that turns its back from the castle early and goes toward the city.
"This time the concubine came to talk to the castle people... it's like a face pass. My concubine is still busy. You'll show up when you get home, so you won't have to meet the Demon King before then."
Leaving behind, he scatters particles of golden magic, and the canary disappears from the spot. Shortly afterwards, the gate opened with a heavy noise, and a demonic man appeared from inside, wrapped around a swallow tail suit with an old look.
"Thank you for waiting. I (I) am the chief of staff at Demon King's Castle. We will now take you to the meeting with the Demon King."
Following a man named Chief Supplier, the Shirleys stepped inside the Demon King's Castle.
It must have a fortified appearance, there are no figurines, trees or flowers between the outer walls and the castle that colour the landscape, only the path of bricks, which is the passage, and the short lawn, which is otherwise the space, continue everywhere.
"Wow... Big Castle.........!
"How many times my house are there?
"How are you managing this or something...? The rent is going to be amazing."
Three people who describe strangely common people's feelings.
It's like a private school or an adventurer's guild when it comes to big facilities in a bordering city. It would be their first time, such as coming in front of an architecture whose neck hurts just to look up.
"Don't just look up. I'll be there."
"Ah, yes."
But from Shirley, a former noble warlord and fiancée of the Crown Prince, the castle and other familiar things. Encouraging Kyles to switch spirit from a tourist mood to a working condition, he continues on the outside of the wide castle.
A few minutes to follow after the superintendent with a side view of the soldiers of the demonic kingdom encouraging them to train. An errand that ends only face-to-face than the original, when I even began to wonder if anything would end like this.
"Grimhilda, it's adorable, yeah, yeah, yeah!!
A growl similar to such a whisper rocked the eardrums of the Shirleys.
Looking back to what the hell was going on and to those who spoke, there was the great sturdy figure of the demon clan who had grown black horns, all-backed with long silver hair, stacking hundreds of pictures on the bench and inserting them one by one in a carefully skinned book.
"…… Album?
That's why Shirley was so intuitive. That great guy is now editing the album with a bunch of stuffy vibes all around him. It seems to overlap with what I was yesterday.
"Heh, Your Majesty!? What are they doing in places like this!? See, there's a guest right there, editing in your room......!
"Yep, let go!! It's been days since my beloved daughter left this castle!? If I don't refill my daughter at all, the contents of my head will pop out of my ear!!
It's not just his appearance. Shirley feels strange intimacy until what she's saying. From that greatness, Kyle and the others ask the superintendent if he felt anything close to the sword ghost in front of him in such a way as to be afraid.
"Oh, uh... I heard something now Your Majesty, but maybe that delightful man..."
"... unfortunately in our Lord, His Majesty the Demon King Zektor Eisenquartz"
"Is that the Demon King!?
What kind of visibility do you feel? There are big differences between words and deeds, but there are times when I feel a very similar atmosphere from the woman in front of me.
"Have a great love for Princess Grimhilda... often look like that"
"Ma... Well, Mr. Shirley, I can tell by looking at it, but I often hear you say you're cuter than yourself when it comes to your own children."
"Even Mr. Shirley thinks Sophie and Tio are the cutest things in the world, right?
"…… naturally."
Shirley snorts all the time. No matter how cute his son is to his demon king, the cutest thing in the world to Shirley is none other than his own daughters.
Especially since I'm not going to put that in my mouth and stick it together. It's not Shirley's personality, and I'm not going to do anything that unilaterally pushes my values.
"My daughter is decided to be overwhelmingly cuter"
Where the hell were you listening from, all of a sudden you interrupt the story. No, even the demon king Zektor leaves on a small run in a tone that just says it's the truth of the world.
Shirley dropping that back off silently and face-to-face. The look on Kyle's face was somewhat horrible.
"Jeez, I'm talking about my own kids being the cutest!? We're not even married or anything, so I don't know."
"Oh, yeah! The point is, it matters what you think! There's no room for other people to rate your likes or dislikes!
"... no matter, I know. For parents, their own children are the cutest things. It's only pointless to have such things as being superior or inferior to other children -"
"Assuming I compare, my daughter is the best in the world."
I put in a corner follow up, but once again, I just say something extra, and Zecter leaves on a small run.
Shirley's shoulder shuddered slightly as she dropped off her back silently and without expression.
"also, my deepest apologies! Your Majesty... when it comes to the princess, do you weirdly hate to lose..."
"Sha, Mr. Shirley, keep it down! Because they are the kings of one country!
"... It's okay, no problem. Comparing those daughters to other houses is a barren thing I should do."
"By comparison, I'm sure Grimhilda will prove to be the best daughter in the world."
Once again, I say extra things and leave on a small run, Zecter. Now he didn't have time to stop, and Shirley shrugged in a flash ahead of Zektor or no, in a bottom-cold voice like hell.
"The cutest thing in the world will be decided by my daughters......"