Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 102 Tribute

“I am about to set up a great battle to kill the ungrateful!” The ancient sea snorted cold.

“Wow!" Suddenly the repairman looked at the ancient sea with a loud eye.

Setting up a line?

The great battle just now is still in sight and, of course, the great battle, although it continues to explode, is still within the reach of the cultivators.

Today, it's the ancient sea that wants to set up a formation!

“Skyknife Life and Death? ”

“Twenty-eight days and days? ”

“The Great Battle of 20,000 Fixers? ”




Countless fixers are a spiritual, some timid have begun to retreat towards the outside world.

Instead of ignoring the Quartet's cultivators, the ancient sea looked at the evil people.

“Gao Xianzhi, you will lead Heaven to patrol the ancient palace for the time being, dare not sue the intruder, kill!” Ancient Sea Sinking Channel.

“Yes!” answered Gao Xianzhi.

“Guhan, you assist Kao Xianzhi, point out the patrol range. At the same time, deal with the remaining disciples of Song Jia Zong.” The ancient sea looks toward the ancient Han.

“Yes, Father!” Ancient Han responded.

“Guqin, you settle in with the others!” Ancient Sea commanded.

“Yes, Father!“ Guqin responded.

The evil men were slowly arranged.

The ancient capital grew larger and bigger as the construction continued for much of the past six months. However, the ancient sea still likes its own tower.

Just after returning, the ancient sea soaked a hot bath. After refreshing, the ancient sea took out a lot of spiritual stones. It's starting to set up.

The evil men helped to bury the stones and began to set up a great array.


Suddenly, the fog swept through the sky, slowly covering all sides of the ancient palace.

“Let's go, Gu Haibu Array! ”

“Skyknife Life and Death, it must be Skyknife Life and Death! ”

“It's 28 days and 28 days! ”




The cultivators quickly retreated to the periphery, after all, the ancient Haibu Front, whose name was outside.

On the punch tower.

The ancient sea overlooks the clouds and fog, flashing with satisfaction. Outsiders can't see the inside, they can stand on the tower, but this eye can see everything.

“Father-in-law, is this a 28-day battle, or is it a life-and-death situation?” Guqin looked at the Quartet in amazement.

“Neither!” The ancient sea shook its head.


“The formation needs enormous spiritual stone support, which is far from enough!” The ancient sea shook its head.

“So what is this?” Guqin accidental road.

“Empty city plan!” The deep inhalation airway of the ancient sea.

The ancient Qin god nodded in earnest: “The righteous father was wise, and the name of the day knife, the day and the day, the day and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day, and the day and the day, and the day, and the day and the day, and the day, and ”

The ancient sea nodded.


Outside the ancient palace, in a mountainous forest.

“Whoa, whoa! ”

A string of footsteps traveled through the mountain forest, but Chen Tianshan took away the local villain.

At this moment, Chen Tianshan was carried by a stretcher and rushed fast in the mountain forest.

“Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!” Chen Tianshan on the stretcher pointed in the distance to clear the cough.

Not only Chen Tianshan, there are a lot of bad people seriously injured at this moment, most of them carried by stretchers, quickly traveling through the forest.

“Minister, how could you do this? How could they ambush us?” An evil man looks ugly.

“Cough cough cough, traitor, they are traitors, betrayed me Qinghe sect, mixed with Song Jia sect disciples!” Chen Tianshan's face was ugly.

“Minister, let's go back!” Several evil men stared.

“No, don't go back!” Chen Tianshan cried weakly.

“My lord, my men can't swallow this breath! Three hundred of us were injured and fifteen died in this ambush. When did we ever lose so much?” The evil man stared.

“I know, cough, cough, I know I'm not very capable, I don't know their tricks, I'm afraid of everything, I'm not smart about Gao Xianzhi, I'm not brutal about scars, I'm not secretive about official marks, but I know I'm afraid of death! Cough, fear death! I told you, my lord doesn't care, but let me keep it! Because I fear death, I do not want to take risks together, we have already died 15 people, I do not want to die more people, we report to the Lord, He will avenge us!” Chen Tianshan Weak Road.

“Alas!" The evil people looked ugly for a while.

“Qinghe sect, has been extinguished, hahaha, has been extinguished, it is finally late! Li Yangxian has now completely belonged to Song Jiazong. The Patriarch is unaccounted for, and his life and death are unknown. Has the head of the hall been imprisoned? Lord Song Ko, Song Pingsheng, how dare you!” Chen Tianshan Weak Road.

“How could a churchmaster be imprisoned? Song Pingsheng, what's he doing? ”

“I don't know, come on, follow this road, keep walking, go see the grownups, come on!” Chen Tianshan Weak Road.

“Yes!” The evil men ran quickly and ugly toward the distance.


Gu Fu.

Next to the ancient palace, a small valley, also covered in fog at this moment, outsiders dare not approach.

The valley is quite quiet, with a stream flowing through it, full of azaleas. Valleys are usually inaccessible to outsiders in order not to disturb the silence in the valley.

At this moment, the ancient sea stepped into the valley with a food box, passing through the azaleas and parked in front of a small tomb.

A stone tablet was erected in front of the tomb, and it looked like a common tomb. On the headstone it says:

“The tomb of a beloved wife, Chen Xian 'er! ”

Ancient Sea held a food box in his hand and looked at the tombstone for a moment of silence.

After a while, the ancient sea gently opened the box and slowly removed the dish of pastry.

“Steamed green bean cake! Secret Potato Glutinous Rice Cake! Red bean sand cake! It's all your favorite. I haven't done it myself in half a year. See if the craft's degraded.” The ancient sea looked at the tombstone and smiled.

Sit down slowly and lean on the tombstone.

“Fairy, the old man is back!” The ancient sea sighed slightly.

Leaning on the tombstone, looking up at the sky, the whole ancient sea seemed a lot easier. Distinguished and fierce in front of outsiders, he could sit in front of this tombstone, but he seemed to put down all his guards and become a child.

“See? I'm young, I'm not an old man anymore. I am now in the seventh heavenly state, I told you, others can practise, I can, I can, and I will, and it will get better and better, and I will get to the kingdom as soon as possible, and I will get stronger and stronger and stronger, so that those who trample on us freely will never have a chance again, I will avenge you, the people who kill you, I will take their flesh down one by one!” The ancient Haitian tone is calm, but the eyes are full of firmness.

“You don't have to worry about me, I'll live well, I'll live better than anyone, better than our enemies! ”

“I've got a little eyebrow, they came to Kowloon and Five, maybe just to find the dragon vein, but I haven't found anyone, I'll find them slowly, my wife, my love! ”

Picking up a piece of green bean cake, the ancient sea ate it, ate it, looked around for a while, after a while, the ancient sea revealed a bitter smile.

“A few months ago, in the world of congenital mutilation, I heard the news that there are three souls of heaven and earth. After you die, the soul of heaven returns to heaven, the soul of earth is reincarnated, the soul of man stays beside the grave. Is your soul there? Can you see me? Can you hear me?” The ancient sea eats green bean sand gently.

“I miss you so much, fairy!” The corner of the ancient sea slipped down two lines of tears.

Against the tombstone, the ancient sea murmured softly, not knowing how long later, the ancient sea against the tombstone, slowly fell asleep.

In a dream, it's like a voice reappearing in a dream.

“My husband is a great hero of Gestapo! Saved the people of the country! ”

“My husband is a good man who saves suffering! ”

“Husband, this little dog is pathetic! ”

“Husband, I want to give you a baby! ”

“My husband is the best, he can protect me! ”

“With the husband here, I won't be bullied by anyone! ”




The sounds in the dreams are memories of the past. The ancient sea rekindled once in its sleep, leaning against the tombstone. Even if it fell asleep, the tears never stopped.


“Boom boom! ”

Chen Tianshan and many evil people were brought to the ancient capital by a group of evil people.

Have a good trip, although many people are curious as to why this group of evil people is happening, no one dares to stop them.

In the ancient palace.

“Minister Chan, what happened to you?” Gao Xianzhi looked at injured Chen Tianshan with surprise.

“Where is my lord? Come on, take me to the grownups!” Chen Tianshan was anxious.

The four ministers gathered, Guqin and Guhan were with them, and Chen Tianshan was anxious.

“Minister Chen, my father is mourning his dead mother, no one can disturb him!” Guqin solemnly said.

“Ah? But now it's dangerous!” Chen Tianshan Jiaoqi Road.

“You can tell us first that my father mourns his dead mother, and really no one can disturb me, not even my big brother!” Gu Han explained.

“Dead mother? My lord has a wife?” Scar was surprised.

Ancient Qin and Ancient Han never mentioned it. Everyone saw the expression on their faces and understood that they should not ask more questions. Turn around and look at Chen Tianshan.

“Chen Tianshan, what happened?” The upper organ marks frowned.

“Alas, we, we have an ambush!” Chen Tianshan was bitter.

“You went back to Qing River Sect and encountered an ambush?” The crowd was surprised.


A few days later, Song Pingsheng, Lord of Song A, listened to his subordinates' report at a gazebo in Qinghe Zong.

“The ancient sea is back? Looks like the White Elder failed?” Song Pingsheng coldly said.

“Yes, the White Elder was transformed, but he was still slaughtered by those evil men!” A subordinate behind him saluted.

“Huh, loser, let him go as fast as he can, but he wants to talk about ranking. Huh!” Song Pingsheng coldly said.

“Lord, those evil people...! ”

“Li Wei is also a loser, so that these evil people can destroy the Dafeng gang, this evil people? If there were some worries before, what are you worried about now, you can transform now, the rest are still being transformed, and you're afraid they won't make it?” Song Pingsheng coldly said.

“Yes, my men are worried! ”

“How's the interrogation going?” Song Pingsheng sighed.

“No news yet, we have moved a lot of sentences, Lord Qinghe is very stubborn, he refuses to say!” The subordinate looked ugly.

Song Pingsheng's eyes shrugged slightly: "The monk's whereabouts must be questioned, otherwise, it is also a problem for me! ”
