Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 1254 Return of the Dragon Warring States

This is the second best!


With cracks all over his face, the water on his head is the seed of the rigid ancestors, and he did his best to stir up the water of the East Sea with suicide, pouring down the sky and preparing to submerge nearly ten thousand city pools!

It will flood millions of galaxies, and all will despair of massive amounts of water.

In a flash, a gourd sucked into the ancient sea?

The East China Sea was emptied in an instant, and only some fish were struggling under the sea. The waters of the South China Sea and the North Sea were falling, filling the gap in the East China Sea.


In a forest.

“My lord, I told you, this ancient sea is invincible, let's not mess with him anymore, he is more terrible than Yuan Tianzheng!” Blackness carries its original thrill.

“East Sea water? That's East Sea water. How can a gourd be so capable?” White and uncertain stares stunned.

It was quiet for a while. There was also a swing in my heart, a cactus on one side and an ancient sea of invincibility on the other. Now….

Tiandu without frontiers.

“Calabash? No wonder they call it a gourd, so much water in the East Sea, flattened down, and even covered the whole of Shenzhou. All loaded in the gourd?” Dragon Wanqing was surprised.

“How big is the gourd interior?” Chen Xian was also amazed.

Donghai land.

Jingwei and others look at the countless islands like mountains and are also stunned.

Just now, everyone's desperate. Though the water does not hinder people, how many civilians will be drowned once the water washes through the continent.

Laying the heavens and the earth, entering the stars, descending on the earth, like the great water of the world, there is a sense of powerlessness at first glance.

But just the big water, instantly harvested by the ancient sea?

While everyone was stunned, there seemed to be a great deal of excitement inside to cheer.

Only the winner.

Watching yourself spell the same trick, instantly dissolved by the ancient sea, only despair left in the eyes.

“How did this happen? How did that happen?” I was terrified when I shook.

For the first time, the frontal ancient sea was in the Yellow Springs Sea. The ancient sea could not be seen at all. At that time, it was thought that an elder bloody witch could destroy him.

The second frontal Ancient Sea was in the East Ling Fire Sea. The Ancient Sea could hardly touch the fire god of Jiang Lianshan and showed strength, but kept him alert.

For the third time, that is, now, a deep sense of powerlessness has been seen from the ancient sea.

The ancient ocean is an understated dissolution?

“Is God going to kill my wizard, my wizard, doomed?” With a glimmer of despair.

“What else are you looking at? Why don't you take it?” The ancient sea dragged the gourd and dragged it out loud.


The ancient sea drank loudly, everyone was excited, and suddenly jumped to the hook. At this moment, Jing Wei, the heaven of punishment, and the rear of the sea were all excited shouts.

In an instant, everyone jumps at the winner.

How much strength does it take to drain the entire East Sea water?


When Jing Wei slapped him, he hit the top of an island peak.

“She can't?” The vigilante was happy in the face and suddenly jumped over.

In an instant, the winning hook was held by the vigilante, who quickly sealed off all body power and wrapped it in a fire, preventing it from healing.

“Gotcha, thank you, Your Majesty!” Jingwei grabbed the hook and came to thank him.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” The queen and the day of the punishment also said.

Guhai looked at the three people and nodded his head: “Don't thank me, let me give you a gift! ”

“Ah?” People don't know, so.

“The three of you should go back to the Dynasty first, soothe the crowd, wait for to come back and discuss!” Guhai said to the three of them.

The three of them looked at the ancient sea and finally nodded. From the words of the ancient sea, it can be heard that there must be some misunderstanding between the ancient sea and . In the absence of the ancient sea, the ancient sea does not want to interact too deeply with the Great Qian Dynasty, just wait for to come back and make a decision?

The three of them left instantly.

Guhan and others also quickly reached the ancient sea.

“Father, is the East Sea water loaded with this gourd?” The ancient man exclaimed.

The strong people are naturally surprised by this gourd. It's the water of the East China Sea. You actually earned this little gourd? It's a common 'fairy dome’, and it's impossible to do that.

More than that, the ancient Immortal Dome of the Ancient Sea cannot be filled with East Sea water now.

But this little gourd did it.

“I will release it now, and you will guard your surroundings!” Guhai said.

“Yes!” the crowd said.

“Let it go!" The ancient sea prompted the packing of the calabash.

“Boom boom! ”

At one time, roll down the water of the East Sea and fall towards the depressed East Sea.

When it fell, it suddenly overflowed countless floods of water.

However, the spill of the moment is within the capabilities of the powerful.

Hole Xuan wings flashed, causing a big wind, blowing the overflow water back.

The black mosquito of the mosquito traitor, the scorpion tail of the Scorpion Demon, the water control power of the rear mother-in-law, the dragon god stomped on the ground to cast the wall, quickly put the big water into the East Sea.

After a busy half-day, the East Sea finally recovered, only temporarily waves and not for a short time to calm down.

“Back in the morning!” Ancient Sea commanded.


“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

Everyone treads and rushes to the borderless heavens. He turned to the mouth of the Temple of Punch.

“Brother-in-law, let me see your gourd. I haven't seen it yet!” Dragon Wan shouted excitedly.

The ancient sea placed the giant calabash in the hands of the dragonfly: “Thanks to your reminder, this calabash is called the calabash? Isn't it the fifteenth of the sixteenth great Legacy treasure? ”

Dragon Wanyu gently sensed: “What a huge space, my consciousness, I can't even get to the bottom of it, it's the magic treasure of a candle dragon! Load the gourd! ”

“Candle Dragon's Pharaoh?” The ancient sea is curious.

“Yeah, brother-in-law, you're in luck. I thought the gourd was completely broken!” Dragon Wanyu sighed and handed back the gourd.

“Well, since you say it's amazing, I won't split it back into five!” The ancient seafinder took it.


When loaded, Calabash entered the ancient sea body and was carried by the Fire God on his back.

“Husband-in-law, did you leave the hook to Dae-jun? Inside her, there are also seeds of water rigidity!” Chen Xian frowned.

The ancient sea silenced for a while: “This resurrection, I finally owe you something, this tick is also a reward! ”

“Okay!” the ladies nodded.

“There's something going on down there. I'm going to go and help!” The ancient sea looked at the audience.

“Condition? Husband, where are you? Isn't that enough? Isn't there a 22957 and my dad?” Dragon Wanqing was surprised.

“It's not easy! I have to go in person!” Ancient Sea Sinking Channel.

“Father, children go with you! ”

“Your Majesty, may I accompany you! ”

“Your Majesty, please! ”




All the strong men of Heavenly Palace called for battle.

“No, you stay in the middle of the line in case of a mutation!” Ancient Sea commanded.

“Yes!” Everyone was helpless for a while.

“Dragon God wins!” The ancient sea looked toward the dragon god.

“My lord!” The Dragon God's eyes lit up when he thought the Emperor was going to take him.

“I will keep a treasure in your palace. During my absence, you will help me live and guard it!” Ancient Sea commanded.

“Uh? Yes!” The dragon god nodded blankly.

What treasure?

Others are curious, but the ancient sea doesn't tell the rest, nor is it easy to probe.

“I'll be back as soon as I can!” The ancient sea said again to the crowd.

“Mmm!" the crowd nodded with a worried nod.

The ancient sea treads to the valley of Yin and Yang, one step into the shadows, then quickly towards the south sea between the shadows.

There was a fear and blessing in their eyes when they sent the ancient sea away.

After all, Skull Ancient Sea has no certainty, how tricky should it be.

But the dragon god said goodbye to the people and immediately returned to his residence.

“Sir?” The butler watched the dragon god win back curiously.

“Has His Majesty been here before?” The Dragon God asked.

“No?” The butler was confused.

The dragon god frowned slightly. The housekeeper was confused, indicating that the emperor had never been here before, but since the emperor emphasized that the family must be different.

“Okay, it's okay, you go down!” The dragon god faded away.

“Yes!” the butler nodded in confusion.

The dragon god broke into the house. Look closely at all directions and suddenly you see a large hall in the center.

Dry Palace!

This is the largest palace of the Dragon God Mansion. This palace, Dragon God Mansion, has never been used, and no one is allowed to come near it. This is for the father's dragon warring country. Although he knows that his father is not so easy to return to, Dragon God Mansion, as a filial son, has been carefully prepared for the dry palace.

At this moment, the main entrance to the palace actually stood shut.

Dragon God remembers that the Gate of the Dry Palace is always open, and no one can come near it, how can it be closed?

The dragon god suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart suddenly burst into heat and rushed to the main hall.

Dry palace mouth, dragon god wins hand pushing the door, a little nervous, afraid to push hard, afraid that the desire disappointed.

“Wait for what? Are you coming in?” There was a voice in the main hall.

The sound was not loud, but the dragon god trembled all over his body, his eyes were slightly red, and he was excited.


The Dragon God pushed open the door. But inside the hall, a figure, sitting on a sofa, looking over a roll of books.

“Father, Father!” The dragon god shouted excitedly.

The dragon god broke into the hall and slammed the door shut. Afraid that everything in the hall will be exposed.

The dragon warrior is the one holding the scroll in his hand.

Dragon Warrior is wearing a suit and the leather shoes are extremely shiny, alongside a business trench coat that has been removed and looks extremely casual.

“Father, when did you come back? Boy, the baby's kowtowing to his father!” The dragon gods are excited to come forward and kneel down immediately.

The Dragon Warrior smiled and a force lifted up the Dragon God.

“Forget it, don't kneel down, don't be so nervous. Since the ancient sea has turned its face with the six immortals, I don't have to help him hide anymore. The outsiders know that I am alive, and it has nothing to do with it!” Dragon Warrior smiled.

“Yes, Father!” The dragon god wins some excitement.

“The Heavenly Palace is full? Not bad, all these years with the ancient sea, it's not nothing!” The dragon warrior laughed.

“The child is dull, thanks to His Majesty's blessings!” The Dragon God smiled.

“Of course, don't be too proud, son of the ancient sea, recently repaired into a sudden surge, I'm sure it won't take long to catch up with you, you have to work hard, don't embarrass me!” The dragon warrior laughed.

“Ah, Father, which prince are you talking about?” The dragon god wins.

“Not a prince, but a son of the ancient sea, Gu Tai Chi, practiced in the space of the main god for some days. Now it's good to fix it. In the previous period, Shen Wu also fought with him. Although Shen Wu won, Gu Tai Chi actually took over the plane!” Dragon Warring States explained.

“Ah? The ancient Tai Chi is almost the same as the third brother?” The dragon god was astonished.

The Dragon Warring Power nodded: “We will be back soon. Time will come, and the ancient Tai Chi will be back. You may all have to fight side by side. ”


“I just read the information given to me by the ancient sea, the whole world is now almost divided by the vast heavens, the great heavens and the holy places of the demons? Tell me what's going on!” Dragon Warring States are curious.
