Evil Prince, Come Play With Me
Chapter 953: What a Terrible Man
“Green. ”
“Why green? ”
“The clouds washed his hair upstream and dyed the water green. ”
Gu Beilu pinched her lovely little face: “My Aro is so smart. ”
Baoyaolian's face was strange: “Could the Emperor have done this deliberately, put a group of old men in the rear palace, and searched the palace in the middle of the night, instead of clearly searching out some cat fatigue. ”
Xiao Xiaoyun himself is a man, can he not know how lonely the beauty of his rear palace is.
Besides, even if a man doesn't steal, even if he brings a beauty with him, he thinks the Emperor's woman is more flavorful.
Wives are worse than concubines. Concubines are better than thieves.
“Yeah, my Lotus is smart, too.” Gu Beilu smiled and pinched her little face.
“He really meant it. Isn't he ashamed of himself? ”
“For those who do big things, don't hesitate to wear a green hat, Xiao Shuyun such a shameless person, don't even chew his own flesh. ”
Not to mention the restless little beauties in the rear palace.
“Terrible.” Baoyaolian probably knew what he was doing it for.
One can clean up those who want to play Lindane these days.
Second, you can control these aristocratic families.
All came from important aristocratic families in all countries, important figures in all countries, and now they are caught cheating, which is impossible to say in half.
Cloud Emperor wants to kill them, they can't even release one.
After all, stealing wives and daughters is the most humiliating thing.
As a result, the cloud emperor, though disgraced, received most sympathy.
Competition between families is inherently constant, and other families who have not been caught are more than happy to see it.
The Cloud Emperor didn't say to kill them, he only tortured people in dungeons, and he was angry, but he could hang those families to come to him for mercy.
If you ask, you have a deal, and if you have a deal, you have a benefit.
Cloud Emperor can earn a full bowl this time.
“Sacrificing a few little beauties brings great benefits. The Cloud Emperor is well worth the fortune...”
Gu Beilu had long felt that Xiao Xiaoyun had arranged all the people in the back palace. All kinds of hospitality were catty. I had no idea that this was the way to go.
I admire his spirit.
“It's horrible, these men are still my little respect...” Baoyaolian's obsession with his little respect adds another deep layer.
Look at the face of the world's sons, obviously with beauty, prefer to steal the Emperor's women.
You're not going to put yourself in the dungeon.
I really haven't seen a beauty before. I miss her family. The Emperor Qi snuck in three beautiful beauties of national colour. He still loves it or not.
If you love a beauty again, you have to make a difference.
Those beauties who sent it to their mouths are clearly poisoned, and they want to eat it. If you don't die, who dies?
There are few smarter people than her family.
“Su Shenzhen is a ghost witch. If anyone dares to calculate him, the most wanted estimation of the Cloud Emperor is him. ”
Xiao Xiaoyun didn't expect to die. Three beauties sent it to her. Her beloved beauty's low esteem made a woman scream at herself every day and she didn't change people.
“That doesn't mean I'm actually quite attractive.” Baoyaolian stinks.
“This… Your Young Master really wants to thank you, if it weren't for your seat, he would have lost his young man, maybe he would have joined those three beautiful thief boats. ”