EX-Brave Wants a Quiet Life

Ask Yuuke, a former brave man, for help

The day after I visited Kenya, I came to Yuuske.

"Yuuke, do me a favor!

"What, have you changed?

"I want you to cook wedding dishes!

"Wedding!? Whose is it?

I'm telling you, it's not me.

"Yeah, I know."

... don't answer right away, it's a little depressed.

I told you about Amia.

"Ah, that means I'm an outsider and I cook because I can't use the royal officials over there.But can you cook for the royal family?I usually make it for the general public. "

Yuuke shows a little anxiety expression.

"Should I help?Former aristocrats have some confidence in their tongues. "

Mina called out.

"I'd appreciate it if Mina would come.Of course, I can't leave it to Yuuske alone, so I'm going to ask Quair, who runs the cafeteria in our village, to join us. "

Quayle is a former court cook, and you know how to serve the nobles.

"And one more favor.I want to use the power of Juwuke to find evidence of the wrongdoing of a virtuous aristocrat. "

"My power?

"Ah, it's been a while since you've been out here.

"Hmm, that's right..."

Yuuke looked a little like he had thought about it...

Okay, I'll help you.

Thank you, Yuuke.

We shook hands together.