EX-Brave Wants a Quiet Life

Confirm Yomiuri's arm, ex-husband

Well then, let's get you to the guild.

After a while of talking about Sarah and Yomiuri, I decided to take you to the guild.

"I'm sorry I left you..."

"No, no, I don't care at all.Rather, it was surprising that Sarah was talking so emotionally.It's always cool. "

Sarah leaned down on my point.

"Ah, did I say something bad?"

"It's okay, oniichan. I'm just illuminated."

"Oh, yeah..."

I was worried about Sarah's attitude, but she seemed fine.

On the other hand, Yomiuri had his nose twitched.

"The smell... the smell of good materials from this village is pumping!"

"Can you smell the material?"

"You can divide the smell of nature.Experience. This village smells of good materials!This is a good job! "

I don't know, but I'm glad the tension is rising.

I arrived at the guild while I was talking like that.

Garzas, I've got the blacksmith.

"Oh, yeah!"

"Atashi says yomi! Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Garzas, the master of this guild. Say hi."

The two shook hands.

"Quickly, could you show me the weapons Yomili made?"

"Cheap stuff!"

That said, Yomiuri took out various swords from the bag he was carrying.

Garzas was holding a sword to see how it felt.

Hmm, that's quite an arm.

"Hmm, Lysov had a good arm, but Yomiuri had a pretty good arm."

"Thank you!"

Yomili had a complimentary look on his weapon.