All the other kids are sophisticated. Newspaper freshmen with no one.

The Emperor looked at me with a frightened face.

"Write it down."

It was Huang Ho who told me that you could get some of the abilities that the Ho's eyes have. Why are you so surprised?

Though I doubt it, the Ho chieftain thought it was an opportunity to see the skill for himself. He activated the skill without saying a word.


His vision changed with the sensation of his head and eyes ringing.

In the changed landscape, the golden eyes of the Emperor were clearly visible.

'Are you activating the Huangji Hodo Eye Light skill?'

A few seconds later, the bipolar waves of light disappeared from the Emperor's eyes.

"The real 'Ahn Gwang'."

I think I'm right about that.

While using eye light, users seem to recognize each other.

"Strange. You acquired it too quickly. Cho Kyung-sin, you have lived a life unrelated to the Jin clan."

"What's wrong?"

"In addition to the intake of the essence of Sam, which shows the Ho family mystery, there is another condition for acquiring it."

"What is it?"

I also asked with my eyesight skills.

He looked me in the eye as if he were looking for a clue.

"One of the conditions for acquiring Eye Light is to receive 'Eye Light' for a long period of time."

There was such a condition.

I don't know what the 'long period' is, but I think I know why the Emperor was frightened.

"Usually getting that much of our gaze means being hunted and dying and passing on our skills. So even those who dared to get an integer without my permission would usually stop to the extent that their night vision is brighter or improved."

The Emperor's gaze turned toward my abdomen.

"I was going to pass on this skill to you on the deck of Kimopolea, where you were pierced by a complementary goldsmith in the dark. But that's weird. It's too soon. I thought you'd get it by the time you finish first grade."

According to Hwang Ji Ho, I was exposed to ophthalmic skills on a yearly basis.

'Where the hell did you come from? How?'

Thinking about it, I didn't get the answer.

"Any guesses on the path to acquisition of the Eyelight Skill?"

I guess and I didn't come to this world long ago.

Even though an unidentified faction in this world has been watching me with eye-catching skills all along, it was not timely.

Even if there were, some of the factions in the silver advertisement would have noticed.

"I don't know."


The Emperor doesn't expect me to give the right answer either.

"I will accompany you to practice your eyesight skills. How were you planning on practicing?"

"I have a promising opponent."

I was originally going to do a drill dealing with complementary gold waves.

"I'll ask."

"· · · · · ·?"

The Emperor has no idea who the opponent is.

He doesn't seem to care about Emperor Aung Ho or not, but first he decided to seek an understanding.

[I] The Emperor will come too.

The message was readily processed and the answer arrived.

[Baek Ho Army] Got it.

Today's training will bring two mythical Ho clans together.

* * *

[Kim Yuri] So Ji Ho is also late?

[Kim Yu] I'm going to take the common subject note exam right before the end of the study, and we'll see about that!

[Kim Yu] Test note number one and number two will set the menu tomorrow evening. Heh.

[Kim Yu] Then I'll wait! ^ ▽ ^

I got a message from Kim Yuri on the airboard and went to the Training Center.

'The way I look at school, it seems mentally stable because of the kids.'

Kim Yuri was anxious about the Guangrim Seal and his father's hospitalization.

She sleeps well because the children have been around for a long time and still looks energetic.

'It's an unprecedented book, but · · · ·.'

As I was thinking about my summer vacation, I became more motivated to train.

"You've arrived. We're going down first!"

The Emperor said he was traveling on the airboard side by side.

The airboard he was manipulating was a manually manipulatable version, unlike the regular student payment.

I was a little jealous, though I noticed the perfect driving skill for landing due to the rapid descent of the airboard.

'Let's ask him to borrow it next time.'

As I pondered, my airboard with automatic mode also landed quietly on the ground.

Upon folding the airboard, a group of backhoes appeared on the other side of the misty lake road in the landscaped area.

"I didn't know you were helping me with my training. Why didn't you say a word? Baek Ho."

Just looking at the Emperor Ho, Baek Ho's troops walked beyond the shield of the wall without answering.

"You don't feel the need to answer. I don't tell you much either. I don't think the posterity of the accident has informed you in advance of the playfulness. Apparently, I still have it in my mind. Hahaha!"

"· · · · · ·."

The Baek Ho Army didn't say a word, but strangely, the conversation was being established.

Somehow, the message room of Yooseong-hoon, which only takes a few consonants with Jang Nam Wook, reminds me of the fact that the two of them are friends.

The bizarre conversation between the two mythical Ho clans continued until the Western Seven arrived at the training room floating on the ceiling.

"This place is still here. The seven Baek Ho in Mount Phoenix have been blurred by your power for a long time."

The sky of this training ground was connected to the power of the Baek Ho Army.

The Baek Ho Army looked at the ceiling once and picked out a white child.

I think I intend to start my training immediately.

"Today I want to test this skill as well."

Before the Baek Ho Army's emptiness began, the eye light was activated.

Then, as if expecting the response of the Baek Ho army, the Huangzhou, who was leaning against the wall, began to glimmer.


At the same time as my eyesight skill is activated, a white bipolar wave disappears in the vicinity of Baek Ho's eyes.

Baek Ho troops, who seemed to have been submerged for a while, immediately nodded.

"Got it."

"· · · · · You're adapting fast."

Emperor Huangho complained that it was not fun for the Baek Ho Army not to react.

Suddenly, the Emperor flashed his eyes.


It's ominous that he's like that.

All of a sudden, the White Yingyup crowds around the Baek Ho Army.

"My temporarily empowered family, Young-ho."

At the same time as Baek Ho's words ended, the bipolar wave formed the shape of a tiger.

A shadow family without a soul or a doctor.

Baek Ho was of limited authority when he was in his territory.

Do you intend to use that for training? '

I knew about the power of Young-ho in the game.

A shabby shadow lying at the foot of the Baek Ho Army could only tear a man's arm from his mouth.

"Lord Cho, hold Yeongho in your arms and use the complementary gold clan against me."

At least I thought I'd train separately.

The Baek Ho Army raises the difficulty of the assignment even more.

'It's hard to get a white child!'

I felt like I was having a hard time.

The eclipse glitters with a beam emanating from the eye behind it.

When I grabbed the complementary gold clan, the White Ho army and Young-ho rushed toward me.

* * *

After training, Kim Yuri's house.

Half the children were studying in the living room, with the exception of Mingreen, who returned home before dinner.

"Come on! We were just about to take a test note."

"Huh? Your conscience seems a little tired."

As Kwon Lena said, I was very tired.

The Baek Ho Army and his Imperial Young-ho attacked me without hesitation, and the damage they sustained today was so great that they needed to use recovery items.

But I came all the way here because I promised to come to the study group at the latest.

'Thanks to this, I became accustomed to the reverberation of my eyes when using eye lighting skills, and the skill level of the complementary gold waves was also greatly increased.'

The Baek Ho Army took the training very seriously and rigorously.

The Emperor, who was watching after training, said:

— It's more harsh than when we're training with a bunch of accidents or defenders.

I'm glad my playable character took training seriously, but I'm exhausted anyway.

I recalled that there was something bothering me.

'But the snares are trained. Some training, how to fight. If you ask me to film it, I'll shoot it for you. Or if you ask me to observe for myself, I'll let you.'

It was the alarm that ended the thought.

Beep beep!

The test message application screen has been turned off with an alarm that tells you the end of the time limit.

"Well, I'll announce the results right away! Note that based on the silver ads predicted by the message test app, the average score for this note test is 70 points!"

Kim Yuri, who is currently in charge of the first grade 0th class study party, floated the hologram.

[100 points]

[Hundred points]

[95 points for Kim Yu]

[Lunar tax score 86]

[Mingreen 85 Points]

[Irena, 59 points]

[Hwang Ji Ho 40 Points]

[29 Points of Blindness]

When I saw the kids' grades listed, I looked like a midterm masonry.

Except the blinding money is a drawback now.

Mr. Trangdol will have to work hard at the end of this exam.

"Oh, I don't think that son of a bitch is studying for 100 points."

"I wanted to score 100 points too, but it's too bad!"

"The Green also participated remotely! I was afraid it wouldn't be the right time."

The children continued to watch the hologram.

"Ji Ho got 40 points on all the exams last time and completely avoided the drawback."

"It would be hard to do that on purpose."


The Emperor is doing something difficult on purpose.

Lacrimation was a great platform for silver advertising students.

"Then the menu choice is with Han and Myeong! What do you want to eat?"

"I'm late today, so I'll leave the choice to Han."

Hani began to choose a sweet menu, delighted by what I said.

Tomorrow evening was decided with coconut milk curry and honey gallic tortilla.

Tomorrow I came on time and finished my study meeting, pledging to have dinner as well.

* * *

The next morning.

I left early last night to check on Sung Siwan's message.

[Sung Siwan] My grandfather is investigating when I went to Silver Advertising.

[Sung Siwan] I think it will take some time because there are a lot of things you have done. Heh heh;

Sung Siwan was currently investigating the clues found in the Boss Room of the Secret Passage.

'Is he more motivated by his grandfather's appearance?'

By the way, the former head of the Korean branch did a lot of this in silver advertising school?

I think it would be about the same if he were a saint or grandfather who left a legend in a silver advertisement.

[Sung Siwan] Oh, I'm going to check the data in my grandfather's library on the weekend. Do you want to come too?

[Sung Siwan] Adam is coming, you come when the time comes! Heh.

Who banged my shoulder while walking with an answer to think about it?


When I looked at the side, there was a blind money standing.

I came out an hour earlier than usual, but I can't believe I ran into him.

"You're early."

"Strange people came yesterday. So just a little bit."

I don't care if the money's gone bad, but Mingreen was raided yesterday.

When I was heading to the first grade building, chatting about the morning billberry cereal and the grilled seaweed.

"Hello! You're all here!"

"Wow, they're early."


It's not like I promised, but half the kids went to school early.

With the exception of Ming Green and Emperor Ho, I and the blinding money arrived the most late.

"Though you were in charge, I came early just in case. Everyone must have been thinking the same thing!"

Kim Yuri smiled brightly.

As expected, all of our half children were nice.

I haven't seen any of the art clubs near the first grade building yet, but I decided to wait outside with them.

Soon, the Emperor arrived and waited together, so the other first-graders who attended school began to see each other.

Among them was Ming Green, who came all the way here without noticing him walking in the shade.

"Uh, everybody's early."

The children who were trying to say hello to Mingreen stopped.

Behind her, there stood a stone in the dress of her servant.
