Fifteen years ago, I was the student president of the Silver Advertising Society.

He left countless legends in this school and changed schools.

The most representative is the establishment of the Ji-Ik, a boarding school autonomous organization.

The Ji Ik Society has guarded the school in various ways.

'The Zi 'Ik Society has delayed the quest or the Dons have cut off the Qin 'ik Mountain Bridge by subjugating the Boars themselves.'

There are two tales that the Holy See commissioned to investigate that association.

The first is the secret association between the student council and the leader.

This secret association was followed by a clue left by the former Director of the Korean Branch, who contracted with the faction that planted the frozen secession on the Korean peninsula.

The second one is now the ear of this Cheonak Mountain.

The ear was associated with a vein that the Monks were trying to cut off.

'Is this a coincidence?'

Walking in the games of the Holy See.

Strange attitude of the Holy See and the Executive Council when commissioning a bullying investigation.

Identity of bullying.

I summarized each one in my head and concluded.

'No way. The Holy See knows something.'

Although the terms of this noble tale, 'Moonless Night,' were not fulfilled, the Holy See's intentions were known.

'Next we'll have to make a moonless night. Wait until the clouds are lifted, or use meridians or items to · · · ·.'

While wearing the 'Visible Ear Lens', while checking the position of the ear on the holographic map, an extraordinarily bright spot came into my eyes.

'Everything else has a constant brightness, but this is the only place that is strange.'


At that time, the lens's available time expired and the item melted and scattered in the air.

I hardened my mind for a moment by looking at the holographic map that appears to be between the item disappearance effects.

'Let's go.'

I jumped over a three-story observation platform and triggered a wilderness attack.

Use the 'Player's Trajectory' in the < Gwangwoo, Gwangwoo.


I used a character with a higher overall stat level than I do today and landed lightly on the ground.

The character you are using is Kim Glass, the mature version.

"Hazard Detection" can be used to prepare for dark mountain roads, and "Sprinkler" can be used to speed up.

'Kim Yuri's Guangwoom may not be used here.'

Due to the nature of the mines, it was difficult to use in the mountains, and it was too powerful to use the player's trajectory, which would consume all the time in an instant.

< Use the skill of the character, 'Sprinkler'.

Started to move to the points identified by the lens and map using the Sprinter.

And · · · · · ·.

The character's skill 'Danger Detection' has been activated.

· · · · · ·.

Whack! Whack! Puck!

A treaty stone baptism that doesn't seem to hurt if you get hit.

Pumps with sleep gas and paralysis gas.

An alarm bell that emits a spiny vine with a sharp sound.

The system warning message and the trigger of the trap were not discontinued due to the skill effect.

"There are so many traps! The contents of the trap do not seem to have been installed by the Ho clan. '

Crazy enough to set a trap on Mount Cheonak, not the Ho Clan.

Grade 0 and a half rainfall and the day only came to mind.

The point I'm heading for has more to do with the energy of the universe they strangle.

I don't think they're at school right now, seeing as they're not showing up in the third grade. '

If I knew the trap had been triggered, I would have run to Cheonak Mountain right now and hit me.

Tonight is more than a night out of school.

'Is it here?'

Arrival is in front of the singular.

The celestial singularity is the longest myth on Mount Cheonak, and it was described as the slowest withering in the game.

'In the game, I thought it was just one of the background settings that made the singular of the monolithic myth a motif.'

Now that this world has become a reality, it will mean something.

There was no continuously ringing hazard detection alert while approaching the singular.

Near the Needle, the third graders weren't even touched.

When the celestial singer got close enough to reach.

Paa · · · · · ·.

The celestial singer begins to emit a whimsical light.

A subtle cluster of light hovers between the leafy celestial singularities.

At this time, the hordes of light came together and became like humans.

'I think there's something you want to tell me.'

The hordes of light did their hands and feet, but of course I didn't understand.

I repeated to myself that a group of light that seemed to be submerged in troubles posed their hands to the heavens and earth.

You want me to raise my hand? '

Even the hazard detection skills didn't sound the alarm, so I decided to reach out.

Raise your palms to the columns of celestial water, and feel the warmth between your skin and your neck.

'Normally, the temperature of the skin would not be this high.'


Though I thought it was strange, the accident didn't last long.

The horde of light, which was subtly dividing the heavens and earth, began to raise the amount of light that would explode.

'A tremendous feat!'

When the celestial singer who emitted light and bifurcated waves was silent, like sending a message to the sky.

I heard a system message through the debris of an intense bipolar wave.

Skill 'Communication with the Universe' has been increased from 1 to 2.

It's been a long time since I've heard a word.

"Portrait space"? No wonder the energy of the universe that the 0th grade pursued was really... '

But the system message didn't stop here.

Skill Fate has been activated.


A Skill Window came to mind with a Fate Activation message.

Fate can sometimes induce certain actions on me, but I've never openly thought of a skill spear.

Paa · · · ·

At the same time, the Light Swarm pointed to a skill in the skill spear.

'· · · · · · What to do.'

The skill that the Light Swarm refers to is "Communication with the Universe."

Fate wants me to communicate with the supernova now.

'When I first communicated with the supernova, I was knocked out for three days.'

Comprehensive skills have been enhanced through training, and the skill level of communication has been increased, so it seems that the time to pass out will be shorter than 3 days.

Stunning in the mountains is not a good choice.

You can ask someone to come and get you, 'I'll pass out soon,' but I didn't think of what to explain later.

Still, there were those who would run here without telling me in advance.

'Soon, the third grade 0 and a half will be here, so you'll be fine.'

If I find a deceased junior, I'll throw him in the nursery.

If I wake up, I'll be bothering you for a while.

Hardened each other and used skills.

Use Skill Portrait to communicate with the universe.


The sensation of the brain being thrown into the air was overwhelming.

My head was shattered by the disgusting flotation that seemed to be shattering my brain.

What did he do when he first communicated?

Oh, yeah.


I grabbed my fist and thrashed my cheek.

I woke up with a frozen sensation of cheeks and fists.

"You're going to do something to me. Speak quickly."


The bipolar waves in the body fluctuated with the sensation of ringing in the head.

I feel like the universe is scrambling my insides.

The bipolar wave begins to move as it pleases.

It was similar to what I felt when using my eyesight skills.

"What do you have in your eyesight skills?"

While I was suffocating, my head was bitten blue.

Ophthalmological skills simply enhanced vision and had the effect of stopping objects captured in the field of view, but they are not the only ones.

I should also consider eyesight skills in the future.

"Other than that, nothing else?"

He also asked while he was suffocating.

Then some of the vision began to blur.

Silver billboards in the sky and far away are fine, but only the landscape of Mount Cheyek has changed blue.

"You mean keep an eye on Mount Cheonak, right? Again?"

Nothing has changed.

The message of the superuniverse seems to be this far.

Then you'd have to cut the transmission, but when you had the chance, I wanted to ask you something.

Excessive communication between the universe and the two-dimensional future renovation conformer results in a load of conformers.

I ignored the message and asked one more question.

"My junior in the previous world, the natural constitution. How's she doing?"

The Portrait Universe didn't answer.

I tried to ask again, but before that, the system message rang.

< Warning, the body of the two-dimensional future renovation suitor has reached its limit.

Restrict access to the < Two-Dimensional Future Renovation Suitable.

I'm gonna ask you a little quicker.

I regretted it, but my unknown senses disappeared and my vision began to turn black.

* * *

Yeongmyeong-ho Grand Mansion.

After he kicked out Okto-yeon for going to bed.

The descendants of Eunho also fell asleep exhausted assembling the roller coaster and the crown car shaped block.

The three Ho clans who moved their sleeping descendants to the room had tea time in the living room.

"You're barely quiet."

"If Seo Ho or Lee hadn't dried up, I'd have thrown out that damn bunny right now."

Yellow Ho said he ate a bunny bun cake with tons of cinnamon and honey kidneys, a limited product for the summer.

Even though I hated Octoyeon so much, it was always so glorious to eat the bunny bread gift she brought.

"It's almost uniform when you look like that. Are you uncomfortable?"

"This is convenient."

That the uniform in silver commercials was made relatively practical, but it can't be.

The enemy ignored the Emperor's answer and said:

"You look like you're having a good school life."

"Keep an eye on the pig. When the poacher returns, withdraw immediately and let me know."

"Yes, I will."

At that time, Baek Ho, who was holding the godfather in his arms and drank fertilized fruit without saying a word, got up from the scene.

"Baek Ho? What is this?"

After Baek Ho, I noticed more than the Yellow Ho.

I felt a strange flow of power on the faint side of Mount Cheyeok.


The newcomer in Baek Ho's arms began to bark toward Cheonak Mountain.

"You better go. Red Ho, you wait here."

"Got it."

Soon, Baek Ho, Huang Ho, and Shrine leapt towards Cheonak Mountain.

The strange energy that was felt on Mount Cheyek on the move disappeared, but they headed to the point where the power was felt to investigate the cause.

And I found a student falling in front of the myth, the singular.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, this was the world.

A cotton-like body that looks like a clump between white sheets.

The snail fell asleep, not in front of my nose.

Soon after I woke up, I was sober, but I was sure.

"I came to heaven!"

When I reached out and tried to stroke the snare, I heard an absurd voice.

"Immediately after it happened, the phenomenon of intelligence decline is more severe."

It was the voice of the Emperor.

I've been wondering why he's in heaven with snares.

I looked around and it looked like this was a room in the Central District First Aid Room.

When I saw the holographic watch, it was Friday afternoon.

It was about 15 hours after using the communication skills.

'Class time has passed.'

I also had an introductory class at the University of Public Hearing.

I didn't want to be a part of Bourne's class anymore.

"The examination showed vagus nerve failure. It's too much to think of as a cause of fainting."

The Emperor was looking at the holographic chart with an unpleasant face.

"There's one more presumed cause."

"What is it?"

Huang Ho pointed to my back with his finger instead of an answer.

I turned my head and saw the Baek Ho Army.

There was something awkward in the hands of the Baek Ho army.

'I think that's what I saw when I first went near the tree tree tree.'

I don't know what it is, but it looks like it was dragged from Mount Cheonak.

"This one is the Spirit of Cheonak Mountain." "

"Spirits? Are you talking about what you're talking about when you're alive?"

"Yes. Most spirits don't have the rapidity to be promoted to the higher ranks."

It is described as the mountain where the divine Spirit descended from the open sky in the myth of the open sky.

There was an idea of mountain worship in the Korean peninsula, and there was also a dynasty that gave its name to the Mountain Spirit.

I can't believe such a spirit is also contained in Mount Cheonak.

"It's been a long time since the gods of heaven left Mount Cheonak. It is natural for the Spirit to stay in the mountains of the New World and welcome you, but how dare you upset our benefactor."

I saw something whimsical buzzing in the words of the Emperor.

I didn't faint because of the spirit.

"What are you talking about? I don't remember being angry with the spirit."

"You don't even know what happened. The Spirit is not just a good being. There is also a spirit that entices humans to take advantage of it. Like this one."

The Emperor seemed to think that I was possessed by the Mountain Spirit at night.
