* * *

The deadline for the final examination was zero o'clock.

The fever was sitting in the middle of the room with a tense face, waiting to see the rank immediately.

'If you don't sleep soon, there may be a disturbance in tomorrow's schedule.'

It was a long time since I woke up at this late hour, except for the day I came home at dawn when the uniform advertisement was long.

Why isn't there time like this? '

I've checked the holographic clock several times, but the perspective has barely changed.

The fever was always the best for all the tests, but it was the first time that I had aimed for the chief with such heat and castle.

'Teacher must be a school official. I don't know if I'm a student or a faculty member, but it's a closed area in the school, and I think you're checking the chess coverage right away.'

If a teacher like Heaven is a school official, there was the first thing to do to get recognition for the fever.

Getting good grades.

I also knew that students' worth could not be judged sexually.

However, the most universal criterion for evaluating students in schools was grades.

I can only show you how ugly I am. I really want to take the lead. '

The teacher also lost to the junior god Jo, who showed interest in chess competitions.

I tried to make up for this, but I lost again last year's chess champion, Gyeonggi-do.

Far better than himself, he was accustomed to losing the spotlight that grew up between the dragon clan and the Red Lion's senior players.

However, peers were not accustomed to losing to humans either.


At that time, an alarm was triggered at 0 o'clock.

When I refreshed the page I was turning on, the holographic screen was white and the text came to mind.

[Presentation of the final masonry exam at the end of the first semester of the 2nd grade]

[1st Place: 21 Chaos]

[2nd Place: 21 Salt Fever]

[Joint 3rd Place: 20 Gold Chansol, 20 Wang Chansol]

· · · · · ·.

The fever confirming the masonry fell into the illusion that the field of view seemed to be blurry.

'You're not the chief!'

I did my best and didn't give up until the end.

No chess, no final exams.

The feeling of helplessness and exhaustion struck me.

'How should I tell you?'

I always wanted to win chess competitions, but I always said I wanted to win the final exam.

'Swallowing Proficiency' was also said to be a success in the next class, but only a handful of fires were barely swallowed just a moment ago.

I became hot when I compared myself to my teacher who silently stopped evil deeds and saved people without putting myself forward to anyone.

'I'm a bad pupil.'

He looked at the hologram and thought all night about what to say to the teacher.

After all, I'm sorry. 'Only one sentence was entered and the columns of salt were prepared to go to school.

The answer arrived straight away.

[Teacher] You don't have to be sorry.

[Teacher] Well done.

The teacher, who cared for a lacking disciple, gave the expected answer.

Knowing that the teacher would tell me that it was okay, the fact that he sent such a message made me feel more confident.

After opening the visit, Cheongryong and the Flamingo were talking with a serious face, making them suspicious, but the conversation between them was not well heard.

* * *

After school, the General Council Newspaper Office.

Today, the head of the newspaper convened all the associates to make a presentation on the summer vacation schedule in person.

While sitting in a public meeting room wider than the freshman's private room, I turned on the screen and checked the device messenger.

"The fever doesn't answer. '

I haven't received any additional messages since the "I'm sorry."

Objectively, it is a fever with a fairly good grade, but it won't make me feel comfortable.

'You can't even pay for the annoying tea.'

The moment he says' Too bad 'and' I won't be satisfied with the semi-finals, 'he knows that he will encourage an absolute majority of inferiorities.

If you give that tea to the dragons or Red Lion members, they'll shut up in case they're harder than they are.

'I want to comfort you.'

You think you can do better next time?

I think this will put a burden on me.

You did good in second place, too?

Why are you upset when you're not even a little consoled? 'It would seem to reproach.

When I came back as a reservist, not as a representative, from the leading development of the chess Olympiad nation in elementary school, I remembered the reactions that others had seen and how I felt.

I sent a message after thinking about it.

[B] When will we do the next lesson?

The message was readily answered.

[Flatulence] Teacher!

[Thunderclap] I'm fine anytime!

[Salty Heat] (Stamp)

A red dragon stamp with a super-long eye is attached.

I'm glad I'm energized.

And when I tapped the next message, I saw a strange phrase.

[Eun Seo Ho] I'm confused with Baek Ho.

What are you talking about all of a sudden?

There is no way that good children like the three brothers and sisters of Eun Ho can do anything wrong, nor can the Baek Ho Army be angry with their dizziness.

[Eun Ho] It's been a long time since there was an enemy, but I don't have the energy. I was trying to cheer me up with the pranks that the spirit taught me, but I failed.

I met him on the honeymoon when I saw the explanation that followed.

The descendants of Eun Ho who became susceptible to being targeted by the stingray or Kim Shin-rok tried to play the corpse that was also caught by the Emperor.

While the Baek Ho Army was reading the book in the basement of the mansion.

The children worked against the remaining hostiles alone, and the hostiles were said to have seen the children who had become fake bloody.

As a result, the descendants are sitting in the living room with a very embarrassing hostile sign, and the Mountain Spirit has been taken to the training room in the mansion by the hands of the Baek Ho army.

'This time, I don't think it was led by the spirit. Well, it's good to train and be strong. But you don't know the Emperor yet?'

Huangjiho was somewhat distracted by how busy he was rolling his body.

When I looked at the Emperor next to me, I turned my head and looked at my hologram.

Soon after I saw the conversation with the descendants, I hardened my face and grinded my teeth.

"Decree · · · · · ·."

This was a big offense for the descendants, but I thought Emperor Ho was going to beat the spirit too.

Three brothers and sisters continued to send messages about how frustrated it was to sit still in the living room.

[Eun Jae-ho] (photo)

The youngest Eun Jae-ho who takes the hardest photos of the three brothers of Eun Ho.

Photography was getting better and today's focus was messy.

A blurred screen with a scattered focus has also been reported to be less cute than a snail, but it was surprising.

[Eun Jae-ho] I want to take a good picture. I'm sorry.

[Eun Seo Ho] It's strange to pose when your conscience tells you to take a picture of your brother. Keep running.

[Eun Ho] My conscience didn't come out this morning, but it hurts.

These good progeny didn't seem to even think of the possibility that I did something wrong with the snail.

In a moment.

[Eun Jae-ho] (photo)

This time, the photograph is in focus.

It was a picture of a snake sleeping.

[Eun Jae-ho] Sleeping pictures are perfect.

As my youngest sister Eunjae Ho said, the picture of the snake was perfectly focused and the subject snake was perfect.

"Please refrain from that stupid face."

The Emperor who was looking at me while saving the photo gave me a pinglass.

What followed Finjan was a lonely voice somewhere.

"No message has arrived to me."

I don't know what he talks about seeing descendants every day at the mansion.

"Now, attention!"

I heard the chief's energetic voice.

The deputy head omitted both front and back and went into the point.

Soon, the deputy commander who was waiting behind projected a title on the wall.

[Summer vacation overseas coverage plan]

The associates who saw the writing in the background of the world map cheered.

"You didn't have anything like this last year! You've put a lot of effort into it!"

"I've never been abroad! Can I use my player's license instead of my passport?"

"Are we going to Russia? You're in Russia a lot, so if you're on time, you can go see it, right?"

"I want to go to the US and China players' training center!"

"China doesn't have a rigorous entry examination?"

"This is not an activity, is it? So you're going to Insol, right?"

The commander spoke with a strong voice among the buoyant members.

"You were talking about the Korean Youth Exchange. We're going overseas together to increase your opponent's power analysis and unity in the newspaper! Everybody, schedule!"

The next screen was an approximate schedule.

An international coverage schedule that starts with early morning travel to the airport after spending a day at the Air Hotel Icaros from the second-graders.

The more I looked at it, the closer it looked to tourism, but it also included a coverage schedule anyway.

"I never planned to go overseas with you. It doesn't mean you don't want to travel with Zegal!"

The third-graders who led this initiative wanted to go abroad with Mr. Zeppelgal before graduating.

Finished the activity by storing a thoughtful planner on the device.

I'm done, but I still have a schedule.

'Fortifications are a few days away from boarding rooms.'

There was also a big chess tournament scheduled for today.

At the request of the opponent, it was planned to do so in a place other than the Stainless Steel Mate's insolvency or the G.I. 's office.

[I] I'm done.

The answer arrived right away.

[Comfort] I'll settle first.

A private study cafe in Eun Gwang-gu.

He was the only one in the study room reserved for four.

"I'm sorry I brought you all the way here. I wanted to keep quiet today because there were a lot of people in the country with Joon Fever yesterday."

"It's okay."

On a table with a wooden chessboard brought directly from the sky.

There was a capsule coffee machine in the study room, and there was a mix coffee wrapper next to the paper cup that seemed to be drinkin 'an agitating mix coffee.

After helping to organize the table, I sat on his right side.

"Congratulations, Chief."

"Thank you."

The gap is narrowed by the appeal of the Fever.

Although it was possible to reverse the situation if only the score was raised, it was said that there were a few subjects whose grades were also included in the gradual correction.

"I didn't expect you to come to the Great Kingdom."

It was a character who was responsible for conscience and common sense in the agitating silver advertisement.

It was a little surprising that he had so actively invited the Great Kingdom.

"I cared because my brother was an anonymous supernova fan."

Your brother?

Do you have a brother?

I didn't show up in the game.

I was also surprised to have a fan, but it was even more surprising that he had a brother.


"Yes, if you show me your article, I like your reaction."

It was something strange, but I didn't mention my brother more than that.

Afterwards, we did a great deal in a quiet study room.

The first edition is my victory.

The second is the triumph of the underworld.

Divided by one, we broke up in the evening with a whole wheat egg sandwich served by a study café.

* * *

On the weekend, I decided to tear Jan Nam Wook apart with Yooseong-hoon.

Usually, Yooseong-hoon paid, but today I decided to give Jang Nam Wook a particularly expensive meal to buy.

"But why is he here?"

Yoohyun, who saw the city after appearing at the place of appointment, complained.

"I heard that Nam Wook is going to play with you. I want to buy something too."

"Where did you get the baseball ticket?"

Last night, they rushed me to the locker room to see baseball.

I wonder if Urban Hu got you a ticket.

"I'm sorry, Bob will live again next time! Juo is still a local expedition for the time being, so we need to see him today!"

Even if I wanted to say something, I couldn't talk about Jang Nam Wook from head to toe.

I decided to move on to the good news because I told Jang Nam Wook who had suffered from a desertion incident in the city.

Today, TC Nights is home, and Zhuo Dragons' insignia is invisible, but Jang Nam Wook was gladly looking around the baseball field.

"Let's all serve from this shop to that side."

"Snow Flower Cheese Chickens should be in line!"

"Then let's just set up the city hall and go to another store."

"Huh? Huh?"

Use Urban Hu as a line-up totem to eat all the dishes on the baseball field.

A familiar hindquarter came into my eyes, seated on a table in the middle seat.

'Why is Octo here again!'

The octopus in the TC Knights uniform was attached to the fence.
