The madness of the reckoning that conveyed the king's voice, 'the king said,' was a very powerful and dangerous power.

Of course, there are many media outlets that will convey their voices in modern times where transportation and communication technologies have developed.

The biggest difference between that general approach and the 'King said' is in delivering the messenger and the command.

In a line that does not compose the essence of the message, the fanaticism of the overturned voice conveyed its voice in a variety of ways until the target fulfilled its command, without concealing the means and methods.

My orders were, 'Head for the central shelter.'

The inhabitants will be placed under the influence of the 'King said' until they head to the central shelter.

'Suddenly, a high school student who doesn't know how to take refuge would be hard to follow. I will encourage you to understand that order naturally in a different way than by putting your voice in your head.'

You can see the visions of the meteor shower on the north side in the eyes of the villagers who were outside to see the stars.

A resident who is asleep suddenly wakes up from a nightmare.

I thought the lost wallet was on the side of the central shelter.

The deceased's spirit collapsed or the glass pane broke.

'The king said,' he will cause all kinds of phenomena and lead the inhabitants to the central shelter.

Whii · · · · · ·.

As the warm tides spread around the moonlight, the lights started to turn on one by one in the countryside around the coast.

Using the 'Open map around' feature in the dedicated menu, many residents saw a large movement.

People are starting to move! '

I called out for joy, but my head fluttered.

Recognizing the entire island as a single map, identifying the movements of each individual required considerable concentration, but I had no choice but to make the most of the trajectory's time.

There is also a way to use 'Snow with Gungon' or 'Cheonan' skill of Su-hyuk.

However, it was necessary to save strength in case of encounter with the enemy, as it was necessary to keep the moonlight that became immobile during mining.

'If we go like this, the refuge will be done safely. You can safeguard your mortgage until the end of the refuge. · · · · ·?'

I felt my back cooling as I checked the position of my classmates, teachers, and enemies.

There were a few points that went against expectations.

I had some uncertainty in mind and had a plan, but I was noticeable that I should never move late.

'Huangji-ho is late!'

Emperor Ho was nowhere to be.

I didn't know there might be casualties if I went like this.

But I couldn't move here.

* * *

Kim Yuri was running south with a blanket.

Kim Yuri, who had Sprinter skills and excellent physical abilities, was running lightly, but Kwon Lena had to sprint to keep up with the two of his predecessors.

'Both of you are too fast!'

I couldn't make a cry about this emergency, so I ran into a note.

It was because I knew that the two of them would be able to speed up and that they were running this fast by caring for her.

'Glass is fine.'

Kim Yuri fell asleep early today.

Before the blinding money came, Kwon Lena was on a video call with Mingreen on the porch to avoid disturbing Kim Yuri.

Suddenly, when the communication was cut off and the device was broken, Kim Yuri, who had just woken up beyond the window, saw a glimmer and soon appeared.


Kim Yuri stood still and looked at the side of the road.

As Kim Yuri turned his gaze, he saw the residents moving by car, airboard, or bicycle.

"Do you travel like this at night?"

"Looking in the direction, it looks like we're going to the central shelter of the Stone Dodo."

"Oh, I told you that induction of escape is both consciousness and deterrence, right? You two are doing great!"

After confirming that the inhabitants had taken refuge, the three continued to travel southwest on the Mount of Clarification.

It was time to finally get to where the shoreline was seen.


Kwon Lena and Kim Yuri burst into oblivion, and the two suddenly raised their heads and looked in one direction at the same time.

The ENAMI detection skill of Kwon Lena and the hazard detection skill of Kim Yuri were activated simultaneously.

"Oh, my God."

"· · · · · ·!"

I didn't have the skills, but I could see the blindness money.

On the other side of the calm, dark night sea, the energies were pushing like waves.

This was the situation just before the one kilometre coastline from Madhymny Wharf to Minmuru Seawater Bath and Fish Harbour was covered with energies.

Even counting as snow, the number seemed to be over a thousand.

"Uh, what do I do? That, all of it, is more rare than SR!"

Kwon Lena, who read the information, said in a frightened voice.

All three have melee combat skills and have no skills to attack multiple objects.

With a stiff face, Wang wore a guard and picked up his weapon after Kwon Lena.

I've already decided it's too late to run.

Kim Yuri's face turned white looking at the two of them.

I panicked because I thought my half friend was in danger.

'Because of me, Lena and Hyodon!'

If we had fled north as the higher beings had advised us in our dreams, we might have been able to hold on until support came.

I should have gone to the nearest teacher, believing in the evacuation ritual and the countdown!

Kim Yuri tried to blame him that way.

"Glass, get your weapon out! Enemies on the line will be on land in three minutes! Hey, are you okay?"

"· · · · · · Where does it hurt?"

Nevertheless, they did not resent Kim Yuri.

At that time.

I heard a voice in Kim Yuri's head.

[Do you still have the courage?]

Kim Yuri raised her head and saw a small butterfly, embodied as a bifurcated wave, hovering around her.

Kim Yuri recalls the Butterfly faction who blessed him.

The Jin said they would help if all the courage disappeared from Kim Yuri.

"Is it courageous to come here? I think what I just did is just a general-purpose object. '

It was also the worst courage that drowned my friends.

Kim Yuri hesitated to tell Jin.

"If we're fighting, the other kids and the teachers will come, too?"

"I'm sure. I don't think I know what's going on right now, considering that the vice commander has taken refuge in these people."

Unlike the hesitant Kim Yuri, the two of them were preparing for the unrivaled fight and believed firmly.

Kim Yuri takes out the item card and materializes the lightsaber.

I thought I could continue to be brave as long as they didn't have friends.

So Kim Yuri couldn't borrow the power of this faction yet.

As Kim Yuri prepares to fight with his weapon, she hears the voice of a butterfly again.

[Unfortunately, it's not what you think. I thought I could use it at least twice.]

Isn't that what you think it is?

At least twice?

What are these factions talking about?

The moment Kim Yuri felt something strange.

A family wearing a cape with butterfly wing emblems appeared like a fantasy in its head.

It was followed by the spirit of Butterfly Spirit and Kim Yuri.

The butterfly's hand was framed with a white butterfly pinned against the background of the maggots.

[Farewell, Mistress of Training.]

Right after she said goodbye.

White butterflies have become a framed powder and are beginning to scatter.


Kim Yuri's blessing was cut off at the same time as the shadow of the Butterfly Spirit disappeared completely from his head.

And you are.

A strong overpressure overwhelmed Kim Yu.



The whole body was bursting with cells, and the blood vessels seemed to break.

Yingyuan, who lost his way, was trying to destroy Kim Yuri's body by looking for an outlet.

Kim Yuri has never felt any bipolar pressure while bearing a two-digit connection with a higher being.

She suppressed the power of the higher being with the blessing of the Butterfly Spirit, with the magic of the Cantonese Seal.

That ruin was appearing now.

It reminds me of what Emperor Huang said the day the Cantonese Sealing Ceremony disappeared.

- If you continue to reject the parent, your body may be injured by bipolar pressure.

'I should have listened to that!'

Because Kim Yuri had turned away from it, Gwangwoom was trying to run away in the worst of circumstances.

Kim Yuri screamed and tried to suppress the power.

"What's wrong, Captain? Hey!"


Friends' voices were heard far away and the pressure of the bipolar wave was stronger.

In the meantime, Enemies were coming closer and closer to the shoreline.

* * *

Song Dae-Stone was placed in a panic state.

Suddenly, the Yingyuan waves rush out of the window, and all the windows are broken.

No matter how hard I thought about it, it was a natural bipolar emission phenomenon.

In other words, the venomous enermi is close enough to launch a physical attack.

Song Dae-Seok, who judged it that way, cried out in haste.

"Oh, really! Hey, wake up! Get up!"

I just flipped over the pieces of glass and the blood was blooming from the T-shirt on the marble.

The arms underneath the T-shirt were secured thanks to a partial reinforcement skill, but it was impossible to block the glass piece with a commercially available T-shirt without a defensive function.

You have to choose. '

Song Dae-Seok still had room.

If there were at least two or three, I could carry them or run away.

I had to choose one of twenty students to save.

'Crazy, what are you gonna do about it!'

The structure of the general public is also one of the main tasks of the player.

However, the player's abilities were limited and it was impossible to save everyone.

In the 'Players and Ethics' class, which is an essential subject, there comes a moment when I have to choose this type of work, which I learned will be very harsh beyond the text.

When the time came, he believed he could make a cold choice, but it was impossible to act as he had been taught.

'The one with the least damage, the one who is most likely to live after being rescued and treated, and who seems to be easy to rescue if they are all in similar condition. In other words, from a person with a small body or body size.'

I recalled what I had learned in my mechanical class, but my hands just trembled and I didn't move.


At that time, the door opened and someone appeared.


What appeared between the open doors was a second-grade classroom, the old man.

Song Dae-Seok exclaimed at the idea of who had just come.

But that joy was soon over.

"Songdae students of the 0th class?"

No-young-mi was seriously injured.

The blood flowing in her mouth seemed to be inwardly injured, and the barbed sword she was wearing was weaker than the student's.

Did you get poisoned? Besides, behind you! '



There seemed to be a lot of energies back there.

Even though Old Young Mi quickly closed the door, the door that was already cracking would not last long.

She closed her eyes with a desperate expression, staring at her half of the girls who had fallen and were unable to move.

Then he said to Song Dae-Stone.

"I'll stop you here. Get out the window!"

When I heard that, Songdaemu was awake.

In the action movie I saw with my first-graders, I remembered how Jo Jo died with a line similar to that.

Song Dae-Stone said, wearing a protective band.

"I want to fight too!"

"· · · · · · Songmare Student!"

He looks at the stone with his eyes as he makes a reckless choice, but he stands at the door with his fist.

"It's not too late. Run! Hurry!"

"I don't like it!"

Bang! Bang!


In the meantime, Enemies, who are aiming for prey, have attempted to attack to break the door.

It was unfortunate that he didn't have enough intelligence to turn around and aim for the window, but these energies had the strength to cover it.

The doorway and the wall reached the limit, and the energies seemed to break between the gaps.

"Sir, I'm going to stand in front of you."


No-young-mi fell down on the wall to see if he was already at the limit.

"Sir! Wake up!"

I approached her and shook her, but there was no answer.

It's still hidden, but there was no blood on her face and her skin was thin.


Song Dae-Seok judged honestly.

The poison was definitely eating its own body.

His combat abilities are refuted, but the status of Enemies is unknown.

I thought if I fought with the teacher of Silver Advertising, I would still be able to save time until someone came, but my old man became incapable of combat.

If he had fled from the beginning, he and some of the students he had taken might have lived, but he thought it was because of his indecisive and foolish behavior, so it would be crazy.

'What if Greene blames himself?'

When I put death before my eyes, the first thing that came to mind was Mingreen.

Ming Green forced Song Dae-Stone to go to a youth retreat to get to know his children.

If Song Dae-Stone dies now, Mingreen will consider his death to be his fault.

"I had fun at the youth retreat. I just wanted to thank you for letting me go. '

Song Dae-Seol turned on the device recording function.

I wanted to leave a word to Mingreen before the door was completely destroyed.


But when I called out my name, I didn't think of anything to say.

In the end, I recorded just one word and pressed the Stop Recording button.

It was then.

Beyond the door, I felt a fierce bipolar wave roaring.


The elite waves burst into cracks once.

'What is this, what is this!'

ENAMI's foundation is completely gone.

Between the gaps, I didn't see any energies.

I knew Enemies were completely incapable of combat in a moment, even without their pioneering detection skills.

Knock, knock.

I heard a light knock on the door.

I saw a figure standing at the door similar to myself.

I opened the door as I was thinking about whether or not to open it.


In front of the rocks that grabbed the weapon reflectively.

The face he knew appeared.

"Are you all right? It's a little late for my benefactor to take care of what he asked."

First grade 0 and a half, it was the best return, Huangzhou.

* * *
