The throat was dry, but his hands were hardened like artisans.

The thunder that gripped my wrist tightly blinked slowly and looked at me.

How did you react at this rate? ’

I don't know, but I can't fool the eyes of Emperor Huang and Seodol.

Huangzhou was a little surprised that he didn't know that the thunderstorm was going to open his eyes like this.

He put his hand on my dead face rather than staring at me.

“…… It's strange. I think my muse was here. Keys or silhouettes aren't right. ”

As soon as she woke up, she was muzzled.

‘Mokwuram told me that he found the Muse..... ’

I think I had a dream of a muse who abandoned his studies and went around the world.


The thunderstorm rushed around, causing a vigilant expression behind him.

Suddenly, I felt a bit of a muscle ache as I moved my body.

“If it's hard, you can lie down and talk. ”

“…… where is this place? Who are you? Are you Korean? ”

Mokwuram asked in a legal tone about Korean textbooks for foreigners.

I don't know if Korean is awkward because I have a long life abroad and I'm nervous.

“This is Chengdu City, Sichuan Castle. I'm a first-grade silver bull, and he's the same bull. Over there..... ”

“I don't know who he is. ”

“I can't believe I hung up! I was expecting God to introduce me! ”

In fact, I don't want to introduce you to Seodol, and I don't know who he is. 'I was going to say.

The mogul ignored the whining rush and alternated with me and the Emperor.

“You guys are the same class, the same school...! ”

Suddenly, the voice of the voice came alive.

“Yeah. You all right? ”

“Yes! My body is fine. ”

Are you relieved to meet the same class?

I don't think it's nice to see a half-friend who's never been to school all of a sudden.

I was thankful that she responded actively, but I felt disguised.

“Do you remember what happened? I'd like you to elaborate on how you got hurt, if possible. ”

“Before I do, I'd like to ask you two a question. ”

Mockhouram was a progressive attitude.

I didn't think it would be a question of trimming my voice.

‘What do you intend to ask? About the mission or why we're in China? ’

When he was clearing up the expected questions and answers, Huangzhou nodded.

“Tell me. ”

“…… you are silver advertising students. Is that correct?”

“Yes. This body and soul are part of a brilliant silver advertisement. I'm in the same class as you, in the first grade 0th grade. ”

Emperor showed his silver advertising student card as a hologram.

I turned on the device too, and I showed him my student ID, so his face was brighter.

“Do you know Mr. Violinist? ”

“Yes. The author is a silver advertiser. ”

“Well, then..... you two know about my muse! ”

I felt like something wasn't right.

Do you mean that the author is a muse?

No, if he had, he would have stayed in England with the eternal lake team.

Since you two knew each other, you could have contacted me if you wanted to.

The Emperor asked me the same question.

“Muse? You mean the author. ”

“No, your muse, Mr. Kwon, is a great violinist, but not my muse. ”

“Then who are you talking about?

His throat curls up his breath.

“My muse stands alongside a blue violinist in the dark, against a giant sea wall! ”

Is that Muse talking about Kwon Lena..!

It seemed almost certain, but I confirmed it by showing the collaborative footage of two people who had been posted holographically.

“Are you talking about this kid who came out here? ”

“Yes! This is him! Is my muse on the silver ad? ”

The mogul shoved his face into the hologram.

Was it really Kwon Lena?

It was not unusual for my playable character to be someone's source of inspiration.


“What is his name and age? If I go to school, can I go to school with him? Oh, doesn't he intend to play my talented violin? ”

Just as it was a lie to appear like a corpse in the arms of a mission, the thirst filled with energy.

I don't think I'm crazy about what I'm asking.

“Answer this question first. ”

“Yes, yes……! Understood! Tell me anything! ”

The voice fainted, and immediately after he woke up, his throat was rested.

I took a bottle of bottled water out of the fridge and asked the thirsty man.

‘Thank you!’ After shouting, I saw the Emperor jaw at me while he was breathing water.

I think it means I have to ask the question first.

“What happened before you lost your mind? ”

“Yes! Earlier this year, when I went out to the peninsula looking for Muse..... ”

It was before I lost my mind, but it's too old.

Raised his hand to stop the horse and narrowed the range.

“Tell me about a month ago, based on when you lost your mind. ”

He nodded his head gently and told me what he was going through.

I wandered the world looking for a source of inspiration.

When he spent most of his underwater money on his leisure time and music festival expenses, he found footage of a concert between Kwon Zein and Kwon Lena and headed to the Korean peninsula.

However, he said he had no money, moved on foot, and made some money by targeting the handouts that appeared in the middle.

“You can get an emergency loan from the Players' Association. If I asked the school for help, they would have helped me get home. ”

“…… Was there such a way? ”

His throat was shattered.

Is this violin craftsman very lacking in common sense?

There was one more part of the story that caught my heart.

“A player of the level to go to the silver commercials went on to subdue Enemies and didn't even earn a plane ticket? ”

“With bare hands, it was the limit of catching low rarity energies. ”

Something was wrong.

As long as it wasn't wanted, the prize for rare energies wasn't that big.

Still, it doesn't make any sense that I can't even get on a plane.

Let's point that out.

“Yes? Defeating R-class Enemies alone made it difficult to solve the night's sleep..... ”

The world has lived as a howler who doesn't know the water.

I don't know the exact amount, but I seemed to have received less than 1% of my share of the work.

“Please check all routes later. You will report to the General Headquarters of the Player Association. ”

“Oh, yes! ”

I don't know how good the Middle East Association is doing, but I've decided to do what I can.

The tearful journeys of Hogu Mokhouram continued.

“When we crossed the Middle East and came close to the Chinese border, we had a scout proposal. ”

“Scout? Where? ”

“I'm not sure about that. I told you to follow me if you want to hear more. I immediately declined. ”

The day after you declined the offer.

The thirst began to be chased by someone.

He fled with moderate endurance, but the chaser is increasing and reaching a level he can't handle.

And a moment of crisis.

“It's my last memory that I saw a black coat. ”

Hearing the story, Mokwuram seemed to have only grasped the situation before the mission intervened.

Huangzhou asked.

“On the first day of the raid, you destroyed the device you were wearing, and they're not normal. Any guesses about the raider? ”

“Something bothered me. ”

“Tell me. ”

“The pursuers looked a lot like each other. Three twins, maybe four twins... ”

“Did you see his face? ”

“I used all the Hidden Items, and under the Hidden Items I was wearing a mask. ”

I also liked the explanation that the pursuers resemble each other, but it was the last remark that concerned me right now.

When Emperor Huang saw the soothsayer, he raised his palm and emitted a bifurcated wave.


It was a rhombus shaped place with a mouthful of smoke, and it turned into a mask with only an open eye.

Whether the craftsmanship of the chief designer is expressed here or not, the form of the mask embodied by bipolar waves was extremely sophisticated.

Mokwuram admired and observed the bipolar smoke implemented by the soothsayers.

“Was it like this? ”

“Yes! Except for the colors, they match. ”

The eyes of the Emperor and the Uram shined sharply in response.

“Never seen the face of a mask, have you? ”

“No, I was lucky enough to remove the hidden item, so I only checked the mask. ”

It's a shame I didn't see it in there, but one thing became clear.

That the oath of the three knights is doing something.

The team was simultaneously involved with the raid on Mokwuram and the runaway incident at Chengdu City Player Training Center.

At that time, the Emperor confirming the device filled his tongue.

“One of the plans went wrong. ”

“What is it?”

“Do you remember mentioning a player who was fully trained in wilderness control during a sprint? ”


“I'm going to take care of the players who caused the runaway today. I have been unable to meet for a while. ”

I guess it wasn't one of them who caused the riot today.

Assaulted strangler, reckless player, someone blonde, the oath of three knights.

When I was organizing the information in my head, I was thirsty.

“Is the question over? Tell us about Muse as you promised! ”

A thirsty voice knocked down the empty bottleneck and said,

He took another bottle of bottled water out of the refrigerator in the room and gave it to me.

“The kid in the video is half our kid. ”

“We're half...! So, Muse is the same class as me? Can I meet you when I go to school? ”

“Yeah, I'm on vacation, so I might not be able to go to school. ”

“Yes? What is his name? ”

Chokwooram said in an increasingly stiff Korean language whether it was because he was too excited or not.

He plays a concerted video with his eyes fluttering with tears and continues to ask questions.

I replied with all my heart and thought.

‘I think I'll answer any questions you ask me honestly. ’

There was something important to ask Mokwram.

Similarity between the 'Fate of Anonymous’ and the Competent Violin item description.

However, I could not ask it in front of the Emperor and the hurricane.

When I returned, I greeted him again and left.




Sichuan Castle, the border between Chengdu and Yaanxi.

He stood straight between dozens of hardened bodies with his body torn apart.


Leeway walks with the sound of ice shattering to the back of the mission.

While he blindfolded with a black silk cloth, he twisted his body and looked at his face as if leeway was clearly visible.

“Leeway, where did you get hurt? ”

“No. Many of them were assigned by Mission. ”


As the taskmaster lightly shook the silk sleeve collar, the remains of the head were gathered in one place.

“I didn't mean to intervene like this. Because I liked the star of dawn more than I expected.... ”

The mission wrapped the masks that the bodies were wearing in common in black silk.

The masks were all the same shape, with rhomboidal holes in the eye area.

“I can't evacuate, but I want to help you spend the rest of your journey in peace. ”




After arriving at a hotel with newspaper members.

It was time to put your clothes in the room by yourself as an excuse to change.


Message has arrived.

The caller was a tax collector.

[Overwhelming] Oh, my God! Where are you now? Is it China? When are you coming?

My half children will know that I and Emperor are on their way to the newspaper, but suddenly, what happened?

Before asking what was going on, an additional message was sent.

[Thanksgiving] Help Hani!