Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School

45. If it does not rain in the brothel (2)

Nighttime, beaches on Zuo Island.

The shoreline that the Uchihuan party has raided is neatly organized.

There was no sign of a barbecue party on the wide open beach, and no one was on foot.

Yooseong-hoon walked to the front of the waves.

The weather was still harsh, but the wind blew a little beyond the sea at night.

“Let's sit down.”

Yooseong Hun opened the lid of the Pet Bottle Drinking Water from the refrigerator in the resort lobby and sat on the sand.

If I had seen Yooseong Hee or Jang Nam Wook, I would have nagged that if I sat like that, it would be sandy.

Unfortunately, I wasn't in a position to nag right now.

I sat next to him, about a step away from Yooseong-hoon.

“ ……. ”

Yoo Sang Hoon seems to be waiting for me to tell you, but I didn't think of anything to say.

Can I say I'm sorry I had a nightmare?

Shouldn't we also talk about the content of the nightmare?

Why don't you explain why I don't appear in my nightmares?

‘I can't talk about games or exclusive menu skills...! ’

I thought it was best for Irvermund, but it seemed to be an unfaithful attitude to the subject that made me have nightmares.

Seeing that attitude, I didn't think Yoo Yoon Hoon or Jang Nam Wook would like it very much.

“What kind of face are you making? ”

Yooseong-hoon turned his face and threw me a tougher word.

As Emperor Hwang pointed out during Morning Tea Time, I don't seem to be able to hide my face well unless it's time to fight.

“Nana Jang Nam Wook decided not to care about the dream anymore. ”

“…… huh? ”

“I'm not going to see that dream again. ”

When I heard the frozen sound, Yoohyun laughed.

“I don't care if you had that dream. It's because of you that the dream didn't come true. ”

It doesn't matter.

Is that what Jang Nam Wook and Yoohyun concluded?

Suddenly, I felt comfortable.

I felt suffocated a lot since I was inside the ‘replay’ function, and I felt comfortable breathing.

I felt sorry for Yooseong-hoon when I saw his attitude toward me as if nothing had happened.

“…… I'm sorry. ”

“That's it. I said it doesn't matter. ”

Yooseong-hoon said in a tone he really didn't care.

Yoohyun asked as he began to drink the only drink he had in his hand.

“What kind of skills did you use? No side effects. I was worried about Jang Nam Wook. ”

“I don't know about the side effects. ”

“You never had a nightmare? ”

“I don't usually dream. ”

“Jealous. Well, it's easy for a player to dream because a bipolar wave affects his brain waves. Sometimes I can't sleep well and get up in the morning. ”

Afterwards, I used to tell a pretty story every time I met her in the hallway of the school.

The subject of the dialogue turned into a sporting exchange with a military academy in the second semester one day.

I felt motivated to know that there was an urban background among first-grade students who were elected as basketball minister representatives from the military school team.

“I'm not going to lose to the same first grade. ”

“I'll go cheer. ”

“Come and cheer on all three games. ”

If a team wins two games in a row, it'll only be two.

Yoo Sang Hoon is expecting all three games.

It was time to say yes and go back to Sly Resort.

I felt something powerful coming this way from the other side of the Sacaman Sea.

He raised his body and said,

“Something's coming. ”


I don't think I've detected Yoohyun yet, but I pulled out a weapon item card following me.

Lot is taken out and skill activated.

Skill ‘Ahn Gwang’ has been activated.

His eyes widened with the sensation of the bipolar waves in his eyes.

In the dark, the Ho's eyes, which improve their performance, penetrate the flow and movement of the bifurcated waves in the dark.

And I began to see it coming from the other side of the sea.

Something was running over the sea!

‘Did you write the item? Or skills or madness? Or did you control the bipolar waves as a foothold? ’

I don't know who you are, but considering the power of the power you feel, it is clear that the opponent has the power of the faction.

I wondered if I could handle it.

Do I have to call the Emperor?.. Huh? That person.... ’

When approached enough to recognize the opponent's face with an eye view skill.

I turned the lot into a card, put it in the item window and turned on the device.

“What are you doing? ”

“I have a place to call. ”

Someone approached the beach at a frightening rate while Yooseong-hoon was puzzled.

Someone who ran barefoot over the sea with a slipper in one hand was walking out by the sea.

“Hello? Mr. Neighborhood, can I speak to you? ”

[Yes, what happened?]

“I found the one you're looking for. ”

Despite his ambitious perspective, Mr. Hannig quickly replied.

Meanwhile, the person who just appeared spoke to Yoohyun.

“Hey, haven't you seen half the kids? ”

The identity of the powerful force that crossed the sea was a strong wall painting.

Unlike his disciples who became wild zombies, Lee Yeon-hwa looked distant.




Teachers were well aware of how strong the leather boots were.

However, after the unidentified attack, the teachers decided to search the nearby uninhabited Indians and the sea.

There was no one in India who had run a boot camp with third-grade students, and only the finished food store remained, as testified by Wu Ki-hwan.

I heard good news from teachers who were searching nearby islands and seas with a group of two people, each consisting of half the wall and half the burden in case of an emergency.

A neighbor who received a call from God that he had found a boot spoke to a gun floating in the air with flying skills.

“Sir, let's go back. ”

“Yeah, let's go. ”

Somewhere I liked the idea of answering lightly.

I noticed that I was very annoyed to wander around looking for my boots without playing at night, and I noticed that one Saien was very excited.

"Since when?"

Just an hour after I started my search.

The dragon gun seems to have found something and flew somewhere by itself.

I came back empty-handed a few minutes later.

‘What happened? ’

During the accident, the solvent spray lightly fried his fingers.

Exactly! Paaah!

The solvent gun creates a space for one person to climb through space, and then touches the hammer.

“Let's move. Get in the space. ”

“Thank you.”

The hammer stopped the moment the solvent slipped onto the pavement.

It was because Yong Zhejiang had such a unique look on his face.

‘..... why is the teacher looking like that? ’

That ecstatic look was also notorious among teachers.

Yongzegun, a Hee Hee Hee Yong clan, played well with children, but sometimes it was too late to play.

I used to make that look all the time when Yongjae was doing too much.

Long life expectancy is well known, so I made a commitment to pay more attention to children's safety.




I finished showering in an empty room with a clean piece of jewellery and changed clothes.

It was compared to a third-grade primitive who didn't even know he was here to find a strong wall and was still sleeping.

Taking watermelon Aid out of the fridge in the lobby and drinking it, I had plenty of spare shoes.

“Teacher Lee Yeon-hwa, where have you been? ”

“Huh? Find a fugitive. ”

“The teachers said they couldn't get in touch..... ”

“The solar charging panel must have broken during the relay attack. Battery's gone. I can't take pictures, I can't SNS, I can't see my cute pupils! ”

Cute pupil?

The expression was decided to listen.

Among the teachers, Young Mi, who arrived first, asked.

“…… I can't believe I missed the kids that Soft was training for. I guess the Wukihwan students have grown a lot. ”

I cared about that too.

How did the Wukihwan party get out of the reach of that powerful wall?

“Oh, they're still a long time away! What I missed is that I was strangely heavy, so I couldn't help myself. It's better to take a break! ”

I guess I was affected by the attack on the frozen relay.

You're not even invincible.

But if you were addicted to bipolar disorder, would you just rest like that?

Although there is a portrayal that the player's or faction's ability to regenerate can unlock addiction status, the jewelry seems to be overly intact.

“So let's go in first. ”

“Yes, sleeping too late makes me weak. Sleep early!”

As a 'Genuine Understanding 1’ student in charge of Lee Yeon-hwa, I worryingly greeted Lee Yeon-hwa.

Most human beings are afraid that they will be weaker because they are weaker than they are.

Me and Yoohyun each headed to their assigned floor.

Behind my back, I heard old man and Yeomyeon talking.

“… so, what do you intend to do if you catch a class of 0? ”

“Huh? I'm going to do it as scheduled. ”

“As scheduled?”

Lee Yeon-hwa said brightly.

“We should continue our training until the end of the vacation. Plus the part they forgot while they were away. ”

It sounded crazy to hear a party of Wugi who was sleeping.




The resort had a safe morning.

While most of the kids, including me, spent the night out, the senior in the third grade slept well and got up just in time for breakfast.

The starving primitives rushed to the restaurant before they could open their eyes as if they had only waited for their meal, where they encountered the strong walls of the primitive generals.

Third-grade seniors tried to escape with a strange scream as they encountered the sun and snow, but were overwhelmed in an instant.

The primitive group was in danger of being dragged back to India because Lee Yeon-hwa wanted to run the boot camp.

It was the other teachers who dried it.

“We only have a few exams left, so let's take a break from our itinerary. ”

“I felt bad about the kids crying yesterday. It must have been hard.”

“Soften up, you should play. ”

Mr. Hamgyeong-dong, Kim Sin-rok followed by Lee Yeong-myeon, who seemed to have friendship with him, actively withdrew his clothes and broke his boots.

“Well, Ji-hyeon seems to be drying up too, so let's take a break! ”

After contacting Imperialization with the newly paid device, the third-graders decided to take a break, and the third-graders gave relief.

In the meantime, I felt like I was planning a desertion by looking at the gaps in the snow of the rainforest.

Of course, I wasn't the only one who noticed this.

“Instead, don't run away outside Juo Island and play. If you get caught, be angry.”

I don't know what it means to be confused, but Woogi immediately turned his eyes to the strong and showed obedience.

That third grade 0 class is more like a primitive society where the logic of power dominates the group.

“It's hard to figure out the schedule while doing that boot camp, and it's hard to get in touch. I intend to speak well during their stay here. ”

At the conclusion of the situation, Emperor Ho added.

You will need to watch the frozen relay and stop the mouth of those who targeted it.

‘I think if I speak well to Lee Yeongyeon, I will follow the rain. ’

Meanwhile, half of our children, who witnessed a series of events, behaved in an unusual manner.

“…… I envy those in the third grade 0 and a half. ”

“You seem to be training very hard, but not one person is missing! ”

“I guess you were with me the whole holiday. ”

“It'll be fun to train together. ”

I can't believe half the kids are jealous of third-grader seniors!

Objectively, you can only envie the attendance rate.

There were those who weren't jealous of third-grade seniors.

“.... Are you jealous of that? ”

“I'm still satisfied. I'm so happy. ”

Songdaemon and Mockoram saw Mingreen and Kwolena being cleansed, respectively.

Those two seem satisfied with just the two of them.

“What are the other kids doing? ”

When Kim Yuri spoke to himself, Emperor Ho replied.

“I know exactly where one person is. You might have seen his face, too. ”

“Huh? Really? What's he doing? ”

“Let me know! ”

I ate coconut kidney water that came out as a dessert and stopped and asked.

The Emperor floated a hologram.

The hologram floated on the player-targeted survival audition program 'Playlist’ home page.

Huangji then played a video.

“I think the first grade 0th grade student passed the screening and confirmed his entry to the main course. I haven't seen the preliminaries yet, but I've heard that I want to film my daily life at school in advance. ”

In the video that Huangji-ho played, the defeated king of pink hair, Solitaire, was dancing.