The symbol of the Demon King Sidelentium was the Crow.

In modern times, crows are usually treated as symbols of imitation and indignation, so the Demon King and the Crow look good together.

However, there were many who regarded the crow as a guide.

The legend continues to this day that the symbols of the British and London Tower are crows, and that if the crows leave the Tower, the Tower of London will collapse and England will perish.

Throughout East Asia, there was a trilogy of tales of birds carved in the upper part of the skyscraper called the symbol of sanctuary or the guardian of the village.

‘It was also the crow who placed the Orthodox Church between the Milky Way and the Caucasian River on the Chillstone to meet the elder and elder women. ’

There, the crow symbolized chatter or loud presence.

It didn't go well with the seedelentium, which is using bystanders and silence as a formula.

Of the constellations, when I think of the origin of the crow, I did so.

‘There is an anecdote that Apollon's pet with a silver collar misteased him and hung in the sky. ’

Nevertheless, the bystander and the Silent Mage King Sidelentium used a seal that shaped the crow's beak and feather.

The crow's seal in this labyrinth-type system was the same as that used by Sidelentium.


As I approached, the seal of Sidelentium changed shape, emitting a strong bifurcated wave.

The light with the seal of Sidelentium appears black, but it is like a feather of a crow, mixed with a lustrous green gloss.

As the bipolar waves became more frequent, I saw a translucent shadow wearing a crow mask of the same design I used.

It seems that what you can see behind you is using a skill similar to the Butterfly Spirit that you met in the underwater system of Seokchon Lake.

‘If you go to the seal of Sidelentium, the color of the crow.... It must be Sidelentium.'

Sidelentium glances over here.

I don't know what the intention is, but first I spoke.


― …….

In my greeting, Sidelentium pulls his tail and laughs.

Then I started muttering.

I thought about communicating, but I didn't think I'd be able to raise my voice.

Energy is inaccessible and the surrounding area is locked in static.

‘In the game, it comes in subtitles, and here you just have to read the shape of your mouth. ’

Mangem Flemago did not have voice support.

Now that all the lines have been subtitled, Sidelentium appeared in the game, but I didn't know he was having this conversation.

This is what Sidelentium said.

― You're not agitating. Did you expect it?

I expected to show up one day, but I had no idea I would show up now.

I'm very surprised, but is it because I recognize this situation as‘ in the middle of a fight 'right now?

It didn't seem to show well on his face.

― If I had carved my seal inside my crow mask, I would have expected that one day I would appear.

― After recognizing your existence, I watched you through a crow mask.

― Isn't the Demon King reluctant to watch you?

Seedelentium would have been looking at me when he acted in a crow mask.

It would be a lie to say nothing, but I didn't care because one of the damn old men was tracking the device anyway.

Rather, I was waiting.

But now was not a good time.

‘…… will half the children be okay? ’

If we delay time here, there may be injured children.

Of the children who saw it as' snowy ', the most endangered were the Moonlight and the Vortex, which fortunately had not yet encountered Enemies.

‘You can't show weakness. Even if it's a little late, we have to hide it. ’

I couldn't do anything foolish to reveal my weaknesses just before trading.

“That's okay. I have a suggestion for you. ”

― Yes, tell me.

Sidelentium moved more carefully and slowly in the game, but his personality was cooler than he thought.

Are you suggesting that the crow mask is a surrogate, not a Seedelentium?

Sidelentium added a few words when he didn't answer right away.

― There are limits to the extent and time to interfere with the secondaries by borrowing the power of the reserved kingdom.

― I am also annoyed to intertwine with the factions. I don't want to tell the tigers or dragons around you who I am. Come on, tell me.

The dragon gun has already noticed the existence of Sidelentium.

Considering the nature of the solvent, it may be a nuisance for Sidelentium soon.

Anyway, that pragmatic thought was something Sidelentium had to do.

I said, recalling the scenario I kept in mind.

“I need a guide to guide the machete. I want help from the Demon King. ”

Much has changed and fused since the earthquake.

The state stage of the Jinns became modern, but some did not.

The Celestials and the Demons.

There were some who came down into the world, but the majority remained in the celestial and astronomical systems.

The celestial system, the horoscope in which the celestial and the demonic exist, and their worlds and worlds have not yet fully converged.

There was only a ‘road’ that opened between them.

‘There's a chance I'll go instead of Joo-su-hyuk and Andaine. Even if you two go, we have to go together. ’

Joo Soo-hyuk and Andaine head to the machete without any prior preparation for solving any scenario.

The two protagonists met as protagonists and survived by the Demons' favor, but neither group was lucky.

― The Magical Guide. Do you know where the devil is?

“I don't really know. So we need the help of a guide. ”

I only know as much as I have seen in the game and I don't know as much as I want.

The heavens and the earth were unknown to the factions other than the Celestials and the Demons, and they could not borrow the help of the Ho clans.

To reduce sacrifices and hardships, someone from the Demons had to help them, and the only Demons in the game were Sidelentium who were able to make a 'deal’.

― What will you give me in exchange for wanting a guide?

I've secured that in advance.

I took an item card out of the item window.

Seeing the unique border design and color of a UR class item card, Sidelentium admired it with a small mouth.

― Wealth and Weight of Life!

What I took out was the wealth and the weight of life that was once transferred from the woman of the critique.

It erased human possibilities in exchange for user wealth and life expectancy.

3 riches and 3 weights of life handed over by the woman of criticism.

One wrote to save Park Seung-hyun on April Fools Day and banish the illicit entrants from the player world.

It's time to use one of the two remaining items.

― Instead of giving permission to replicate the original coin, I once asked the Lady of Scream for a recipe for this item.

― I can't use this item because it doesn't have a higher rank in the map. I wanted to have the original, but it wasn't given to me by the Lady of Scream.

Sidelentium used to tell this story in the game.

In the third grade, when Su-hyuk broke the fantasy auction and saved the overtime, Su-hyuk sought clues to the faction behind the coin and heard it.

― Good. I'll take the deal. However, there are conditions.

“Tell me."

My item window still had one more Wealth and Weight of Life.

I was going to put another one on it.

Although there is a third use that I was originally thinking about, it can be solved in a different way.

It was no substitute for a magician's guide.

― I want to check because I don't understand the principles and motivations of your behavior.

Principles of behaviour? Motivation?

How am I supposed to confirm that?

― I want you to clear this maze right now, as the biggest contributor to the attack.

I understood the intentions of Sidelentium at the time.

Sidelentium was only seen in the mask.

My mouth went up a very long way between the masks.

― This road leads to the next floor awaited by the boss Enemies, where the most vulnerable of the labyrinths are located.

― What are we gonna do?




Immediately after entering the relay.

Kwon Lena and Thanksgiving were left with only two.

I was surprised by the sudden drop in numbers, but the two of them coped calmly.

“Didn't you say that division doesn't happen in R class difficulties? The shape of the labyrinth is different from what you saw during the briefing. ”

“Targeting difficulty must have changed! I'll call the other kids first. ”

However, the device was not connected externally, nor with other players inside the relay.

I learned from my textbook about incommunicado cases, but I was embarrassed by this in my first practice.

During the first semester, the two of them were doing some exercises to find out about each other's fighting power.

In Van, no, in the whole silver ad, only two people were under attack.

Nevertheless, the two of them were worried about the other half of the children.

“What should I do? There may be children left alone. ”

“Hurry and join us! ”

The two stood back and forth, each with a forward and rearward boundary.

The labyrinth-type system usually had a low ceiling and blocked stomach, so I was forced to use my flying skills to move forward with my detector, insight, and memory.

“I'm glad I have a count. If I'd been alone, I'd still be around the entrance. ”

“Me too...! You can't use your flying skills, you can't use your detector skills like Lena, so you must be lost. ”

When playing a party with half the children in the usual relay simulator, Kwon Lena took over the rear.

Kwon Lena's combat skills are 'whipping'. Using a whip that is adjusted in length with a bifurcated wave, she was able to attack far enough.

But today I hold the whip shorter than usual and stand in front of the moonlight.

One of the skills of the detector, 'Enami Detection’, was used to play a postmortem role, and ‘Wind Technique’ was disadvantaged in the approach, thus protecting the Moonlight.

For the first time, the hand holding the whip was shaking.

“Wh-why did Lena choose whip? ”

I spoke to Kwon Lena to ease her tension.

“The whip looks hard to handle. Few people use it……. ”

I tried to talk more and stopped my mouth.

The words I was trying to change the mood seemed rather to reduce morale.

Whipping required a lot more strength than it looks, and control was tricky, and less damage was done to the enemy compared to the HP consumed.

Of the rewards found after the subversion, none of the players would have used whipping if it had not included whips.

Kwon Lena replied in a gentle tone before changing the subject of the conversation.

“…… You need combat skills to enter Silver Advertising? But I had no talent for barefoot combat like Hyodon or Han, and no natural combat skills like determinist. That's why I had to deal with the powerful weapon. ”

“Aha, you learned to pay for a silver ad. Did any of your middle school teachers use whipping? ”

“Hahaha, that's not it. Well... that's, uh... ”

It was a comfortable tone, but somehow I noticed it was hard to tell.

I tried to apologize and stop saying that I had made a mistake, but before that, Kwon Lena's words continued.

“My parents told me it was difficult to get a powerful weapon.... I was giving up, but my sister gave me a gift with the money I had collected part-time. ”

Kwon Lena briefly explained the process.

Kwon Lena's sister was a normal person, not a player.

Whipping is unpopular, and whipping among powerful weapons is relatively easy to obtain and cheap.

However, it was not easy for the general public to obtain expensive powerful weapons, but Kwon Lena's sister sought a whip for Kwon Lena.

“Whipping was self-taught, but it was enough to hit Enemies. I've just been whipping ever since. ”

Kwon Lena smiles with a completely relaxed face.

It reminded me of a slouchy sister who gave a gift with a blunt face.

It was when Kwon Lena tried to tell me more about her sister.


A few bursts of Yingyup around Kwon Lena.

Energy Detection Skill was an effect that was activated in a row.

I also sensed the bipolar waves and had a nervous face.

“Enemies. The opponent..... four. ”

Kwon Lena grips the whip as if praying.