The Emperor was looking at me.

To be precise, it was the uniform sleeve that was covered in blood.

‘I thought the recovery item was a potion type, so I wouldn't have to wash all the blood. ’

Compared to the amount of bleeding, it's not much blood on my clothes, but I don't know how.

The Emperor's voice was not so loud.

However, my playable characters and half of our children with excellent senses did not miss it.

“The smell of blood? ”

“Huh? Who's hurt? Recovery item?”

I looked right at my side of it.

Before the transfer was cleared and the entity lost, nine people were in the same place.

Soon after I joined, Emperor Ho sounded useless, so everyone would have guessed it was me.

Half the children's gaze poured towards me after the gun.

“Oh, it smells like blood. It's mixed with the smell of enamel. ”

Not as much as a tiger, but even a good nose stinks of blood.

It would not have been difficult to detect this, as the Blind Money has experienced several bloodshed incidents while fighting Enemies at the Fight Club.

“..... Doctor, are you hurt? ”

I was also injured and worried about my body before my body.

As I spoke, my face was getting fresher, but I thought it was because of the presence of the Red Dragon.

Do you think I was too injured when I sent the Red Dragon to the Moon Count?

“I was a little cut, but I used a recovery item. It's okay.”

“A little?”

The damn old man grabbed the horse's tail and stretched.

Hwang Ji Ho hasn't felt well since entering the labyrinth-type system, but now he seems to be in a worse mood.

“I think I've already used the Recovery Item. I don't think it's a school payment. Are you hurt enough to use a Recovery item of higher rarity? Do you think you can hide the smell of blood from this body? ”

Huangzhou said in a low voice.

“Even the smell of blood is disturbing, but what the hell did you do to her.... ”

“Kids, you've done a lot of work! ”

Emperor's words were buried in a bright voice.

Kim Yuri, who carded the lightsaber, was running this way.

Behind him, Jarod Lee, who was a close relative and authoritarian, was seen.

The children, who had no idea what to do with a cheap half-turn, greeted them ferociously.

“Glass has been a lot of work! …… Mr. Kwon Zhen! Hello!”

“I mean..... I had a little more difficulty with the attack, but how was the defender? ”

Children worked hard to change the atmosphere.

With half the good children responding so actively, the Emperor also shut his mouth.

In the meantime, he used recovery items for injured Kwon Lena and Moonlight, and he seemed to plan how to feed Kwon Lena for the rest of the weekend.

“Uram, it's been a long time. How are you?”

“Yes! I was doing well. ”

On the other hand, there was a dialogue on the Korean language for foreigners.

After confirming the martyrdom of Kwon Lena, Jared Lee immediately spoke to Mokhouram, and insistently asked for his regards.

‘Jared Lee was under the oath of three knights, so he must have known something about the assassination. ’

Mokwuram almost got assassinated while looking for a muse and travelling for nothing.

Mokwuram, who was also a hobo overseas, replied that he still has zero won, but Mokwuram seems to be the golden age of life now.

It was natural that my playable character was his muse, and he was part of the same class.

Jarod Lee retreated with a rebellious face.

“I had a lot of hard work in my first practice. I will have time to evaluate based on my contribution. ”

The target material was released by Mr. Ham, a player from SATK.

The final rating of the handover that our class targeted was found to be the SR + rating.

It was just below the SR + + class second-class tier, targeted by dragons and red lions at the children's sleeper baseball field.

I had a tired face with Kwon Lena.

“Somehow it was so hard! ”

“I never thought it was an R class, but it's too high……. ”

In addition to the "labyrinth," it was found to have a "composite projection structure" and "evolutionary," and the children who saw the word looked at the condiment.

“The more powerful you are, the harder it is to target. ”

“Ah... I think I heard your name in class. ”

“What, because it was a burden? ”

It's probably because of the old man.

It was also possible because of me.

However, he made no excuses.

Yongzegun seemed to be in a very good mood in contrast to Huangzhou.

“When I enter such a type of relay, I'm sure the difficulty rises. Maybe it's because of me. ”

Yong Zhejiang said something meaningful.

Mr. Ham hardened his face as he looked at the difficulty of the attack.

“I anticipated the possibility of increasing the difficulty of the attack, but I thought it was SR class at best…… I think I anticipated the low combat power of Mr. Soldier. ”

“It's not your fault. That's what I expected. There are a lot of variables in this world. ”

“Are you referring to variables? Do you have any specifics that you found in the solvent? ”

“I didn't see it with my own eyes. But for example…… yes. Who else could have been there besides us. ”

Yongzegun went through Emperor Ho and stopped looking at me.

Before Yongjae opened his mouth and said anything else, Song Dae-woong stopped talking.

“It's not a good time to talk about it in September. Check your contributions. Finish quickly and eat. ”


“That son of a bitch is a good talker because he's packed a lunch box. ”

Ming Green and Blind Money were tarnished, but Song Dae-woong was strong.

I felt like I had forcibly changed the story.

At first glance, it seemed like the Song Dae-Stone was as usual, but in my eyes it seemed to use advanced technology to spin horses.

Song Dae-Sook begged Min-green to be sorry, but he looked at me and the Emperor.

“…… then I will check my contribution. Briefly summarize the targeted process from a high order of contribution. ”

When the children were quiet, Mr. Hammyung developed a hologram.

The screens were ranked in ascending order according to the contribution points of those who participated in the successive attacks.

The maximum contributor is I.

After that, it was in the order of Yongjae, Huangji-ho, Hanga, Blind Money, Mingreen, Kwon Lena, and Thanksgiving.

I don't know if the damn old man took their share of the kids, but Song Dae-woom and Chok-Woom were zero contributors.

“Cousin, it's you. ”

The first batter was me, the biggest contributor.

I omitted all of my mining and complementary gold factions, Sidelentium, and only briefly explained the engagement process with Enemi, the travel route.

The neighbour who heard my explanation had a nasty face.

“Cousin, have you forgotten the basics of the labyrinth attack? I would have explained it during the briefing. ”

The fundamentals of the labyrinth attack are joining other players.

But I headed to the boss's room alone.

It's a pretty dangerous act, and I wouldn't have had a good face if half of our children had done this, not a condom or an emperor.

The teacher rebuked him with a loud voice.

“You've become the biggest contributor, but you can't praise it. We invite you to submit a report on the overview of this labyrinth-type handover, the targeting process, what to reflect on and how to improve it. ”

I decided to write a report without saying anything.

Behind me, I followed the explanation of the proposition.

Hang-dong's forehead was pointed at by the teacher when he said that the gun had run and smashed the wall in a straight line.

“I mean..... it would have been dangerous if you hadn't come. I almost got hurt. ”

“That's right! Uh, I don't know how you found out. ”

“That's right! What the hell are you doing in a maze? ”

Prior to what Mr. Ham said, Kwon Lena and Thanh Seon worked hard to shield him.

Concealing the story of the Red Dragon made me feel awkward, but I couldn't predict any more of Mr. Hammyung because the children were working hard on the handkerchief.

Huangjiho explained that he took care of the enome in front of his eyes and went to the place where the explosion was heard and joined the others.

“…… Next, take into account what is a practice, what is teamplay, and encourage them to act. ”

Mr. Hang-dong commented briefly that the contribution of Song Stones and Mokwuram to the eruption of Emperor Ho had not reached zero.

After that, Han and Don were praised.

The blind money seemed to be struggling because the teachings of the taxidermist were not ripe yet.

‘Just like I learned to run in the right position. ’

Even if you feel uncomfortable without speed compared to a familiar and clumsy pose, it will help you to be blind in the long run.

Kwon Lena and Moonlight were highly praised for their propaganda, but it was pointed out that ‘Emergency Escape Items’ came to mind late.

Mr. Ham finished his general review, emphasizing that he should never forget the existence of the item again.

Two contributors who scored zero didn't hear much, so they looked dead.

“I guess we're done the fastest! There's a message for completing the attack somewhere else. ”

“Wow, that's real. ”

I sat at a table set up within the park to eat and go to lunch.

By the time I found the luggage I left behind and pulled out the lunchbox, the other half of the attack was over.

Half and half are more people than we are, so we divided the people into groups A and B.

The 1st class A led by Andaine and 2nd class A led by Soo-hyuk ended the attack quickly, but each class B was a little late in the attack.

The largest contributor to Group B in the first class was an unknown name, while Group B in the second class was a very well-known name.

“Wow, you're the biggest contributor to the Breadshuttle? ”

I can't believe Moon Sae Theory is the biggest contributor to Group B.

Moon Saeron was most likely not focused on the target itself, thinking about knighting the first practice of the attack force.

Still, I didn't know that he would be the biggest contributor to the fight against silver advertising students.

“What's a bread shuttle? ”

“When I was in class for the first time before, there was a kid who had a crush on his conscience..... ”

His eyes turned to the word "bread."

“Breadshuttle navigation…… That's a good side job. I want to participate in the Smoking Scene Sneaking Exercise too! ”

Do I have to call that a business?

In any case, it was a good thing for those who helped to quit smoking in Yun-sup, so I said yes.

The lunch box menu was drawn towards the flour, except for the steam and rice brought by Song Daejeon.

Kim Yuri was a sandwich, Ming Green was a pizza, and Yellow Ho was a kind of bread.

“I didn't expect to bring frozen raw materials to the lunchbox! ”

“Where did you come here to grill that? ”

The ice box that the Emperor brought with him contained frozen denish pastries, ice cream and fruit toppings, and the mini oven had been prepared separately.

I doubted why you did such a hassle, but I didn't have anything to say because I split the freshly baked croissants in half and filled them with ice cream.

I ate a whole bunch of ice cream in elementary school, and my tongue was wider.

By the time the lunchbox was finished, the eternal lake team had played for about 10 minutes in commemoration of their first practice, and the other half of the children who were drawn to the sound came and shouted Angkor.

After about an hour of mini concerts, we decided to dissolve.

Some people seem tired, so I decided to go next.

“Jesus Christ, who else was there besides us? There was someone the player SATK couldn't detect, and I think that's why you overreacted. Is that right?”

I spoke in a convincing voice before the solvent broke up.

“Next time, show me your dragon. ”

The gun disappeared with a very excited face, saying something so quietly.

Immediately thereafter, the Emperor came this way after finishing the call.

Hwang Ji-ho did not laugh, but he was managing his face so well that he didn't ruin half the atmosphere.

“Then let's go. ”

I could not escape because I decided to come to Yeongmyeong-ho Grand House today.