Upon the support of the player's military academy.

Jan Nam Wook, currently the first grade rider and head of the rider's cheerleading squad, has listened with sincerity to the audience since joining the stage.

However, Jang Nam Wook's nerves were drawn to a stage set in the center of the main stadium.

Zhang Nam Wook immediately turned his back and looked into the main stadium using ‘Star Girl's Eye’.

It seems blurred to me that someone set up a shield or equivalent defensive measures in preparation for the White League or Cheonan skill in advance.

I couldn't check the stage, but Jang Nam Wook was convinced.

‘…… with this eye,' I can't see ’is actually a proof that something is going on in it! ‘

Zhang Nam Wook took off his glasses and limited the target to one after the city with the eyes of a star virgin.

At the same time as the sensation of bipolar waves, I started to blur on the stage.

The city after being seen between the stars just defeated all the staff.

Jang Nam Wook grabbed the cheering flag he was holding with a strong grip.

‘There really is a future there..! ’

It was not well known, but there was an urban aftermath at the centre of the exchange between the silver advertisement and the military high school.

The basketball match that served as the occasion for the exchange also began with an offer made by Urban Hu to Yooseong-hoon.

In addition, Urban Hu was part of the High School of Military Academies, but was also the brother of Sichuan Dowon Wu, the student president of Silver Advertising.

The aftermath of the city helped the Cadet Council and the Silver Advertising Student Council to communicate smoothly without exchanges or contact points.

What would have happened if the city after acting as a bridge had killed the Cadet and Student Chairman of each school in a sports exchange.

It was clear that at least two schools would not be able to interact again twice.

‘Your righteousness will be as you say. If something happens, it will be all due to posterity...! ’

It is very difficult to catch the evidence of this incident, which was also hard to see through the eyes of Jang Nam Wook.

There were many who were responsible for this, such as the guards and military school instructors, if the TC group refrained and the chief of the military academy was controlled by the Demons.

On the other hand, the urban aftermath was obsessed with the naval curriculum, and there was a lot of evidence of suicide.

Cho Yeon-shin predicted that the man behind this would use the deeds of the city after this.

― The opponent will complete the scenario that after killing the superior brother and the cadet in public with inferiority and stress, he committed suicide.

― I think I want a scenario where I planned the assassination, and I don't want to be involved in it.

The situation in the city, the disturbances that have occurred so far, and the situation now seemed to be the right thing to expect from God.

‘Sifu..! ’

It was when Zhang Nam Wook called out the name of a friend in a terrible situation.

Then, the mechanically moving urban posture stopped as if it felt the gaze of Jang Nam Wook.

The urban aftermath seems to be buzzing around.

Jang Nam Wook was immediately struck by the urge to pull out the city poster from under the stage.

‘.... You have to believe in Sifu and righteousness. If I get out of here right now, my conscience might fall apart! ’

It was for a moment that Urban Hu became sober.

As a player, it was difficult to keep the output of 'Star Girl's Eye’ to a certain level, even though she was still immature and distracted.

Meanwhile, the moment it became impossible to observe the aftermath of the city with Jang Nam Wook's eyes.

The urban aftermath began to move unnaturally, as if it had lost control of the body, as if it were being tied to a thread.

Urban Hu walked straight below the stage where the two student representatives were standing.


At that time, a warm, bifurcated mass struck the posturban face.


I felt the pain on the side of my face, conceding that the cadets of the rider, such as the City Hu, would always hit Jang Nam-wook.

After a brief yelling and gripping of his cheeks, the city sensed that the restraints were temporarily released.

The big-wave mass that struck the cheek of the city after the city disappeared in no time.

I didn't see it right, but the bifurcated mass, which was about the size of my fist, seemed to be in a new shape.

Something unidentified bothered me, but now it wasn't a problem.

‘My body is moving.....! ’

However, hundreds of strands of yarn were again trying to twist the city after the smouldering.

After understanding the situation, the city felt that it could not resist that speed and that it would be manoeuvred once the body was tied back to the thread.

What might happen if you were manipulated.

‘.... I can't let you do that! ’

Urban Hu triggered the wilderness.

A chain of light hovers around the city.

[Are you going to resist with that chain? Don't bluff. Your fantasy is useless as long as the target is not in sight.]

I heard a voice again just before I was out of my mind.

As someone said, it was only the stunned staff and the choreographers and cadets who were on the stage who were in the post-urban jungle.

It was not possible to use the wilderness for someone who had done the trick now.

But instead of confronting the words, the urban aftermath brought up the bipolar wave to use the wilderness to its maximum.

The Devil's thread did not reach the City Hu because of the chain of the Guangwoom that held the Yiseong Pa.

[There must be a limit to defending with Yiseong Wave. It's a matter of time.]


The chain, fully embodied by the Guangdong Forest, was separated from the posturban body.

And the chain, which once fell from the posturban body, moved back toward the posturban body.

Someone's alarming voice echoes the post-urban ear.

[No way...!]

A chain of bipolar restraints, drawn from the power of the city, swirls around him at a rapid pace.

It was after the city that the chains were tied.

The chain, which absorbed the bipolar wave shortly after the city, stopped moving only after restraining him tightly.

The chain causes damage to the body, but the aftermath cries out in agony.

“Now! I can't ignite the bomb, I can't use the madness! What are you going to do!”




Every playable character had something in common.

That no one gave up.

None of them held the hand of the black tent at the last moment or were frustrated and displeased with my destiny.

There was no one who would give up when he was powerless or when he believed in those who remained behind and sacrificed.

The last of the Playable Characters was the Baek Ho Army.

The Baek Ho Army faced the bad-end with all the maintenance left by the other playable characters.

I had my last playable character in front of me, and it was no wonder I had such respect.

I had no doubt that the words of the Baek Ho Army would be invoked safely, ‘the King said.

‘However, the player's trajectory time has been greatly reduced. Is it because the High Priest of Mashin confronted with spiritual domination head-on? ’

Only one post-urban wilderness was triggered, and the time limit on cards was greatly reduced.

But I couldn't save the wilderness right now.

I picked it out of Holster and held it in my hand so that I could use the 'Fate Without Borders’ item card at any time.

“Then let's go to the next place. ”

In my words, the Baek Ho Army nods without saying a word.




The process of exchanges between talent specialists was quite tricky.

The most problematic thing was securing a place.

In order to make use of the facilities on each school campus, more than four digits of students and audiences had to be brought into the school, and it was concluded that the security procedures took too long.

As a result, thousands of players decided to rent an acceptable facility for the exchange.

The silver mining stadium was constructed by Yeongdaemung Construction, and was perfectly equipped with countermeasures against player runaways and energies.

For that reason, the disconnection of communication with Yiseong Wave from the Silver Canyon Stadium was enough.

However, the priesthood of Avaritia was somewhat disturbed.

‘…… I also like the sudden addition of a choreography to close the roof of the dome. Who the hell blocked the communications? The Eye has become unusable. ’

The Demons had ‘eyes’ to observe the distance.

Activation and blockade conditions differed among the Demons, but the 'eyes’ used by the Demon factions belonging to the Priesthood of Avaritia were associated with communication.

This‘ eye ’, which mixes bifurcated waves with electromagnetic waves used for wireless communication, was so excellent that it could not detect the sight of the dragon family except for the existence of the dragon family or the western clan's whimsical senses.

However, there were also shortcomings.

‘Eyes’ could also be blocked as a means of blocking communication.

In modern times with advanced technology, there is very little wireless communication out of reach, but even humans can easily block it.

‘I couldn't even use the cadet who planted the seeds, so..... directly. ’

Suddenly, a horrible energy strikes and the priest of Avaritia emits a bipolar wave.

Bang! Bang!

The golden shield and purple poison burst out of the air.

The priest of Avarita, who was almost bound by the shield, fills his tongue.

I was cautious because I had just relied on my eyes to monitor the entire silver mining stadium.

I couldn't detect anything suspicious, but the opponent seemed to be sticking to it.

“When the solvent was blocked from communicating in the sumodo, I didn't feel the ‘eyes’ either. I'm sure there's a connection between communication and that annoying eye. ”

There was a guardian of the new world, the mythical Ho clan.

It was the Empress of the Thirties.

“You must have noticed everything. ”

“Yes. How far did you intend to go from the new station where I was a guardian? I've been looking around the audience. You came alone without fear. ”

He pretended to be at peace, but the priest of Avaritia took a breath.

‘Are there any other Demons in the audience? Since when did you know...! ’

I have identified a few annoying creatures among the existence of silver advertisements, including condiments, but I do not know where the alternate Emperor mixed in and moved.

The faction recognizes the faction, but the 'eyes’ do not know whether it is the faction or not.

So I couldn't figure out the empire that was mixed up among the audience.

‘It is foolish to deal with the Emperor in a new prison! ’

The Priest of Avaritia immediately went into intimidation instead of confronting him.

“If you don't let me go, I'll kill the audience. ”

“ ……. ”

The Yellow Ho opens his golden eyes.

Priest Avaritia had just moved as a staff and planted seeds all over the silver mining stadium.

I checked that the seeds were planted without problems, and I was sensing that they were still rooted and alive.

There were tons of good players in the stadium, but there were also weak players.

If they were to plant seeds and manipulate them, they were confident enough to cause casualties that they would never think about opening an exchange again.

“I didn't seem to know all my seeds, even if I checked in. ”

The Emperor did not respond to the words of the Priest of Avaritia.

I didn't know if the words were meant to be false or if they had other meanings.

The Emperor opened his mouth.

“I guess there's something I can't even see with that eye. Maybe I've already seen it with that eye. ”

That was a reassuring tone somewhere.

The Emperor seemed to be trying to leave something behind, and the priest of Avaritia seemed to be caught in it.

“Don't you know yet? The son of the Ship King knows that there are friends who see the truth, and among men there are those who interrogate all your shallow schemes and prepare for all kinds of cases. ”




The agitation of the audience seat gradually subsided.

In front of the entrance leading to the stage.

It was because someone in uniform appeared with a white bipolar wave.

Those who saw the mask he was wearing nodded and loosened their guard.

“Oh, the order of events must have changed a bit. ”

“I thought it would be better to do it right before opening the company. ”

“Yes…… if you think about the meaning. ”

First grade 0-and-a-half children recalled the event schedule and said:

Children who had not seen the itinerary in advance and children who had seen the itinerary before it was updated were still unaware.

“What? What changed? Aren't you going to play soccer right after the opening? ”

Song Daejeon, who only saw the old version of the itinerary, replied.

“What did you say in the description…… I was going to present a wallpaper ritual that embodied a scene of openness mythology. ”

Someone in a student outfit was wearing a white tiger mask and carrying a pure white sword.