[Yooseong-hoon] What did you do?

On the bed in my dorm room.

I lay down and floated the message window holographically, so I saw a long enough message that I doubted if Yooseong-hoon was right.

I would have analyzed Yooseong-hoon's intentions along with Jang Nam Wook's three-line greetings, but I didn't seem to be able to confirm the message because of the cheerleading and post-urban events.

So I'm acting on behalf of Jang Nam Wook ‘?’ I took a picture and blew an answer, and a surprisingly long message came out.

[Yooseong-hoon] You both left.

[Yooseong-hoon] Jo Kyun-shin from the beginning, Jang Nam-wook from the middle.

[Yooseong Hoon] Don't you have anything to do with the loss of communication just before opening the company?

Yooseong-hoon seemed to feel better every day.

During the opening ceremony, I prepared an excuse for the communication impairment that occurred exactly before and after the wall ritual.

Sports facilities that accommodated large numbers of people had to be shielded against sudden handovers, with R + + + grade shielding, such as bedside baseball courts for silver mining stadiums.

However, there has been a consensus that the national stadium should be upgraded to the SR + level and other physical facilities to the SR level in preparation for an unprecedented turnover since the Lock Room baseball event.

The problem was budgetary, but the upgrade of the shield was ongoing due to financial support, as announced by the next total number of Juo and TC at the ship's party.

In the case of the silver mining stadium, the construction was started under the initiative of the Yellow Pagoda Group, which used this point to announce to the outside that a communication failure was allegedly caused by a problem in the process of strengthening the shield.

‘There may be someone questioning you like Yooseong-hoon. ’

Even though Yooseong-hoon is not the only one to spread the word, this is deeply related to the personal circumstances of the city after the city.

I was just trying to change the subject by making a modest noise, but Yooseong-hoon hit the player.

[Yooseong-hoon] I didn't see you after the city, but you're not related to him?

At this time, Zhang Nam-wook, who had just confirmed the message, asked with a frightening attitude.

[Jang Nam Wook] Sanghun, how can you not know that?

[Yooseong-hoon] I thought I was going to crash one day.

[Jang Nam Wook] Ah...

Although the conversation was not unusual, I felt disguised in that the subject who led the conversation was Yooseong-hoon.

I also wrote a long message, and I didn't even notice that I was trying to avoid this topic.

‘Why are you suddenly doing this? ’

Before I asked you what you said, Yoo Sang Hoon sent me a message first.

[Yooseong Hoon] He said something strange about Yooseong Hee. Is that related to him?

[Jang Nam Wook] No. I don't have anything to do with Sang-hee's sister... What's going on?

[Yooseong-hoon] I told you to choose your career carefully. It seems like the urban climate is just bullshit.

What did Urban Hu say to my playable character?

Although the career choice story didn't seem to come out in vain, Yooseong-hoon's message became shorter and Jang Nam Wook's message became very long.

After dozens of lines of encouragement and propaganda about the basketball match written by Jang Nam Wook, Yoohyun decided to turn off the message window and check the other messages.

[Park Seung Hyun] (Photo)

[Park Seung Hyun] First match, first MVP!

In the photo, Park Seung-hyun and a first-grade striker were filmed today with the help of a one-goal MVP.

Immediately after the match, the first-grade striker was wearing a uniform and was wearing an MVP medal, and it was noticed that his hair was messed up after other players had shaved their heads.

Today's MVP was quite large in the first grade, so I thought that Park Seung Hyun, who was a little petty and somewhat timid, looked very familiar without the two in the photo.

‘In the game, Park Seung Hyun didn't have any friends like this. ’

Aggravated harassment does not only inflict distress on the victim, but also changes his personality.

While harassment is likely to turn into a defensive and introverted personality, Park Seung Hyuk in the game may have stayed away from the striker to keep his mind shut and avoid damaging his surroundings.

Park Seung Hyun took a long time to open his mind even when he stumbled into an incident in the second semester and didn't even pretend to know Su-hyuk in school if he was conscious of the illiterate who was harassing him.

‘I went to the Ji Ik Society and took good care of my thirst.... It's very different from the Park Seung Hyun I know. ’

As the April Fools Day incident was resolved, I felt that Park Seung Hyun had changed a lot.

After archiving the photos, I sent a congratulatory message to Park Seung Hyun's friend and a thank-you message to help him stay out of trouble.

The next message room I checked was about a first-grade striker named MVP.

[Lunar New Year] Today's MVP interview is on me!

The newspaper group's messaging room was updated with photos and interviews taken by each newspaper member.

During the opening ceremony, a first-grade newspaper member chose a photo to attach to the article, and he was happy because he didn't have a photo to throw away.

The photographs were largely distinguished by the stadium, opening ceremony, backhoe squad sword, playlist shooting, cheerleading and soccer matches before the audience entered.

Though they were thematic, it was not easy to decide what to put in the article and what to subtract.

[Moon Saeron] I think it would be okay to take a picture of the cheerleaders separately.

[Moon Saeron] I think all the players in the student council are popular, so if they sell, they'll be in line.

It was as Moon Sae Theory said.

Among the cheerleaders, my playable character, Vice President of Student Nominations, Title Hiroin Andaine, and others were full of perfect subjects.

[Moon Saeron] The biggest impact is the one who reproduced the wall of the Baek Ho in the Opening Myth, so I think I need to make a statement first! blah blah

I was struck by the words of Moon Sacred Theory.

My main playable character reproduced the mythical wizard, so it was not unusual to have a flower house, but it was not very desirable for the informant Munsaron to pay attention to the Baek Ho army.

The Baek Ho Army was not known to be a student of the Silver Advertising Group at this time.

Since Director Yeongmyung Ho insisted on adding a schedule quickly, the student profile with the sword was not raised properly. If the literature theory is dug, the processed setting might find a weakness.

I decided to change the subject.

[I] I'm going to put an interview article for Senior Kim Joon-Pyo, which picture should I put?

[Moon Bird Theory] Hulk, Nim Junction Strain Event Sweat?? I wanted to interview you about the playlist, so I stabbed you and you hit the iron wall! I'm sorry.

[I] said I don't take playlist questions. I don't think we should use the pictures we took on the air.

The subject immediately changed when I heard that I was interviewed.

After receiving the best cut recommended by Moon Saeron, I confirmed the following message.

The next message was a surprising one.

[Fast Chan Sol] Suspicious Deputy Commander, are you close to Van Gogomyro?

2nd grade 0th class captain, Geum Chan-sol spoke in a one-to-one message.

I don't know what kind of desire it is to have a conversation in a group messaging room with Wang Chan-sol.

‘Wang Chan Sol is having a difficult conversation? ’

I don't know why Geum Chan Sol is trying to sneak up on the story as a monogamy, but I decided to answer it on a line that won't be a problem.

Let's briefly tell him that I met him with the introduction of the Pyeongjun Fever. ‘ㅇㅇ That's right, I don't think he's very close.’ Only the strangely scratchy answer came back.

Two and a half grade seniors got caught in the middle of a public disturbance while trying to raid the director's office today, and they were robbed by a jackhammer, which made the accident circuit a little weird.

It was always weird.

‘The next message was sent by someone who had an incomprehensible accident. ’

The next thing I checked was a message sent by a strange faction who was whining to enter the device's address book under the pseudonym "Trick" instead of the external name "Sudol."

[Trick] I'm going back from England. Should I call it a gift? I've got two of those.

A gift is a gift. What's the same thing?

I cared more about what I said than what I said about gifts.

[Incitement] What am I going to do to celebrate my return? But I don't know if one would like it or not, and I think the other would hate it.

[Scheme] What do you think?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know if I like it or not.

I don't think so.

I don't know what it is, but I don't usually call it a gift.

An additional message came out at a time when I was busy thinking about whether or not to read and chew.

Don't chew after reading.

Have you been chewed by anyone lately?

Do what you say, 'I have no choice but to deal with the trickster quickly.' ’I replied with polite packaging.

I thought I'd do whatever I say.

Here was a message from the person who was blessed with the plot.

It's been a while since the sun went down, but I still seem to be working.

[Hongyubin] I just got a confession from a nursing officer.

[Hongyubin] You planted seeds in the body of a post-urban cadet and manipulated the test results.

Given that the tone of Hong Gyu Bin is considerably stiffer than usual, the interrogation did not seem to be as expected.

[Hong Gyu Bin] I'm still shutting my mouth about the person behind it.

[Hong Gyu Bin] I think I know the only officer who sent the name from this side. I'm asking for an amnesty in exchange for information.

[Hongyubin] You must know very well what happens when you hand it over to the military police.

If a player soldier has committed a merit-related offense. The law enforcement agencies of the National Army are not at all merciful.

It is a law that changes the weight of punishment against the background that a person usually commits an offence as much as a law enforcement officer does, and all player military offenders have been thoroughly punished under the principle of zero tolerance.

When Zhang Nam Wook, who is not a formal soldier, was taken to the disciplinary chamber, two three-star stars came out and barely pulled him out.

[Hong Gyu Bin] I don't intend to negotiate with the government to get an amnesty for this guy. It's not worth it.

[Hong Gyu Bin] Even though it's vague, I'm going to hand interest over to the military police one day.

[Hong Gyu Bin] I'll see you for the rest of the time.

Hongyubin said just cut.

I don't doubt the association's ability, but you might want to choose an efficient solution as long as the time is limited.

‘Maybe we should call an expert on torture. ’

Why don't you tell Hwang Ji-ho that Kim Shin-rok is involved in the interrogation process.

I sent a message to Emperor Emperor about that point, and the answer came straight away.

[Emperor Ho] What are you doing without rest?

Well, it sends a message.

I thought I didn't have to answer, so I decided to just move on.

The next message was from the author.

[Proprietor] How's Lena?

Kwon Lena has been staying in the eternal lake team building all weekend.

When I asked my regards, I felt like I had noticed that Kwon Lena was using her heart because of her period.

‘You probably knew about the fantasy auction. ’

I was moderately stubborn and sent a photo taken with half the kids today.

The author was very pleased to receive a photograph of Kwon Lena, but he was unable to hide his subtle emotions by looking at the photograph taken from the distance.

When my eyes were about to close, I saw a heartfelt message sent by a lonely faction.

[Octo Yeon] Eun-hyun.....

[Octo Yeon] Let's go see baseball next year....

Just moments ago, the network TC Knights cleared all Tragic Numbers and confirmed the fall baseball dropout early.

Since then, often at night, Octoyeon has sent a message to go see baseball next year.

As a mangem user who understands his foolishness and grievances, I send a message to do so and turn off the device screen.

‘There's nothing I can do to help you. ’

I immediately forgot Octo's message, but the conversation I had with the author was not easily forgotten.

However, I quickly fell asleep today without a dream, without thinking of whether it was a fatigue or a good idea.