The head of the Demons, who used the dialogue name "Sensitive Black Horse," was encountered twice in this world.

Once through the magic camp during the 12th Alliance Conference, and once through the Red Cherry.

The Black Horse persistently asked for the address of the Bland Money in return for saving the Devil's family.

"Let's see if we can find out that the blind money is part of the silver ad dormitory." ’I said, did I really come to see you again? ’

The Black Horse would have come for a silver advertisement to give pure goodwill to the blind money.

This did not make it easy to unravel the vigilance.

“Unlike the Yong clans, I can't be sure if they're traitors. ”

As the Emperor said.

Currently, the candidates for long tails are the Right, the Dead, the Demons, and the Progenitors.

In addition, only the head of 12 can visibly interfere with the jointly crafted shield.

If the Demons broke the 12th Alliance and betrayed the Ho Clan, it is the Black Demon who broke the shield.

“How long has the Black Horse been in the Silver Canyon? ”

“There is a trail until we approach the Silver Ad Shield. I don't know how much time I spent in Silver Canyon District. ”

“Can't you see? ”

“Yes. Unless you unlock the guardian's power, or unless the opponent uses a great advantage, you can't determine the movements of every faction in the Silver Canyon. Silver Advertising, etc. school premises can always be judged by the faction's approach. ”

Silver Advertising School's school grounds are about 500,000 square feet, which is fraudulent enough to detect, but it was a little sad that the entire Silver Canyon could not be monitored at all.

“Apparently, I don't intend to break through the shield with my strength, given the presence around the Silver Ad Entrance. …… I am requesting an interview with the blind money. ”

As expected, the Black Horse came to meet with the Blind Money.

“Did the Black Horse come without contacting the device? ”

“I'm afraid I don't have any contacts. Call the Magic Squad if the matter is serious enough to be contacted. There is no interaction between this body and the devil. ”

It didn't look good or bad with the Black Horse, but there was something strange about the contact between Sudol and Octopus that seemed really bad.

There was no exchange, so it didn't get any worse.

‘I don't know if I'm just here to repay the blind money or if I have any other intentions. But we still have to meet. ’

This is not a crisis, this is the territory of the Ho clan, and the power of the Ho clan was sufficient.

No matter what happens, you can easily take action and seek help, so even contact with a Black Horse is less risky.

The enemy can't miss it because it's a chance to weigh on the opponent with a risk.

“First, as Yeongmyeong-ho, I decided to make contact and come inside. I'm looking for a traitor, but it doesn't change that the Black Horse is now the head of a 12-story alliance. I intend to have a minimum of manners. ”

The Emperor seemed to have similar thoughts about me.

Only the natives know that the Ho 'ites caught a clue called 'Long Tail’ except for the Ho 'ites.

If you are too vigilant, this will show you the hand you have.

“However, I forbid you to come into direct contact with him. ”

“I've already met him. ”

After the typhoon passed, I went to Hong Cheung and encountered a black horse. I told the Emperor.

Reporting to the Iltu would be a nuisance to each other, but I couldn't help but confront the leader of a faction that might be a long tail.

“I know that. But I can't reveal that you grew up close to the Ho clan. ”

It would be strange if one student appeared as the head of the Ho clan.

It was not a good idea to reveal the relationship between me and the Ho clan to a faction that is likely to be a long tail, even if I leave it to encounter natives, dragons, and Westerners who are not likely to be traitors.

‘If you're in trouble, you might get the faction to take me hostage. ’

But why don't we use a different look?

The Emperor insisted as if he had read my thoughts.

“You can't wear a crow mask or borrow the appearance of a Red Wall Necromancer. ”

Suddenly, all the measures and excuses I had in mind for the word flew away.

His brain seemed to be bleached and his movements solidified for a while, but the damn old man immediately noticed.

“Hm, I just felt something fake. ”

Since then, I've done everything I can to maintain my peace.

All I could do was worry about the comfort of my playable character.

“..... let nothing happen to the blind money. ”

“Don't worry. ”




Recently, Wang Yun-sup has had the best peak of his life.

If someone asked me when the moment of glory was, I could confidently say it was now.

The Golden Age of Wang Yun-sup began with renovation.

― 1st and 2nd semesters of 1st and 2nd grade, 1 to 1 boss energy simulation! Release Time Attack Rankings!

In the first and second lines of the rankings published by Moon Sae Rong, there were names of the figures that anyone had expected.

Joo Soo-hyuk, who was named in the first row at an overwhelming pace.

Much more aggressive than the main revolution, but the battle is quite fierce.

This side happened from the next line.

― No.3 is the bread shuttle of an anonymous supernova we all know! Bread Yoon Seop!

― Hush?

― What, isn't it a machine error?

Wang Yun-sup would have gone over the middle, so I opened my mouth.

Everyone anticipated the simulator's computational errors, instrumentation errors, and so on, but after seeing the combat scene of nuisance in the recorder, they were all convinced.

― I thought he was a cyborg, but he wasn't.

― Hey, Bread Yoon Seop is being nice these days. Don't say that.

― It seems to have changed a little after being taught by Guru.

Wang Yun-sup, who came back from Taekwondo's hellish training, flew away in a body-wearing class.

Wang Yun-sup was a human with a stat on his body from the beginning.

In middle school, Wang Yun-sup was the top grader, but was vague when asked if he would go to silver advertising.

If Wang Yuan Seop's parents who were interested in their children's education had not hydrogenated the first factors of Korean high school entrance and analyzed the study patterns of Wang Yuan Seop to find the right lecture and plug it in, they would never have passed the silver advertisement.

"Still on the silver billboard! It's an extra pass, but stick with it. He's the same silver ad student as the chief or me. If you choose the subject well, you can avoid the subject of using your head……. ’

Even though he wanted to sweeten himself, he had rarely adapted to silver advertising, and his placement throughout the first semester was extremely dangerous.

Living attitudes were poor, and there were no students who wanted to mingle with their inferiority and qualifications.

If Joo Soo-hyuk in the same class wanted to cross the line, he intervened and mediated, turned the topic to change the atmosphere, and tried to mate with each other in a two-person mission.

Such a nuisance has changed through a meter during the holiday.

- You don't have to catch anything if you get a chance.

I was furious, but recalled what the goddess Jo said and broke my pride and became a full disciple of the Taekwondo Mountain with the ferocious money.

Blind money quickly became incomparable with itself.

Zinc was faint when I found out that there was no proper teacher.

He said he fought me by imitating the people on TV or those around him adequately.

Was the skill of that little earthy bastard a "fight"? But that's only a barefoot fight, and I lost to that son of a bitch! ’

In middle school, Wang Yun-Seop had been slaughtered in the preliminary round of the Taekwondon Twinning Championship.

I looked down at the tall, small, and sloppy blindspots, and as soon as I started, I fell down in a row with a twin halves of blindspots swayed by the dreadfully dug blindspots.

He didn't even use the ‘Fight’ skill, which is the fraudulent skill of blindness money, but he just imitated it by watching TV, so he was insane and delirious in his twin years of training.

― Double-crossing is fairly short range and relies to a lesser extent on the attack power of the weapon. If you don't fight using bare hand fighting type martial arts, you can't fight properly.

Despite the frustrating nuisance, the taxidermist said so, but the frustration continues and the motivation gradually breaks.

Ever since the attempted smoking in Hong Kong, the taxidermist has been more harsh and tried to escape.

However, once it was taken by the taxidermist, he could not escape.

Wang Yun-sup wept a lot during the candlelight ceremony at Juo Island, but she still cried a few more times.

Crying didn't change anything.

Young Mi, the mother and father of Wang Yun-sup, was very fond of the map of Taxation Mountain because Wang Yun-sup was neglected in the drastic teaching of Taxation Mountain.

The motivation was so dead, but the days of being dragged by force were repeated.

However, I changed my mind when I was converting.

I was motivated to die, but I was taught by the best teachers, so I didn't grow as much as I did with the blindness money, but I became strong anyway.

Wang Yun-sup grew up and began to recognize it around him.

In the simulator class, he retained a third and a half place, and in the first hands-on practice he was named the largest contributor.

― It's the biggest contributor. I thought it would fly in the boss' room.

― Hey, isn't Su-hyuk the next to get the tinnitus in our class?

― Group B in the first and second grades was similar to the pattern in the Great Open. You were lucky, weren't you?

― Luck is good in the player world.

With the disappearance of inferiority and qualifications in Wang Yun-sup, I was able to mingle with half the children.

Whenever I saw Joo Soo-hyuk or other good guys, the annoyance I heard disappeared, and I couldn't help but train Danny without taking a break.

After school, I went to watch a game of exchange with half the kids, but I had no experience hanging out with half the kids after school, making me feel very awkward.

It was time to head towards the gate in an awkward and awkward mood.


There was blindness before my eyes.

Wang Yun-sup suddenly felt choked.

In recent years, even if you don't feel inferior to people like Joo Soo Hyuk or Cho Shin, this little guy was the exception.

‘I keep seeing that son of a bitch hitting me right next to me, so I'm pissed...! ’

In the first second-grade offensive practice, the largest contributor in the first grade 0 class was an accomplice, not a blind man.

However, the largest contributor must have been the blind money if the blind money had targeted such a transfer.

I was more choked by a useless family, but once I was an alumni mathematician, I pretended to know.

A word came out from the mouth of Wang Yun-sup who did not know if he was a poet or a greeter.

“…… what are you doing. ”

“I'm going to the board of directors. ”

He replied indifferently, as if he had adapted to Sibizo.

“You said you were going to a football game. ”

“I'll stop by the board of directors and go. ”

“Why is the board of directors going? Did you have an accident? ”

He rolled his head for a while and replied.

“..... the leader of the Horsemen we met last time? I'm a black horse. ”

“It's not the horses, it's the demons. It's called the Black Horse, you stonehead. ”

“Oh, you did. ”

Blind money nods like it's really confusing.

He was feverish about the level of his qualities compared to this stonehead.

‘Wait, if that black horse..... ’

I came up late with the word Black Horse.

A wilderness of Hong Cheung messed up by a typhoon.

Takzan and Wangdao, who left themselves helplessly fallen and went back to rescue operations.

And the Black Horse, who thanked him for his blindness.

“ ……. ”

Wang Yun-sup walked past the blinding money.

One more word here would have exploded the ugly inferiority.

“Oh, right. ”

At that time, the blinding money summoned him to take a stand.

Wang Yun-sup looked down and said with a smile.

“Congratulations on being the biggest contributor to the last practice. ”

The smiling face of the blind money and the uncovered words contained pure kindness and celebration.

Suddenly, the unspeakable feeling of inferiority rose again.