Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School

51. General elections for student representatives (7)

Before moving to participate in the closing ceremony, the cheerleaders decided to wash once and change into a preliminary cheerleader outfit.

All the cheerleaders who planned and executed the sports exchange for almost a week were exhausted.

Nevertheless, all faces were bright.

I also left a regret, but it was more rewarding and fulfilling.

Yooseong-hee was no exception.

Yooseong-hee had the brightest face in the second semester.

"That idiot is an MVP. Twice! ’

All three basketball matches were cool, but the game was just the best.

Even though I said it openly because I was related to the city after I focused on Yooseong-hoon, I was very supportive of the image of Yooseong-hoon beating the city after shooting.

His younger brother, Yooseong-hee, became stronger and healthier, making his head thicker.

However, there was a young and frail time when I was waiting for Yooseong-hee's illness without any difficulty while walking around with my sister or sister.

‘I can't imagine right now. It doesn't have to happen again..... I hope you're still playing basketball or dumb in the future. ’

Yoo Sanghun suffered from a young cavalry and was weak in body. His favorite basketball didn't perform well.

Yooseong-hee gained a healing ability as a child, but was not much help in his brother's life as he was not of the age to use Gwangwoom.

Although he has been miraculously healthy since flowering, Yooseong-hee's heart cools every time he remembers the cavalry that Yooseong-hoon had.

I don't know how surprised it was when Yoohyun was attacked by the Jin clan while taking the entrance exam.

"If you get hurt on a subject that was a frail idiot, you're gonna get hurt. ’

When I saw Yooseong-hoon spill blood from his head against the opponent's elbow during his first basketball match, I was upset enough to want to powder his elbow.

Especially when I thought I was injured wrapping around a piece of garbage called Mingi, I still felt like I was rotting.

‘I haven't heard back from him in a long time, but he's been persistent. Umm... Do you want to play with it a little more? ’

Recall the dark past and stress builds up.

When I opened the device messenger thinking of what I would say to Mingi, Yooseong-hee's face hardened when I saw the new message.

The caller was a director of the TC Institute.

The idea of the Mingi disappeared from my head.

“Sang-hee. ”

Yooseong-hee raises her head in Andaman's voice.

Yooseong-hee cared and treated all the juniors of the student council, especially Andaine, who was also in charge of the class with Yooseong-hoon.

“Are the first-graders ready? ”

“Yes, I'm packing right now. The air shuttle will be arriving soon, so come with me. ”


I felt like I had been dumber for longer than I thought.

I was going to wait for the juniors, but I felt sorry for making them wait again.

Yooseong-hee sighs and walks down the hallway in front of the waiting room toward the entrance.

I didn't walk a few steps. Andane asked carefully.

“Hey, Sanghee sister...... Did you fight with Master Dowon Woo? ”

“Huh? With Wonwoo? No.”

I don't remember saying anything but greetings today.

Yooseong-hee stuttered her memory.

‘Was it your first basketball match? I got out while Wonwoo was trying to figure out something to talk to Sifu. ’

I remember catching Dowon woo and biting him before the two of you met.

“What else did Wonwoo do? ”

“No. … I think it's the other way around. ”

What did you do?

Then you didn't do anything.

‘Oh, Wonwoo wasn't ugly today. ’

During the sports exchanges, Dongwoo continued to be ugly, worrying about Yooseong-hee's health and relaxation more than other motivators or juniors.

The student vice president and cheerleader, who used to laugh and move on, put his fist in the abdomen, pretending to be a joke. 'It was enough to say.

Turning to what Andane said and what happened between John and the other days, it reminded me that Saddam Dowon was less ugly yesterday.

I finally smiled at the thought that my ugly friend was ironclad.

“Wonwoo was a bit calm. ”

“ ……. ”

Andaine chooses her words carefully, and eventually fails to answer, and nods very small.

Andaine seems to be worried about Dowon Woo's rapidly changing attitude, but Yooseong-hee is less worried and lightens her mind.

“Next week is the election period. Now that the term is over, I thought you might want to show me that you're also the student council president. ”

Starting with what Yoo Sang-hee said, the topic of the dialogue changed to the general election of student representatives.

He was pushed out of the center of the topic, but the candidate for student chairmanship, Ji Joon Fever, and his runner-mate were named after each other.

“I'm relieved that Joon Feng is in charge of the student council. Even though Joon Fever is busy with external activities, there will be no gaps in student council work if oral support is available. I believe that Joon-Pyo will be a much better chairman than a man who doesn't understand how he was chosen for his usual behavior. ”

“I think you'll be a good chairman. ”

I sometimes remembered a message that I had not yet seen in my head while looking at my friend's breasts with a smiling face.

Yooseong-hee's past, which was powerless, was still holding her ankle before graduation.

Thinking of the messages stacked on the device and the mail arriving at Yooseong-hee's house, the mood subsided, but the head was strangely refreshing.

‘.... When someone is nearby, it feels like the accident is clearing up. ’

I tried not to think I felt like treating juniors as air cleaners, but I felt that way strangely.


At that moment, Yooseong-hee's long head was salamander.

Akea, the healing god who led to Yooseong Hee and Guangwoom and Blessing, moved her bipolar waves and caused a small breeze.

‘Akea..? ’

Suddenly, why did Akea intervene?

Yooseong-hee continued his conversation with Andaman while questioning him.




Silver mining stadium with closing ceremony.

Join the kids who went to see ice hockey and we moved to the spot.

As we moved to our seats, we had a heated conversation about the match.

On the ice hockey side, it looks like there was a halt to the game.

During the game, the puck flew over the fence to the audience seat, saying it flew towards the head of the rock.

“Athletes hit the puck almost simultaneously, and one hockey stick broke without being able to resist. Because of that, I think the player who was aiming for the puck on the right side made a mistake in controlling the force. ”

“The first thing I noticed was Jiho. I think I left behind when I tried to bounce with my finger and saw that the marble was trying to strengthen my hand and grab the puck. ”

Mokwuram seemed to have an accurate understanding of her condition.

I haven't seen anything but the hoarseness of the voice, but I think it's true that even if I talk nonsense during a silver ad interview, I'm a good candidate to pass.

All eyes were drawn towards the Emperor.

“Hahaha! I wanted to see some skills. ”

That old man had a crisis with my playable character, and you let him see what he's capable of?

It's like a puck. I'm going to catch a rock and I'm not going to get hurt.

“So what happened? Nobody's hurt, right? Marble, are you okay? ”

“I wasn't right. Because of those lame bastards, Green... ”

“... I'm not hurt! ”

“Oh, let me explain. ”

Kim Yuri's question also explained that Song Dae-Sook and Min-green soon fell into the world of two people.

According to the description that followed, Mingreen got up and kicked the puck like a lightning bolt before Song Stones grabbed the puck.

The kicked puck was strong enough to stop the game until it recovered from deep into the ice link endzone, but Song Dae-woong was more worried about Mingreen's feet than about the link.

“Wow, there's a video of Green! ”

“Let's see! ”

“…… Do you really need to see it here? ”

Ming Green has turned small, but the image has already been played over the hologram.

Everyone was impressed by Mingreen's move.

At the end of the video, the linked puck was closed-up, and no one was interested.

Now that my playable character has presented such a perfect and spectacular kick, it was no wonder.

“Excellent. There's no clutter in the movement again. ”

“Oh, what a surprise. Quickly.”

“Green, when you kick..... ”

Hani admired the footage of the kicks in Ming Green White and asked how many times he operated the bipolar waves when kicking.

It was an extremely peaceful sight.

“I'm glad everyone's okay. Let's sit down! ”

Kim Yuri led half the children with a reassuring face.

On the move, the children asked if the newspaper lady and Empress Ho were leaving again.

This time, I prepared for the unattended shooting, and there was no demon raid, so there was no problem.

“So this time, you'll see it through to the end? ”

“Uh. At the opening ceremony, a senior newspaper director sent an unmanned drone to the location where the best cut came from. ”

I developed a closing schedule and talked excitedly.

Despite the mythical performances such as the sword of the Baek Ho Army, the closing ceremony led to a faithful construction that could not be thought of as a high school sports exchange.

The closing ceremony began with the performance of club members borrowed from strings, jaws, and pianos around the Silver Advertising Orchestra.

“Do you even have a protagonist in this show? ”

Kwon Lena didn't answer Han's question right away.

The face of Kwon Lena, who looks like a fool, is filled with fatigue.

"The kids who went to see ice hockey decided to vote. When Ming Green saw the footage, she sat next to the end of the month. Is that because of you? ’

I called Khonlena before Han spoke again.

“Sounds like a call. ”

“Huh? I mean... I'm sorry. Did you call me?”

Kwon Lena answered Hani's question late.

“You only participated in the preparatory process. Now that the Military Academy Sports Exchanges have started at the initiative of students, I would like to think about the spirit and, if possible, fill it with student performances. ”

I came back to Voulena with a story of authority.

Supporters and athletes entered during the ensuing play.

Unlike the opening ceremony, students dressed in pre-school uniforms and cheerleading costumes came in without having to cover their schools, athletes or cheering groups.

It seemed disorderly because of the mix of outfits, but I liked the plump at the end of the festival.

While I was in the position, I saw that talking to each other through exchanges became more and more familiar.

The closing ceremony was a spectacular firecracker that felt the money of the Emperor.

Teachers sitting on deafening stones under a firecracker that constantly adorns the silver mining stadium shook hands, and the good men and cheerleaders hugged or high-fived.

It was time to get out of the stadium with half the kids while enjoying the festival.

“You'll be busy again next week. Are you all ready? ”

“Oh, you mean the student general election? ”

Prior to separation, Kim Yuri took out the words that most children had forgotten and were about to forget.

“It's the midterm in a little while. ”