"This tea is delicious."

"... thanks"

A man named Rail Rain, who drank up tea, was once calming down. Me and Ellie are both confused, as things have just changed. I just feel this calm or his original temperament, too. What the hell would he be so disturbed about?

"Hmm, what shall we start with..."

With his hands under his chin, Rayle thinks of something. You know something about us, Poi, but what kind of story pops up?

"Let's start here. Why don't we both know about me, like?

Whatever they say......

Me and Eliza looked at each other and nodded at each other.

"'Cause I don't know."

The words, which overlapped beautifully, seemed to have whipped Rayle's body, and he began to spin it in a big way. Which is a big response. I think I need to be up to date on what I'm saying.

"Are you serious? It's me. That's Rail Rain, isn't it?

Which Rail Rain? Is that a rookie scam?

"Sorry, I don't know. I mean, I don't remember. When I woke up, every memory was flying."

"My memory was flying!? When did you wake up!? Where!? Why the hell!?

Don't come any closer. I'm going to get myself out and ask, so it's not too hot.

"I really don't have any memories. I also remember or forget the everyday basics. Of course I forgot everything about myself. Ellie is in such a state that she occasionally brings back old memories, almost no different from me. I mean, we're both beautiful. We've just forgotten about the past. So if you owed me money, I'm sorry. That's what I've done in the past, so please make it a charade."

"I'm fine because I didn't lend you the money...... Right or amnesia...... No, isn't that a little strange? You remember your name. [M] Mostly that's why I came back."

Oh, well. Was Rail here once in the afternoon? I came all the way back here because I had some decent purpose.

"When I finally got out of town, SS dropped me off. I thanked them that a good sword could be bought at" Erie and Kruln Blacksmith "and they corrected the store name to say it was" Erie and Krulli Blacksmith ". When I said surprise then...... I can build this many swords, and I'm gonna tell you Kurli's name, so I was wondering if this wasn't you. That's why I rushed all the way here."

"Uh, was that why? Actually, it's a name I took from a blacksmith named Kurli Helan. Wishing he could be an unbeatable blacksmith. That's why I'm not in person. I'm sorry. Ellie gave it to me because she remembers only a few things."

"No, it's in person!! You are Kurli Helan!! She's Eliza Doville. It's a miracle! I have such a miraculous name!? You don't, normal!!

Me and Ellie face each other again.

We both seem to have the same thoughts. I thought it was a rookie scam?

"When did you wake up? How did you end up in this land?"

"I woke up about three months ago. Someone named Moran brought us here."

"Moran...... Oh, an associate of that disturbance...... it's just the name of the man who was hired by the Helan family. He brought you all this far. But why hide yourself... Why didn't you tell us anything..."

Now I bumped and snapped by myself.

There's a huge difference in heat between me and Ellie and Rail from earlier.

I want to go into bed and rest now, with us, and Rail, whose blood rolled over and started tidying up his head.

I know he's working hard, but there's only one thought Ellie and I have about him. In the meantime, I want you to leave for today.

"Kurli, you can't possibly not know how much you people need for this country. As it stands, I want you to come back soon enough. He has a conspiracy too!? But that's a contradiction..."

Even if it's a novice scam, I want it tomorrow. I really, truthfully do.

Me and Ellie kept shooting at Rayle with a tender look at her as she rotated her head fully. It's hard to go home in front of business. So it's silent pressure. I don't think it makes sense.

"That's right! Kurli, did that Moran leave you any messages?

"Oh, you sure did. Mr. Polly taught me. I wonder what it was, 'they did their duty. I want you to live as you please when you wake up' I think that was the message"

"They did their duty..."

Rayle crushed the message that Mr. Moran had given him over and over again so that he could bluff my words.

And where the excitement had gone earlier, he sat back in his chair and asked calmly how this one was. Spin that gaze around the store as well. Drop your gaze on a cup of dried tea. He looked around the whole time and nodded nicely as he was convinced.

"Are you two happy now?

What a question to ask when you suddenly change... Even if they ask me about happiness, I'm a little in trouble.

I have a hard time running and going shops. Sometimes I can turn a hard gaze on Ellie.

But work is rewarding and fun. Aren't you satisfied with this life, while Ellie is also unhappy? If so......

"I want you to answer me seriously"

"Happy, I think."

"And Miss Eliza?

"Right, right there."

To Ellie and my serious response, Rayle now took a confirmation and sighed loudly.

Obviously disappointing. Is that it? Are you sad that we're happy? What a man. Go home already!

"It could have been a mistake for me to be here. Yeah, it's probably best this way."

It's a mistake that you came here. So leave already!

"Kurli. Do you know what I'm doing on my journey now?

"You're a doctor, right? That's a lot to talk about."

"Yes. Exactly. I became the doctor of my dreams. [M] I'm still in training, though. But that's not all I'm traveling around this country for. I have another job entrusted to me by the Prince: the search for two Kurli Heran and Eliza Doville, who disappeared three years ago after saving Helanese territory."

That seems to be me and Ellie. Me and Ellie saved Helanese territory? I felt like I was talking about something. Where's Helanese territory? I've never heard of it, so it's definitely the border.

"I honestly gave up somewhere. Even Prince Ark is. I thought you two might not be alive anymore. But Prince Larser and Iris never believed and doubted it. They said they were alive. That's why I came looking for you without breaking my heart..."

"Good to see you."

"Other HR!? Looks like someone else is in charge! Because it's about you guys!

"Oh well. Yes, I was. I've been trying so hard to tell you, so I followed you."

"Ha, but maybe that's enough. The words left by the man who said Moran, I feel the weight now. I didn't doubt it was for both of us to find out, to make sure we were safe, but maybe it would be happier for both of us to run a blacksmith here."

"Isn't it a nice place? It opens in the morning and closes at dusk. Oh, now the sun's gone down."

"Are you going home?!? I told you to go home in the dark now! At all, you know nothing. to the seriousness of things! I'm staying today! I want to get a lot of head sorted out, and I'll definitely stay! I'm not leaving!

"Bath third, please. Ellie's the first, then me, the last Mr. Rail, please."

"That's okay!? You can usually stay there."

"Well, let's go have dinner. It would be a hassle to make it now, wouldn't it?

Once the story shows the landing spot, Ellie gets ready to go out. He seems to be taking my clothes, too.

"Talk fast! It's completely different from what I just brought. We both would have thought about that all the time!

Exactly. But let's keep it to ourselves.

"You both have something you want to eat?

Ellie picked up some clothes for the outing. She heard our request.

"I'd like something spicy."

I kind of feel like warming up and resting with something spicy today.

"Uh, I think I'd like a seafood system."

Is Rail seafood? You seem to like refreshing things. Feels like I saw it.

"Well, let's go to a store today where they serve soy milk pans. The ingredients are in pork and mountain vegetable centers."

"Copy that!"

"Why!? Me and Kurli, I don't even have any shards of your request in there!? Kurli, why are you so submissive!?

"Because it's the usual"

"I haven't been laid on my ass in a long time!? Hey!!"

Well, that's fine. Ho, ho, look forward to it. Soy milk pan.