Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap!

Lucia, hold hands with Maria.

"Hey, this is the last time, and this tree won't purify together?

With a grin and an adorable smile, Maria has suggested that.

"The first tree is Lucia, and the next is me. If we're both called Virgins, we'll end up together, won't we?

And Maria takes over the words with a slight blur.

"He said he was going to do something with his friends, and he said he admired it a little... you know, Lucia and I wanted memories."

"I... I want Maria and her memories, too. May I join you, as long as Maria is here?

"You're asking me out because it's okay! No, no, no, no, no!


"Yes, please help Shiro."

I beg you to rub my body against Shiro, who begs me not to mix it up. I don't know what happens when you two do the purification, but in order for me to fall and not cause trouble, which is less magical than Mr. Maria's, I need Siro to help me.

"Nice to meet you"

"I'm the one."

"Kikyu ~!"

As Maria and Shiro pledged to work together, Erik, who had left a junction stone around, returned. There is no point in demons coming from egg fruits born in the Tenjing tree within the junction, but they say most demons can't come close if you set them up around like they usually do when you go wild.

"I'm done putting it down. Well, I don't see many demons anymore, so maybe it doesn't make sense."

"Do you investigate before purification?

"Yeah, I'll take a look. Well, it's" The Return Item of the Virgin Who Finished Purifying, "and maybe when the Purifying of the Tenjing Tree comes out,"

With his neck hanging, Erik-kun approached the heavenly crystal tree wrapped in black jaws. I would try to pull the leaves where I could reach them, but the way I saw them, the results seem inconceivable.

While doing so, Mr. Gaius and Mr. Ceres, who were hitting the perimeter alert, returned.

"Nothing in particular."

"Captain, the Tourf Troy I saw earlier, he's not even close right now."

"Right. We both had a hard time. All we have to do is Renate... oh, he's back"

The captain, who received a report from the two of them, nodded when he found Mr. Renate running from behind the trees. Now you have them all.

"It's tough!

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Renate, who came back out of breath, seems to have left his usual calm somewhere. When I pressed up the bridge of misaligned glasses while remaining slightly blue, I made a soothing report.

"A dragon is approaching! As you can see from this open spot a little further, we'll get there less and less!

"How many bodies?

"The hell. But it's an adult. It's the same black dragon that hit Aquilani."

Mr Lennart's report gives me a hard time around. Though dragons are ferocious, the number of individuals is not so much confirmed. It may just not be attacking people, but its destructive power has been proven in one Aquilani case. That dragon, which Mr. Ceres stabbed at the stomach, took the lives of countless people. Whether only the eight of us here can win.


In my arm, which lost its colour, a short silo rang. White dragon child, born of egg fruit born in the heavenly crystal tree of Killiest. Ciro doesn't see anything ferocious anywhere.

It seemed like I could hear my own heart. Shiro is harmless. Because I purified...

"…… Maria."

"Hey, what?"

"I'm sorry. Can I leave the purification of the Tenjing tree to you?

When I held Shilo back with my right hand, I held Maria's hand with my free left hand. Apply power to those hands that faintly sieve. I'm not the only one who's scared. Everyone must be scared. It's okay, I can. You can!

"I purify the dragon."


"It's okay, because calming demons, I'm good at it. You know that, right? That's what my power is."

I squeezed out my voice as I stared at Mr. Ceres, who had paid Slali and his sword out of his sheath. The eyes of the blue sky are looking at me. So I'm not afraid. Because I'm not alone.

Your Highness said that the Virgin of this world is me and the Virgin of another world is Maria. I'm supposed to be the one who purifies the celestial tree.

Certainly the thing about this world is that it should be completed in the person of this world. But at the same time, the meaning of the existence of the two Virgins could have been something like this. The Virgin who purifies the Celestial Tree and the Preservation of its Virgin. It doesn't mean which is which. With the help of the Virgin of another world, it was possible to summon, perhaps, in order to fulfill the purification of the celestial crystal tree more safely.

"Maria purified the heavenly crystal tree, and I purified the demons. You can do it. Shiro will be there, and there's nothing you can't do."

As Ms Lennart reported, the sound of wings striking and trembling strongly at the air and the bumpy gusts rocked the trees. At the same time, a black and disastrous figure appears in your sight.

"Let's go, Maria."

"…… right. I'm coming!

In my connected hand, my strength caged again. We are not alone. So we can fight.

"O Heavenly Crystal Tree, the foundation of the world, light unto thee:!!"

"" Chavon:! "

When Maria and my voice overlapped, the rainbow light ran and dyed the area.